tutored by the kid. Got Mum off my back, too.
The mothers had met and seemed to approve of each other, so I was free to go to Bethie’s or have her in my living room. No closed doors, of course, blah, blah…like I’d be interested in a freshman. Sure, she had a certain cuteness, but a kid was a kid.
Two years in California and I still wasn’t used to the lack of seasons. I missed the chill in the air and leaves changin’ color. Here, they often just went brown before they fell off.
Wasn’t lonely, though…always been a popular chap and this school was no exception. Girls flirted and the guys wanted to be my friend. Soon as Mum stopped watchin’ my every move, I could have fun, too.
That day finally came for Halloween week and my first party with the new crowd. I was over at Bethie’s to rush through homework so I could leave.
“It’s the same time it was thirty seconds ago,” she said after I glanced at the clock. “Jacob, focus.”
“We’ve been through the concept three times. I’ve got it.” I stole a Tootsie Roll from her pile.
“Hey!” She slapped my hand. “Mine.”
“You have more than me.”
Her eyes rolled behind her glasses. “You’ve eaten more. I counted out an equal amount, Jacob. I’m always fair.”
“Let me leave and I’ll stop eatin’ all your candy.” I gave her the grin that usually worked on every female.
“Fine…if you come back tomorrow and prove you retained what I said.”
“Deal.” I smiled and gathered my books. “You’re the best, Bethie.”
I hurried around the corner to drop books, change, and grab my guitar.
Wished I could drive to the house, but Mum wouldn’t let me take the test, yet. Luckily she was out at some thing tonight and couldn’t check my work.
I stopped at the mirror, a truly handsome bloke smiling back.
“Hell, yeah. This is gonna rock.”
The bad-ass look and guitar were guaranteed chick magnets and I’d have to totally put my foot in it to not get a good snog tonight. Maybe reach second base.