
The Smartest Book wishes to thank the following people for getting this thing done:

Jennifer Canaga, my beloved wife, collaborator, and illustrator of this book. She does the research, plants the ideas, and anything cool is her doing. You are the Smartest Woman in the World. You are the reason. Eternally.

David Tochterman, the man who made this happen.

Matthew Benjamin, who drove me like a chariot. You are a mensch.

Elaine Wilson, who had to read this more than anyone.

Matt Belknap, for convincing me to do the podcast. You were right.

Ryan McManemin, for convincing me to do the podcast. You were right as well.

Lee Kernis, for managing.

Bob Voice and Nicola Hobbs, for always believing.

Hadrian Belove and Bret Berg at Cinefamily, for encouraging us to show pictures for the Greg Proops Film Club.

Troy Conrad, for being so cool and caring.

Andrew Strapp, for his generosity.

Linda Sawicki, for her perseverance.

Thanks for the love, way love you back: Ryan Stiles, Drew Carey, Doug Benson, Phil Beauman, Chris Hardwick, Nick Franglen, Tom Sawyer, Will and Debi Durst, Warren Thomas, Lauretta Feldman, Paul Provenza, Justin Edbrooke, Rich Super, Joe Rogan, Molly Schminke, Adam Carolla, Jay Mohr, Jessica Herman-Weitz, Jen Kirkman, Greg Fitzsimmons, Kevin Pollack, Jackie Kashian, Allison Rosen, Jeff Davis, Jimmy Dore, David Feldman, Ric Overton, Nick Jones, Alex Gaylon, Scott McGee, Dan Patterson, Tom Fineman, and Mark Leveson.

All the lovely kittens who have come to and listened to my podcast and given me more than I will ever be able to thank you for, you mean the world to me.

Kittens McTavish, I don’t need you. Thanks, but.

May every Paige you turn be a Satchel Paige, may every Bell that rings be a Cool Papa Bell, and if you must buy bonds, make sure they are Barry Bonds.