
Gracie spent the morning in her pajamas, looking online for baby furniture. Sipping decaf coffee and eating a blueberry scone on her bed was a good way to distract herself from the confrontation she’d had with Sebastian last night. She fully expected him to call her first thing this morning, but it was already eleven o’clock and the phone hadn’t rung once.

She clicked on page after page of cribs and dressers, of high chairs and strollers and all things baby. It was clearly daunting. She’d always wanted a child, but now with all these choices in front of her, she definitely had homework to do. At some point she would take a class on parenting and childbirth. Gosh, her tummy rumbled in excitement and a little fear.

Though Sebastian Wingate had played a role in her fantasies from childhood, it was a mere silly young girl’s dream. Gracie wanted the kind of unconditional love her parents had had for each other. It was clear Sebastian didn’t have feelings for her.

And the fact was, she really didn’t know him at all. Was he the man of her childhood fantasies or the mystery man who’d swept her off her feet and made love to her? How often had she thought about that one wondrous night with Sebastian, and the wild woman she’d become in his arms? It had been so out of character for her, to have sex with a stranger. But the pull between them had been strong. Undeniable. Uncontrollable. He’d given her an unforgettable night of mind-blowing passion.

And a baby.

She had to think about what that all meant.

She was still processing it when her cell phone rang, jerking her out of her musings.

Her stomach ached. This was the call she’d prayed wouldn’t happen, but as she dared a look on the phone screen, Lauren’s face popped up. The breath trapped in her throat slowly escaped and her shoulders slumped in relief. Lauren Roberts was her friend, and now they were business partners anticipating the grand opening of The Eatery in just one week. The restaurant was almost ready, the staff hired. Lauren was an amazing chef, someone who’d started a food truck business that kept her hopping. Now she was selling those trucks to commit to one place, and one man. Sutton Wingate, Sebastian’s identical twin brother. The couple were head over heels in love and planning a wedding, but she wouldn’t hold that against her friend. Sutton was actually a pretty cool guy.

“Hi, Lauren. I was planning on meeting you in a few hours at The Eatery. What’s up?”

“Uh, that’s why I’m calling. Something’s...come up, and I was hoping you could come by maybe a little earlier?” Her voice squeaked. “I’ll make your favorite lunch. The baby will like it, too, I promise.”

Lauren seemed unusually anxious. “I have no doubt. You wouldn’t have it any other way. Let’s see, I could be there by noon. Does that work?”

“Yes, thanks. That’ll, perfect.”

“Lauren, is everything okay?”

There was a short pause on the other end of the phone. “Yes... I think so.”

“We’re still going to go over the plans for the grand opening, right? I have some ideas to run by you.”

“Y-yes. We’ll do that. Uh, okay, gotta run.”

Gracie held the receiver long after the call ended, thinking her friend sure had acted odd over the phone. She’d find out what was going on once she saw Lauren face-to-face.

A few minutes after twelve, Gracie unlocked the back door of The Eatery and let herself in. She passed the small room where Lauren and her sous-chefs would taste-test new items on the menu, then walked into the state-of-the-art kitchen. After the appliances had been installed, she’d teased Lauren that their sparkle and shine could blind a person when they walked in. Even now, she could smell the newness of the place. “Lauren, I’m here,” she called out.

Lauren walked in from the main dining room, wearing an apron. “Hi,” she said, out of breath.


“I was just serving your lunch at your favorite table.”

“You mean our lunch, don’t you?”

Lauren’s face colored to a rosy pink and she reached for both of her hands and gave a squeeze. “Gracie, we’re good friends now, aren’t we? And you know I value this partnership very much, right?”

Where was all this coming from? Lauren seemed super serious and it worried her. Gracie nodded. “Of course.”

“Good, because I really care about you.”

“I care about you, too.”

She heard someone walking into the main dining room and glanced out the kitchen doorway. “I didn’t know Sutton was meeting us for lunch, too.”

Lauren closed her eyes briefly. “That’s not Sutton.”

Gracie dropped her friend’s hands. “What?”

