Chapter 28

Sheriff’s Department

June 1

board he’d been using on an easel and stood back to observe it. A part of him realized he’d probably been a bit zealous, but for Emma, he wanted it to be an event they’d never forget. And with only a few hours until the big moment, double and triple checking his lists kept his nervousness at bay.

“Are you still obsessing over every little detail?” Rusty joked.

“Aye,” Killian nodded once, “I just …”

“Come on, Romeo,” Rusty waved at the board, “over the past few weeks, you’ve planned every detail as if you were solving a crime. This is a proposal. It’s supposed to be from the heart.”

“And that’s not what I’m giving her?” Killian felt his voice raise but was unable to help himself. “I’m trying to remind her of our journey. I just don’t want her to have any doubts.” He dropped back onto the table and ran his hand through his hair, “Do you really think I went too far?”

“Well,” Rusty raised a brow and pointed at the numerous lists, “music, movies, books …”

Which reminded Killian of another piece of his plan. “Is Rene going to …”

“Yes,” Rusty took back the conversation, “everything is planned. Thatcher and Maggie are covering the clinic, Sadie is taking Emma to the Foxy Lady, and afterward, Rene will be at Sally’s reading to Roland.”

“Good.” Killian couldn’t help scanning the board one last time. “But I keep thinking I’m forgetting something.”

Rusty laughed. “Well, if you are, check in with your geriatric spies. I’m sure they’ll set you straight.”

“Hey,” Killian chuckled. “The geriatric network is amazing, and during this time of year, they blend in easily. I’m sure Emma has no clue.”

“Right,” Rusty joked. “Because Rupert, Glynnis and Lois are so subtle.”

“Do you think she’s noticed?” Killian suddenly asked, something he hadn’t even considered.

“I’m sure you’re fine,” Rusty assured him. “Don’t worry so much.”

“Easy for you to say,” Killian sighed.

“Relax, Killian,” Rusty patted his shoulder on his way out the door. “Everything will be okay.”

“Can you guarantee that?” Killian grumbled as the other man disappeared.


Foxy Lady, June 1 10:00 a.m.

front of the Foxy Lady and before her fingers even touched the ignition key, she heard it. Music from the movie Grease, just like had happened numerous times over the past few weeks. She was tempted to stay in the car to see how long the song would play. But with Sadie giving her the evil eye, she took a chance and opened the door. And just like every other time, the music stopped.

“Any chance you heard that?” Emma asked as soon as she’d stepped from the car.

“Heard what?” Sadie frowned. “Janet scolding me for being late?”

“No,” Emma glanced back at her car, “the music. I’ve been hearing it a lot lately.”

Sadie linked their arms and started toward the salon, “Sounds like you’re overdue for that massage.”

Emma could admit she’d been a little distracted, but to begin to hear things ….

“Maybe.” Except something about that concession felt off.

Once inside, Emma followed Sasha toward the back of the salon. As she passed the waiting area, her attention was pulled toward one of the televisions, where the same song she’d heard in her car was playing.

“Sasha,” Emma thumbed back toward the television screen, “Grease? That’s not typical.”

Sasha nodded once, then resumed walking. “It was requested.”

“Requested?” Emma began only to realize she’d been left behind.

“Here’s your robe.” Sasha handed over the garment but, unlike other times, the shuttered look on the esthetician’s face didn’t welcome conversation.

Emma quickly changed and while she waited for Sasha, her mind kept going back to the music in her car, and the movie playing at the spa. Was she imagining coincidences that weren’t there?

“Anything new?” Emma tried to engage Sasha in conversation when she’d returned.

But Sasha only gave a one-word responses and continued spreading wax.

Is it me? Emma wanted to ask, but the whisper of what could have been her name had her tuning to the words of others.

… Emma …

Was that Sadie’s voice?

… doesn’t …

… know …

He ...

I ...

... charge ...

And Janet’s?

Are they talking about me or just talking?

