71 The Lewis brothers were enthusiastic nicknamers. Since boyhood they had been amused by their father’s ‘low’ Irish pronunciation of ‘potatoes’ as ‘p’daytas’. As a result, he became ‘The P’dayta’ or ‘The P’daytabird’—and now, with Warren in Sierre Leone, ‘Monsieur L’Oiseau Pomme de Terre’. The brothers had nicknames for one another as well. When I observed Jack addressing his brother in letters as ‘APB’ and being addressed by Warren as ‘SPB’ I asked what the initials meant. He told me that when they were very young their nurse, Lizzie Endicott, when drying them after a bath, threatened to smack their ‘piggiebottoms’. In time the brothers decided that Warren was the ‘Archpiggiebotham’ and Jack the ‘Smallpiggiebotham’.