to offer to keep me company. I didn’t deserve it.
I hurt him this afternoon, yet here he was, still supportive.
“You should be celebrating with the band. It was a great gig.”
“It was alright.”
“The applause was deafening.”
He cracked a grin. “Yeah, it was. Though that crowd would cheer on a foghorn by ten o’clock, they’re so knackered.”
“Hammered. Drunk. Three sheets to the wind.”
“Got it. Still fun, though, right?” Least I could do was try to cheer him up.
“As long as we don’t get booed.”
I shifted a little to face him. “Kit said you could use some better back-up.”
“She had a lot to say about working in that kind of lighting, and I got to play with her camera a little. It was cool.”
“Glad you had a good time.” He smiled at me, first I’d seen all day.
It still did things to my tummy.
The car stopped in front of his building. I paid the cabbie.
“Went to the market this mornin’,” Jacob said, unlocking the door to the lobby.
“How grown up,” I teased. It earned me an eye-roll.
He pushed the button for the elevator. “They finally fixed the lift.”
“Cool.” I hoped it’d been fixed well.
It opened on the third floor without incident.
Once more to 3B—had I been here since my drunken attempt to seduce him?
Insane that was only a week ago.
He let us in and set the guitar on its stand. “Thirsty?”
“Water’s fine. I’m going to use your bathroom. Promise not to make it smell like vomit.”
“Ha, ha.”
Whoa, he cleaned. Actually frickin’ cleaned.
The room wasn’t going to look new due to its age, but it was clean and tidy.
“It looks nice,” I told him when I came out.
“Couldn’t sleep last night.” He nodded to a glass of water. “Want a sandwich?”
“Maybe later.” I took the water and sat on his futon.
He went all out, toasting the bread, then using mayonnaise, mustard, and piling on cold cuts from three packages. Amazed me that man could keep a thirty-inch waist with how much he ate. He grabbed a bottled beer and brought his plate to the futon. The TV clicked on a second later. Sports channel.
Sitting quietly while he unwound from the gig, I watched him eat, the chewing motion making his cheekbones stand out. He wore a white tank tonight with an unbuttoned black short-sleeve shirt over it. The shirt had been absent during the concert, the girls in the audience drooling over his defined arms.
He only got more gorgeous with every year, and I wondered how long it’d be before he got mobbed by fangirls everywhere.
I wished I could doze off. It’d let both of us off the hook for making conversation.
“I still have the pics in my bag.” My bag was on my lap, so I pulled out the envelope.
“You left them last night.”
“Oh.” He took it from me, setting his plate on the coffee table.
“I ordered four-by-six prints. Normally get the three-by-five, but they’re kind of small for portraits.” Please stop me from babbling.
He started flipping through the photos, holding the stack by the edges. It surprised me he remembered to not leave fingerprints. It’d been two years since I showed him my work.
“A lot of me in here.”
I blushed. “You’re the only one I know.” Only one I wanted. “I know they’re not as good as Kit’s—”
“They’re fine, love.”
Fine… “Just fine?”
He let out a breath. “Actually, they’re pretty damn flattering.”
“I’m singin’ and there’s not a single shot where I look weird.”
“I had a good subject.”
He looked up then. “Beth, your timing and choices are excellent. You’re going to knock the professors’ socks off.”
“Don’t know about that. I’m still not as good as Mom.” If she’d be around long enough to teach me.
“You’ll learn.”
Reaching the end, he slid the prints back in the envelope and tried to give it back.
I stopped his hand. “Those are your copies.”
Now what?
He rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous gesture. “Uh, did you see anything interesting today?”
“Well, it’s all new to me, but aside from Kit’s blue and black streaks in her hair, not really. I just wandered. Listened.”
“Ah. What did the city say?”
I smiled. “That I cannot comprehend all its wonders in one trip and it’d be foolish to try. That includes you.”
He tilted his head, curious. “I’m a wonder?”
“Stop fishing,” I teased. “But, in that I feel humbled and inadequate, yeah.”
He frowned. “Beth, I’ve never thought of you as lacking. I’m just as flawed as the next bloke.” Sighing, he added, “I don’t get you sometimes. You simultaneously put me on a pedestal and point out my cock-ups, and it’s not fair. If you want to be with me, you’re gonna have to stop wrapping yourself in thorns.”
“Nice word image there.”
“I’m serious.”
I put my hand on his knee to stop him getting up. “I know. I’m sorry. The deflection is one of those thorns.”
He took that hand in his. “What are you so afraid of?”
Loaded question. “The shorter list is what I’m not.”
He persisted, tilting my chin up to meet his baby blues. “Enlighten me.”
“Oh, only everything that could possibly go wrong between us…and I mean every scenario. I’ve weighed them all for years. And that’s just with you. There’s the whole rest of my life analyzed up here, too,” I said, tapping my temple.