“It’s Sebastian.”

“I don’t want to talk to him right now,” she whispered in a rush. She wasn’t ready; that was why she’d sent him away last night. The last thing she wanted to do was speak to him face-to-face. Seeing him in the flesh confused her even more. Because he was undeniably handsome, and when she looked at him, memories flashed in her mind. Of him kissing her, caressing her, making love to her like she was the only woman on earth. It had been so good between them—being totally in tune with her body, Sebastian had given her the best night of her life. But she feared him, too, because he could interfere with her plans for the baby. He could change everything. And that worried her.

Before she could utter another word, Sebastian walked into the kitchen. “Don’t blame Lauren. She didn’t want to do this. Honestly, it took all my powers of persuasion and then some to convince her to help me.”

She glanced from Sebastian to Lauren. “Did he hold a gun to your head?”

Lauren smiled softly, her eyes filled with compassion. “No, just a baby. Gracie, I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

“ know?”

“I do. Sebastian confided in me. And honestly, I think it’s pretty amazing.”

Gracie blinked. She was trapped by her friend’s good intentions. The truth was bound to come out eventually. She and Lauren had discussed their special masquerade ball encounters with each other. Lauren and Sutton had also met under the guise of a mask at the gala, and there’d been a case of mistaken identity between the twin brothers. But they’d fallen in love despite the mix-up, and now were embarking on their happily-ever-after. “But, Lauren, you took Sebastian’s side over mine. We’re supposed to be partners.”

“I didn’t think of it as taking sides. You both need to talk and you can do it here. In private. With no interruptions. Will you do that?”

She shrugged, defeated. “Only because I have no choice.”

“Okay, sorry. You two have some lunch together. And if you’re still speaking to me after that, I’ll come back and we can talk shop.”

Gracie tipped her chin up toward the ceiling, shaking her head the way her mother would often do when she was faced with a difficult situation. Both coconspirators awaited her response. “Fine.”

“Okay, well, I’ll disappear now.” Lauren gave a tentative smile. “Everything is set out and ready for you. I made your favorite, Gracie.”

“Thank you,” she said quietly. It was a really sweet gesture, one that might just let Lauren off the hook.

Gracie tried to ignore the earnest look on Sebastian’s face—the small smile, not of triumph, if she was being honest, but of optimism. He strode by her side, almost making an attempt to put his hand to her back, but then corrected the move. Smart man. She wasn’t in the mood to be charmed.

At the table, he pulled out the chair for her and she took her seat. Around her, unique Southwestern artwork decorated the top half of the walls, while ocean-blue glass tiles added color and light and sparkle to the lower half. Fresh and clean, a place for open minds and palates, The Eatery encapsulated Lauren’s vibrant personality to the letter.

“Looks delicious,” Sebastian said, glancing at the lobster roll bathed in a reduction of lemongrass sauce and paired with skinny fries and zucchini spirals.

“It is. Lauren’s creations got me hooked and I wanted to help her. When I worked with Beth, I’d leave the Wingate Estate at night and head over to one of Lauren’s trucks. Those meals were my go-to and I was never disappointed. I’m excited for her, for this place.”

“Yeah...about Lauren,” Sebastian murmured, taking a breath. “She’s a friend of mine, too, and I put undue pressure on her to make this lunch happen.”

“You have a rep for getting what you want.”

He let that comment slide. “So it won’t hurt your relationship with her?”

“I’m not happy, but her intentions were good.”

“I’m glad you recognize that.”

“Yeah, well, at least it’s one thing I recognized.” She stared straight into his eyes. How could she not know she was making love with Sebastian, when she’d dreamed of it so many times?

“You could say that about me, too,” he said. “Listen, I think we got off to a bad start yesterday. Can I have a mulligan?”

“Golf terms are so not persuasive.”

“Sorry. How about giving me a second chance?”

“I don’t have much choice, now, do I?”

“Maybe we should break bread together. That would be a start. Are you hungry? Or did you lose your appetite when you saw me?”

