Over the last years, this soup has become something of a summer standard. Even my youngest daughter’s second-grade summer-activity book included a recipe for it to prepare as an August family project. Just as gazpacho is essentially a puréed summer salad, this is a similar cool and thirst-quenching version of melon with slices of cured jamón (see page 57). It’s simple, elegant, and refreshing (the pulp of the classic Spanish melón contains about 90 percent water), and offers a wonderful, surprising combination of flavors.
1. Slice the melon into thick wedges. Remove the rind and seeds, and cut the flesh into pieces. (The trimmed weight should be about half of the uncut weight.) Place it in a food processor or blender and purée the melon. There should be about 4 cups/1 L. Season with salt and white pepper, add the cream, and purée again until blended.
2. Pour the purée into a serving bowl, large pitcher, or jug and refrigerate for several hours, until the mixture is thoroughly chilled.
3. Preheat the oven to 350°F/180°C/gas mark 4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
4. Lay the jamón on the sheet and bake until golden and nearly crispy, about 10 minutes. (It will get crispier once it cools). Do not let the jamón darken too much, as it can become bitter. Transfer it to paper towels to wick off some of the grease. Once cool, finely chop it into shards.
5. Before serving, whisk the soup. Ladle or pour it into soup bowls and garnish with about half of the jamón shards. Serve with the remaining jamón in a bowl on the side to add as desired.