“You’re nuts.”
At least he said it with affection.
“Um, duh.”
He caressed my cheek. “You know I’d never deliberately hurt you, right?”
I leaned into his hand. “Yes. Though I don’t rule out me doing something to make you want to.”
He shook his head. “Revenge isn’t my style, love. Might put my foot in my mouth, but—
“I know. I can only think of one time you set out to hurt someone.”
“Don’t know what you mean.”
“Jacob, I know you gave Chad Cromlin a black eye.”
“He was lucky he never touched you,” he said, an edge to his voice.
It was almost a growl.
The protective fire in his eyes stirred my blood. “Only one man I want to touch me.”
His hand slid to the back of my neck. He gave me time to stop him from kissing me. I didn’t want to. Our lips touched, and a cross between a whimper and a moan escaped my throat. Facing separation for who knew how long, I was sick of excuses, rationalizations, and deflections.
He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around me. Twisting sideways on the couch was awkward, so I crawled into his lap. His fingers tightened their grip every time I sucked on his tongue. I slid my hands under his open shirt, caressing his shoulders.
“Missed this,” he said, before trailing kisses from my ear to my shoulder.
One hand held my ponytail out of his way, the light tension pulling my head to the side.
Normally, I’d protest being led by my hair, but Jacob doing it was hot. “Mmm…I’m going to miss you every day.”
“I’ll come to L.A.”
I gasped when he bit my neck. “Soon?”
“I promise.”
I pulled back to look him in the eye. “Gonna hold you to that.”
He grinned and kissed me again. When his hands trailed down to caress my legs, I slipped his shirt off his shoulders. my turn to kiss his neck and shoulders, the tank he wore displaying plenty of warm skin. I felt him relax into my attentions, until I sucked his earlobe between my teeth.
“I’m not teasing,” I said in his ear.
He gently pushed me back. “What?”
“Take me to bed, Jacob.”
His eyes widened. “Are you sure?”
I nodded.
He practically growled in response, kissing me fiercely, his arms tightening around me. His hands slid under my shirt up my back as I ground against him. I had the brief thought of what am I doing? before surrendering to his attentions and twining my tongue with his.
I wanted this, even if it was the only time I ever got.
He picked me up and carried me to his room.
The pace slowed once he set me on the bed. Maybe it was something in my face or body language…I didn’t know, but once he set me down, his touch became more deliberate, reverent.
He bent down on one knee to take my shoes and socks off.
I stared down at his bowed head. “Jacob…” I whispered.
He looked up and silenced me with his expression. “Do you know how much I’ve wanted you?” I shook my head. He tilted his head, speculating. “Well, I could tell you, but I’d rather show you.”
Grinning, he rose up to kiss me and gently pressed me down on the bed.
I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and arched my back when I felt him tugging my tee out of my jeans. He pushed my shirt up to the band of my bra and slid down to kiss my belly button. I squirmed. The kisses across my tummy tickled, but when he started upward, I held my breath, body tingling with anticipation.
He nosed the shirt higher and kissed the underside of my left breast through my bra, his hands caressing my sides.
“If you change your mind, tell me,” he said.
“I won’t.”
My whole body felt intensely sensitive and he’d barely touched me, yet.
He slipped the tee higher with both hands. I raised my arms so he could slide it over my head, then tossed it on the floor, his eyes zeroing in on my cotton-clad breasts. They weren’t special, or anything, barely a B-cup, and I closed my eyes.
It was easier to feel what he did than see it.
“Bethie…” His breath touched my lips before his mouth did.
Kissing was good…kissing I knew how to handle.
He rendered my mind silent, distracting me into not noticing his sneaky hands until they reached places, like under my bra. I gasped into his mouth at the feeling of his calloused fingertips circling my nipple. My bra sprung loose, his other hand having found the clasp in back.
He cupped my breasts with both hands, timing his movements with his kiss. Playing me as deftly as his guitar. Heat concentrated between my legs and I pressed my chest into his palms. The world could fall down as long as he didn’t stop touching me.
And while my mind went wandering again, he rendered me topless…
“Um…oh…” Whatever I’d been about to say flitted away when he sucked my breast. His teeth grazed my nipple, which I liked a lot. “Oh, God…”
He chuckled with satisfaction when he made me arch off the bed.
Sitting up to pull his tank off, he undid his belt, then slid it out of his jean-loops, tossed it on the floor, and came back down to me.
Oh, wow…
Skin-on-skin felt awesome, especially with how soft his was. The metal button of his jeans was cold on my tummy, and it clicked to me his belt buckle would have scratched my skin.
So thoughtful.
“My pretty pet… Feel good?”
“Don’t stop,” I said, and arched into his hands again.