She laughed. Though she hated to, because yesterday he’d called the baby a mistake. But he had charm. What woman would look at him and lose her appetite? “I need to eat.”

“Yes, you do.”

They sat quietly and chowed down, and every once in a while, their eyes would meet. Sebastian had the most unique green eyes. She’d memorized the change of colors, in her head. Sometimes they were soft and pale like a shallow river, and sometimes they were probing and deep like a lush forest, depending on his mood or the color he wore.

Today he was dressed in casual, well-worn jeans and a white shirt, looking terribly handsome and manly. An unwelcome thrill scurried through her body while sitting with him, sharing a meal. They’d done far more than this as two disguised strangers, getting naked and making love in secret, giving to each other unselfishly. She’s never been that bold before, and her masked lover had encouraged her with his whispered words, his guttural groans. That, too, had been thrilling, but this? This was surreal. Ever since finding out that Sebastian was the father of her child, she’d been overwhelmed and riddled with confusion and deep emotion. And now she was dining with him, just like she’d often daydreamed.

She nibbled on her sandwich and picked at her baked skinny fries. Sebastian had already finished his food and was watching her. “Just to clarify,” she said, pointing a fry at him, “this baby is not a mistake.”

“I was the one who made the mistake, Gracie. I didn’t mean what I said yesterday.”


“So you accept my apology?”

“I haven’t heard an apology.”

He reached across the table and covered her hand, looked straight into her eyes. “I’m sorry, Gracie. I truly am.”

The instant he touched her, her pulse pounded and an electric jolt shot through her. He squeezed a little harder, closing his eyes as if...he couldn’t help himself. As if he felt the connection, too. He muttered an oath and she couldn’t blame him. They seemed to share something combustible. So it hadn’t been just the excitement of the masquerade, or the thrill of a clandestine tryst. Their attraction was as real now as it’d been that night. Gracie tugged her hand away, conceding that one touch from him was all that was needed to unravel her.

Sebastian stared into her eyes. “Do you forgive me?”

Oh, gosh. She didn’t want to. But her mama had taught her to forgive if the asker was sincere, and Sebastian’s deep green eyes spoke of sincerity times a thousand. Which meant she would have to give him the benefit of the doubt. “Yes.”

“I want to be a part of your life, Gracie. Part of the baby’s life. He’s my...”

“Don’t you dare say she’s your responsibility.”


“He or she. I won’t find out for a while.”

“I hope I’m there when you do.”

Gracie didn’t have a crystal ball and had no clue what the future would bring. After all, when she’d set out on a path to be a businesswoman and a mom, she hadn’t figured on dealing with the baby’s father. She was supposed to conceive this child by a medical procedure. But clearly, fate had other plans in store for her. “I can’t make any promises.”

His brows rose, and the softness in those green eyes vanished. “I’m not asking for promises.” His lips tightened, all color draining out of them as he gave his head a shake. “Well, hell...yes, I am. You seem to want to do this all on your own. Why is that? Is it because our roles have reversed, and you have the means to raise this baby all by yourself? Tell me, Gracie. Is that it? The Wingates are down right now and you’re a millionaire and so it’s okay to cut me out of my baby’s life?”

The chair slammed back as Gracie instantly rose from her seat. “How dare you accuse me of that!”

Sebastian lifted up, too, gritting his teeth. “Is it true? Are you too damn independent and stubborn to realize that the child deserves two parents in its life? Even if one of them is broke.”

Fierce anger bubbled up and she let her hot Hispanic temper fly. “You have no clue about me, Sebastian. You never did.” And maybe that was the problem. All those years she’d spent looking up to him, admiring him, measuring all men against him, even when he’d never given her a second glance. Oh, what a fool she’d been. She was the help, or rather the child of the help, and she’d always felt she wasn’t good enough to be included in his inner circle. But to accuse her of that very thing was wrong on all kinds of levels. In her heart, she was still the same girl, minus the money, of course, that she’d always been. A girl who deserved to be loved for who she was inside and not for any other reason. “This conversation is over. I’m leaving. Don’t even try to follow.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”



Gracie marched out the back way, and right before she slammed the door, she heard Sebastian mutter, “Ah, crap.”

