None of us is getting any younger, and you don’t want to have any problems adjusting to old age, so I suggest you practise being an old guy now. That way, when the time comes, you’ll be ready.
- Drive in the passing lane at half the speed limit with your turn signal on.
- Slump down in the driver’s seat so your noggin is completely hidden by the headrest.
- Dawdle aimlessly through the mall with your mouth open.
- Try to work your bowel movements into every conversation.
- Hike up your pants half an inch every six months. You may start to notice chafing in your armpits, but you will eventually build up calluses.
- Approach strangers randomly and tell them what they’re doing wrong.
- Turn that smile upside down.
- Walk with the fluidity and grace of a stepladder.
- Park your car by ear.
- Ride a charter bus to Branson, Missouri, and sit near the restroom.
- Explain how everything used to be so much better.
- See how loud the TV can go.
- Wear huge sunglasses.
- Shave your legs.
- Use the time it takes you to get out of a recliner to time an egg.
- Fall asleep during a porno movie.
- Have your pharmacist on speed dial.
- Don’t eat anything that has flavour.