“Look at me, love.”
I finally opened my tightly-screwed-shut eyes and looked down, my breath catching when I saw the sexy gleam in his gaze. There was no mistaking he wanted me. He was the predator ready to devour me all up, and…where was he going?
“You’re definitely not naked enough,” he announced, and undid the fly of my jeans.
Oh, God.
Thankfully, I shaved today. He slid my jeans down my legs and dropped them on the floor. Ran his gaze down my body.
Exposed, I wished I could dive under the covers without looking like a complete fool, and covered my breasts with my arms.
“Hey…you’re beautiful. Come here, kitten.”
He wanted me to stand?
I scooted to the end of the bed, blushing down to my armpits. He took my hands and pulled me to him, twining my arms around his neck.
“Been dreamin’ about this since you first kissed me.” He looked me over and shivered. “But are you sure? It’s only been a week and…I don’t want to lose you because you regret this tomorrow.”
His vulnerability touched me. For the first time, I knew I had power over him, too.
“I want this. You. It’s always been you.”
He revealed a dazzling smile and dipped his head to kiss me. I met him in the middle, standing on my toes. He hugged me tight as our tongues dueled for dominance, his hands splayed on my back. My desire simmering long enough, I snuck my hands between us and popped the button on his jeans.
Humming his approval, he picked me up and laid me on the bed, my head on one of his pillows.
“Hold that thought,” he said, and walked out of the room.
“Hey...” I moved the covers from under my butt and kicked them toward the foot of the bed.
He returned a minute later and shut the door, leaving us in darkness except for the faint glow of the city through his small window. I watched his jeans drop to the floor, then he crawled up the bed to hover over my thighs and started sliding my panties off.
Oh, God…
Okay, so I’d never done this before, and now Jacob was—
“OH!” I squeaked.
That was good. That was really good. Note to self: singers have dexterous tongues.
It felt too good to get self-conscious over his face being down there.
His fingers joined his tongue, gently sliding inside me, stretching me. “You okay?”
“Uh-huh!” My stomach tightened as my body got ready to soar off the cliff to bliss…and then— “You’re stopping?”
The bastard chuckled. “Only for a second, Beth.”
He crawled up my body and kissed me. I melted into the kiss, just like the others, my hands wandering with a mind of their own. He was built so beautifully, so strong, and hard…well, something pressing against my hip was hard.
My lover was smooth, too, though. I didn’t even notice he’d moved until he was nudging at my entrance.
“Let me in, baby,” he whispered hotly in my ear.
This was the moment, the point of no return.
Any further, and I would never forget this. Did I want to know how well he could love me? How it felt to be as close as two humans could possibly get?
My eyes opened again to see him gazing down at me, his expression naked, completely open. I didn’t want to cry, so I just smiled and moved my legs farther apart.
He kept eye contact with me the whole time until he was fully seated in my body. Kissing my, he started slowly rocking, like he didn’t want to pull away.
“God, you feel good.”
“You, too,” I said.
“Wrap your legs around me, love.”
I complied and my eyes rolled back when the new position changed how he stroked me inside. It was like we were made to fit perfectly with each other, the tension from my previous near-climax building again until my ears were buzzing and my skin prickled hot.
Then he slowed down again, taking longer strokes and driving me mad.
All with a look of adoration.
It was beautiful, he was beautiful, and I thought I could die. If this was my last moment, it couldn’t be any better.
“I wish I could stay,” I whispered.
“We’re here now, you have me. Always my girl…aren’t you?”
“Yes…” Always had been, really, so why stop now?
He sped up. I felt inner muscles tightening, my delayed orgasm near again. “Close?” He must have felt it, too.
I nodded, clinging to his shoulders. He slipped one hand between us and rubbed my clit. “Oh… Don’t stop.”
“Not gonna.”
It was too much, but I needed more…then my body arched off the bed and endorphins flooded my blood. I panted hard enough my throat was instantly dry.
He thrust a few times and collapsed on top of me, breathing heavily. “Damn…”
I giggled. Felt drunk. His face was next to mine, so I turned my head and kissed his nose. It was the closest part handy.
“Gimme a minute and we’ll go again,” he said.
I tried to reply, but all that came out was more giggling. He broke my brain.
He grinned the sweetest smile. “Can you try a coherent sentence, sweetheart?” I shook my head. My smile probably looked really goofy. He softly kissed my lips. “I’ll be right back.” He carefully moved away.
I watched him drop the condom in the trashcan next to his desk. Oh. Good thing he’d thought of one, as it never crossed my mind.
He got back in bed, pulling the covers over us, and wrapped his arms around me. My body was like a rag-doll’s, limbs flopping where he pulled me.
“Take a nap, Beth. There’s time.”
I snuggled into him. “Thank you.”