
My wonderfully wise editor at Center Street, Christina Boys, told me after Unsaid that “first novels are a gift in that they often find a way to break out of you whether you want them to or not; second novels take work and more than a little courage.” She was so right. I thank her for her tireless efforts on Just Life and her belief in this story. I could not have completed this journey without her.

With Just Life, I was very fortunate to be able to return to the remarkable people at Center Street and Hachette Book Group. In addition to Christina, my profound gratitude to publisher Rolf Zettersten for his support and vision. Huge thanks to Patsy Jones, vice president of marketing; Andrea Glickson, marketing director; Karen Torres, vice president, account marketing; Katie Broaddus, publicist; Billy Clark, vice president, sales; and Gina Wynn, channel director, sales for their extraordinary skill, integrity, dedication, and creativity. My deep appreciation as well to the members of the Just Life editorial, marketing, sales, and production teams, especially Melissa Nicholas, Katie Connors, Virginia Hensley, Tareth Mitch, and Jody Waldrup.

I am forever grateful to Jeff Kleinman and all of the folks at Folio Literary Management. Thank you for everything.

Many thanks to my colleagues at Proskauer and the brilliant people in the Labor and Employment Department for their continued support and friendship. I really don’t know what I would do without them.

More thanks to the teachers and families at HVWS for providing a community of boundless creativity, warmth, learning, and fun.

To all the animals who first opened my heart and then kept it open, I am blessed to have known you; I always received much more than I gave.

My gratitude to Liza Margulies, for her incredible photography, Chris Cassidy for his masterful videography, Adrian Alperovich for his always-sage advice, and publicist Laura Mullen for her hard work and guidance.

Thanks and love to my mother and siblings for their support, and to my dad for his pen. I miss him.

And to Amy, Isabelle, and Madeleine. You are the beginning, middle, and end of all things for me.