I thank Dr. Vincent J. Burke for originally suggesting this project and for recruiting Mary Persis Williams to work on it; I especially appreciated his patience as the project suffered many delays. I thank my current Columbia University Press editor Miranda Martin for her patience as the book was finally completed. I thank two anonymous reviewers for reviewing the book for scientific accuracy. I thank Kathryn Jorge at Columbia University Press and Ben Kolstad at Cenveo for their work in producing the book.
I thank my wonderful teachers in grades K–12 for giving me a sound foundation in science, especially Mrs. Helene in sixth grade, who took me on my first fossil-collecting trip to Red Rock Canyon. I also thank the great paleontologists who taught and inspired me, from my early career contacts with Dave Whistler and J. Reid Macdonald to my formal education in paleontology with Michael Woodburne, Michael Murphy, Malcolm McKenna, Gene Gaffney, and Bobb Schaeffer. Without their guidance, I would not have had the career in paleontology that I sought since I first learned about paleontology at age 4. From that age until today (over 60 years now), I never gave up, despite the difficult challenges of finding a career in this crowded profession.
Finally, I thank my amazing family: my incredible wife, Teresa LeVelle, and my sons Erik, Zachary, and especially Gabriel, who also wants to become a paleontologist someday. They put up with my long months at the computer writing this book and all the extra trips to the museums and the field to get photographs for it.