That was exactly how she felt right now.

As well as remorseful and angry and ten other emotions she didn’t care to name.

Is it okay for me to return? Lauren sent the text to both him and Gracie. Apparently, his brother’s fiancée was an optimist. She’d believed one sit-down would do the trick. And had been thoughtful enough to give them privacy to talk, arrange a delicious lunch for them and set the atmosphere. However, Sebastian had blown it, but only because Gracie had been unreasonable. She wouldn’t give an inch.

He’d texted Lauren to come back anytime. They were through.


Ten minutes later, Lauren entered The Eatery through the back door. “I’m back,” she called as she walked into the kitchen. She faced him at the stainless steel sink. “What are you doing?” She looked at the dish towel in his hand.

“I’m cleaning up. It’s the least I can do. I messed up your meeting with Gracie.”

“I heard.”


“Gracie and I had a brief conversation. She’s not happy with you.” She eyed the dish towel again. “Give me that.” He handed it over. “For heaven’s sake, you don’t need to clean up.”

“I wanted to do...something.”

“Well, talk to me. Gracie didn’t go into detail, but she said you and she—”

“She rattles me, Lauren. I mean, I look at her now, and I see the woman I can’t stop thinking about. That night we spent together was...” He wasn’t a kiss-and-tell kind of guy. “Let’s just say I’ve never had such a hot night, never felt such an instant connection with a woman.” He wanted that Gracie, the one who wasn’t so damn proud and stubborn. The one who’d given him the best night of his life but whom he couldn’t go after, because he’d labeled her off-limits. And now he didn’t give a damn about that. He wanted her...and the baby.

“Was it because you didn’t know who she was?”

“I won’t say that didn’t play into it. But there’s more to it than that. I mean, it was crazy good between us, like two live wires touching. And afterward, I racked my brain trying to figure out who she was, but I never came up with an answer.”

“And Gracie never came to mind?”

He shook his head. “If I’m being honest, no. I’ve always been attracted to her, but for years I pushed those thoughts out of my head. She wasn’t ever an option. She was Beth’s employee and a good friend for one, and her father worked for us. So I put her completely out of my head. And then at the meeting yesterday, she dropped some papers and we both bent down to get them. The scent of her perfume, the smell of her hair, the closeness we shared, clued me in.”


“Yeah, wow.”

“I heard it had been pretty amazing between you two,” Lauren said. “Gracie didn’t go into detail when we spoke of it in the past, but by the way her eyes would glow and her voice would become breathless, it was special for her.”

She touched his hand. “What did you say to get her so upset?”

Sebastian sighed. “I got angry and hinted that she had no use for me because my family has been dragged through the mud.”


“Okay, I accused her of it, but only because I was frustrated. She wasn’t giving an inch, and well, I’m not used to being at loose ends like this. I’m glad our name has been cleared, but it’s unnerving trying to hold on to Wingate Enterprises. It’s been a struggle, but we’ve managed to retain most of our US holdings, and then a beautiful masked woman comes into my life, bringing some brightness. And I find out Gracie’s the one tying me up in knots, buying the Wingate Estate and carrying my child. It’s a lot to handle.” Sebastian’s gut tightened.

“I’m sorry the meeting didn’t go as we’d hoped,” Lauren said. “But I’m afraid you’re going to have to fix this on your own. I risked my partnership and friendship with Gracie by going behind her back. I can’t do it again.”

Sebastian squeezed her hand. “Don’t think I’m not grateful, Lauren. You went above and beyond. My brother’s a lucky man, getting a woman like you.”

“Thank you for saying that. So what are you going to do?”

“I’m not sure yet.” But one thing was certain, he wasn’t through with Gracie Diaz yet. Not by a long shot.

“Mom, thanks for coming over,” Sebastian said, looking at his mother, who was dressed impeccably in a pastel plaid blazer and beige palazzo pants of the finest material. Her hair was up in her usual fancy bun. There was not a hair out of place on Ava Wingate, ever.

“Hello, Sebastian. How’s my son today?”

He smiled and kissed her cheek. “I’m fine, Mom.”

He led her into the great room of his rented house, and they both took a seat on the couch. His mother was usually a dynamo, someone with incredible energy and gusto, but he’d noticed her slowing down. She seemed worn out lately, and this past year, learning she’d been deceived by her trusted friend had taken a toll on her. Keith Cooper, who’d been his dad’s best friend, had been hopeful of gaining Ava’s affection after Sebastian’s father died. And when that didn’t happen, he’d ended up embezzling funds and nearly destroying Wingate Enterprises. Luckily, he’d been caught before the entire empire went under, but the fiasco with Keith had taken the wind out of his mother’s sails. She’d always been strong, the Wingate rock, a woman who always spoke her mind. But now, she seemed defeated in some ways, taken down a peg. It pained him to see it. “Can I get you anything, Mom? A drink? Something to eat?”

“I’m fine, but it’s clear that you’re not. I can see it in your eyes, Sebastian. Something’s troubling you.”

“Actually, I do have news.”

“More problems with the company?”

He smiled. “No, Mom. Everything is moving along well with the business. It’s not that.”

She sat back in her seat. “So then, it’s personal?”

“Yes, it’s very personal. And good news. At least I hope you’ll think it’s good news. You’re going to be a grandmother again.”

His sister Harley’s son, little Daniel, was four years old. But Ava didn’t know him too well. Harley had never really gotten along with their mother. She had left home to raise Daniel overseas and stayed away until just months ago, when she’d come back home and finally told Dr. Grant Everett, Daniel’s father, the truth. Now Harley, Grant and Daniel were a family and planning on moving to Thailand.

His mother’s mouth dropped open as surprise lit up her eyes. “That’s...very good news, I suppose.” Then her forehead wrinkled. “I didn’t know you were dating someone.”

Sebastian scratched his chin. “Yeah, well, about that... It’s a long, involved story and I only just found out myself a couple of days ago. But the bottom line is, Gracie Diaz is pregnant, and the child is mine.”

“Gracie?” His mother’s brows rose. “Why, we’ve known her for years. You never... I don’t think you ever gave her a second glance, Sebastian. Am I wrong about that?”

“No, you’re not wrong, Mom. But things change. And well, I’m afraid now things aren’t going too well. Every time we try to talk, I get tongue-tied, and it ends up with one of us walking away.”

Ava smiled. It was rare to see his mother look so amused.

“It’s funny to you?”

“No, not funny. But that’s exactly how your father was with me when we first met. He said I made him jittery. And either he’d lose his tongue altogether or say the absolute wrong thing to me.”

“Really? I never knew that.”

Though his mother always did come off as intimidating, and his dad might’ve been thrown by her strong personality. But it was probably more their powerful attraction to each other that caused his dad’s nerves, just like when Sebastian got near Gracie.

“So what’s the plan?” his mother asked.

“I’m not sure. She’s pretty set on doing this all on her own.”

“You have legal rights, son.”

He shook his head. “I’m not willing to go that far. At least not right now. I think she’s overwhelmed. And I don’t want to destroy whatever relationship I have with her.”

“You have a relationship with her?”

“Not at the moment, but I’ve got to fix that. She won’t answer my calls. Won’t respond to my texts.”

“Want me to speak with her?”

He studied his mother’s serious face. He couldn’t ask Ava for help. While well intentioned, she might just make things worse. She wasn’t the most tactful person in the world, but he knew she was trying hard to help her family and win them back. “Thanks, Mom, but no. I’ll manage. I do have a favor. Only a handful of people know I’m the father, so please keep this a secret. I don’t think Gracie needs any more pressure right now. Can I trust you to keep it quiet?”

“Of course.”

“I thought you had a right to know,” he said.

“Well, you’re more thoughtful than Harley was.”

“Mom, she was young and very mixed up.”

“Yes, I know. What’s important now is to keep the entire family together. And that includes the little one you’re about to have. Do you know if it’s a boy or girl?”

“No, it’s too soon for that. When we find out, you’ll be the first to know.”

“I would appreciate that. Tell me, what do you suppose Gracie wants more than anything?”

“What are you getting at?”

“You want something from her, so give her something that’s important to her.”

Sebastian paused for a second, deep in thought. She may have something there.

His mother rose from her seat. “I’ve got an appointment in half an hour. I’m afraid I have to be going.”

Sebastian walked over to her. “Thanks for listening, Mom.”

“You’ll be a good father, Sebastian.” She kissed his cheek and took hold of his hand. “I’m confident you’ll find a way. You always do.” Then she smiled again.

His mother had more confidence in him than he had in himself at times. With Gracie, things were off-balance and that flustered him.

And then a thought struck. His mother’s words came back to him. What do you suppose Gracie wants more than anything? She’d bought the house on the first day it went on sale. She wanted to live at the estate and raise the baby there. Damn, he did have a little bit of leverage with Gracie.

It was risky. It might backfire and he could end up losing everything. But he wasn’t willing to give up on Gracie Diaz just yet. He was drawn to her for so many reasons, and he desperately needed more time with her.

Bottom line? He had to try something and this was the best he could come up with.

Gracie had spent the entire week helping Lauren get The Eatery ready for tomorrow’s big grand opening. She checked on the menus, made sure the staples, supplies and all the orders were correct. Lauren was a pro, and what Gracie didn’t know about food service, her partner made sure to school her in with quick lessons. Gracie did know how to promote, however. She had taken out ads in Royal’s newspaper, paid teenagers to distribute flyers in the community and reached out to Lauren’s food truck fans to spread the word about The Eatery’s grand opening.

There were a few other investments Gracie wanted to look into. For starters, she was set on raising horses, to see her father’s dream come true. He’d worked as ranch manager for the Wingate family and often spoke of having his own ranch one day. And it was always her goal to start an event-planning business. After working with Beth on galas and charities, she’d caught the bug. She had a knack for planning, design, decoration and making her vision come to fruition. But today, her focus was all about Lauren and The Eatery.

“It’s all so exciting,” she said to Lauren. “And a lot of hard work. But I’m sure it’ll pay off.”

“Exciting and nerve-racking,” her friend replied. “This has been a dream of mine for a long time. I only hope I haven’t forgotten anything.”

“You haven’t forgotten a thing. You’re a pro and I know it’s going to be great. I’ll be with you all day tomorrow.”

“I appreciate that.” Lauren smiled. “You and Sutton have given me so much support.”

“You deserve it. You’ve worked hard for this.”


“Now I think we should lock up and go home and get some rest,” Gracie said.

“It’s only six.”

“And knowing you, your day will start at six in the morning.”

“You’re right. Let’s go.” Lauren wrapped her arms around Gracie’s shoulders and hugged tight. “The three of us need our rest.”

The reference to the baby immediately turned her thoughts to the baby’s father. Sebastian was making her crazy, saying the wrong things, and his last accusation had really rattled her. She’d always seen him as a kind, thoughtful, hardworking member of the Wingate family. Where was the man she’d crushed on for years? Was he gone now, taken over by someone she didn’t recognize or trust?

Later that evening, Gracie hung up the phone from her Realtor in disbelief. Last week she’d gone to his office to sign the necessary papers for the purchase of the Wingate property, hoping for a short escrow period. After all, the house was just sitting there empty. She was anxious to settle in and the Wingates were eager to get their money. Money that they desperately needed to build back their business. But Tom Riley had just told her there was a holdup. Or rather, a holdout. Sebastian was stalling. He’d given her Realtor one excuse after another regarding signing the final papers for the sale of the house. It’d been eight days already. Without his signature, the deal wouldn’t go through as planned.

Sebastian had her back up against the wall. He’d called her every day, and every day she’d put him off. Now he’d fixed it so she would have to call him. She could go through her attorney to get to the bottom of this, but Sebastian was well versed in business dealings. He knew how to get what he wanted, and she understood he wouldn’t cave until she spoke to him.

Gracie squeezed her eyes closed. All the man had to do was touch her and she melted on the spot. It wasn’t fair that he had that kind of power over her. She didn’t like not being in control...didn’t like not knowing which Sebastian she was dealing with. The decisions she would have to make for the future were too important, and she couldn’t allow her confusion and, well, yes, her desire for him to get in the way.

If that made her a control freak, okay, she’d own it. She had a baby to consider and she’d do everything in her power to protect her child.

So far, Sebastian had called their night together a mistake, making the child she was carrying a mistake, too. He’d accused her of social climbing, thinking so little of her that he thought she would actually push him away because of his recent lack of wealth. And now he was blackmailing her, for lack of a better word, by holding back the sale of the house.

“Not a way to win friends and influence people,” she muttered.

If she was a mean girl, she’d teach him a lesson and back out of the deal entirely, to call his bluff. But backing out would mean hurting all the Wingates, and she didn’t want to do that. It would also mean denying herself a beautiful place to live. She’d come to love the estate and had spent a lot of time there while growing up. To throw that all away because Sebastian was being obtuse didn’t seem right.

Her cell phone rang, breaking into her thoughts. She glanced at the screen and picked up immediately. At least Sebastian did one thing right—he called her. Just like he had for the past week.

“You do know you’re jeopardizing the sale of the estate,” she said to him.

“Hello to you, too, Gracie.”

“Sebastian, I know what you’re doing.” Her foot began to tap the floor.

“That’s good, because I don’t have a clue.”

“What are you talking about?” she demanded.

“I mean it, Gracie. I am jeopardizing the sale of the estate. Because that’s how much I want you. If things go sour, I’ll be sabotaging the company’s success.”

“I’m glad you recognize that.”

He huffed out a breath. “I’ve been trying to get your attention all week.”

“So blackmailing me was your answer?”

Blackmail is a strong word.”

“What would you call it?”

“I’d say it was...a subtle nudge.”

“Subtle?” She groaned loud enough for him to hear. “You are delusional.”

Determined is a better word.”

Gracie was tired of this back-and-forth already. He’d found a way to have things on his terms, and she hated that, but in order to move on with her life, she needed to hear him out. “Okay, fine. What do you propose?” Oh, boy, that was such a bad choice of words. “I mean, what do you want?”

“I think we should talk. The sooner, the better.”

“Why, are you afraid I’d back out?” she prodded.

“Maybe. Would you?”

“No, not unless you gave me a good reason to,” she answered.

“I won’t, I can assure you.”

Gracie sighed. “And can you assure me you’ll sign the documents?”

“Yes, I’m a man of my word.”

Maybe he was, but she didn’t like his tactics.

“How about we meet tomorrow?” he asked.

“Tomorrow is impossible. It’s the grand opening of The Eatery.”

“Oh, right. I forgot.”

“I can meet you on Monday.”

“That’s three days away.”

“Yes, and...?”

“Okay, fine,” he said grudgingly. “I’ll come to you. Monday morning.”

She closed her eyes. “Monday morning. And I’ll meet you at your office.”

He paused, clearly not happy, but he kept his tone neutral. “We’ll talk Monday, then.”

She could only push so far. “Yes, goodbye.”

“Good night, Gracie.”

His deep, low rasp brought an onslaught of full-body tingles. That voice with its beckoning tone did things to her. The attraction between them was undeniable, like nothing she’d ever felt before. She couldn’t quite separate the man blackmailing her from her childhood crush. It gave her a headache and kept her up at night. She’d been avoiding him for that very reason...kept waiting for her head to clear. Only, it wasn’t cooperating.

“Sleep well.”

“Same to you,” she whispered back, before she even realized her mouth was opening. Sebastian was masterful in so many ways, and even though she was angry with him, she couldn’t quite get the night of the masquerade ball out of her mind. His touch, his kiss, the way he made love to her. It had been surreal, and something she would never forget.

She had three days before she had to speak to him. She wouldn’t dwell.

Tomorrow was all about The Eatery’s grand opening, and helping Lauren realize her dream.