“There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Sasha chirped.

The overly false voice threw Emma’s thought processes off. “What?”

“You should get dressed for your massage,” Sasha asserted. “We wouldn’t want to anger Janet.”

“Heaven forbid we anger Janet,” Emma grumbled.

When Sasha hadn’t moved for several seconds, Emma’s brows shot up. “Well?”

Sasha gave her a sheepish smile, “I’m sorry.” She ducked her head, and when she looked back up, her expression was once again neutral. “When you’re ready, you can wait for Janet next door. I’ll see you to … later.”

After she’d left, Emma didn’t waste any time taking her things to the next room. She was greeted by the light scent of jasmine, the soft sound of waves and a massage table already prepared. Once she’d placed her belongings on the counter, she climbed onto the table, lay on her stomach and waited.

The combination of the cool room and relaxing environment lulled her into a state of peacefulness. If she concentrated, she could hear the murmur of a voice and the soft sounds of footsteps, but the longer she lay still the harder that became. And then … silence.

Emma lifted her head just in time to see the small monitor on the wall come to life. But not with just any image. It was a scene from another one of the movies she’d watched recently. This one showing Zach lifting Paula, from An Officer and a Gentleman. Then just as quickly as it had appeared, the screen went blank.

However, before she could make sense of anything, Janet rushed in. “Sorry, I’m late.”

“S’alright,” Emma slurred, dropping her face back onto the table.

She could hear Janet bustling around, feel the cool breeze when the blanket was folded back, and smell the massage oil. And then firm fingers dug into her trapezius muscles on either side of her neck.

“You have knots,” Janet grumbled.

Emma grunted when Janet used her elbow to press on the knot as she worked to convince the muscles fibers to relax.

“There,” Janet let up on the pressure. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Not for you, Emma wanted to say, but it came out as a groan when Janet’s elbow found its way into another knot.

“Relax, Emma,” Janet encouraged. “You’re undoing all my hard work.”

“I’m trying.”

She focused on the sound of the waves coming through the speakers. And while it took several minutes, she felt her body melt into the table.

Janet’s touch had lightened when Emma heard the first buzz of voices through the wall.

... good ...

... tonight ...

I know ...

No ... surprise ….

It sounded like Sadie’s laughter and then nothing. And again, she was left feeling like the little girl on the outside who wanted to fit in.

“You’re done,” Janet declared briskly. “Helen will be waiting for you once you’re dressed.” Then she disappeared out the door.

Emma sighed and slipped into her leggings. She’d just pulled her sweater over her head when she heard strains of a familiar song and the monitor burst to life again. This time the scene was from Dirty Dancing, and it showed Baby running into Johnny’s arms.

“That’s it.” Emma yanked on her shoes and went looking for answers.

But Helen was waiting for her outside the room. “It’s about time. I was ready to come get ye.”

“But what about?” she tried to ask.

Except Helen just tsked and hurried her along to be shampooed. And with the room’s meditative music and low lights, there would be no discussion.

The warm water and strong fingers combing through her hair helped clear her mind. Then after the shampoo was rinsed away, her head was wrapped in a hot moist towel and another was placed over her eyes.

While she lay still, Helen massaged lotion into the skin of her arms. But the arrival of several others had Emma once again hearing whispers,

Yes …

... her ...

He’s ...

... train ...

But, as if she was hearing something she shouldn’t, Helen dropped her arm, rinsed her hair and quickly moved her to another room. Except the feeling she was interrupting conversations remained, as her hair was completed, and she was passed to Cindy for nails. It seemed wherever she was, the sound of murmurs suddenly stopped.

Paranoid much, Emma?

Shut up, she wanted to scream. What are you talking about? she wanted to ask. Except, unlike all the other times, she wasn’t tempted to pull out her cloak and hide. But it didn’t stop her from wanting to rush home to her place.

“Lunch?” Sadie suggested as soon as they stepped outside.

“Oh,” Emma sighed. “I thought I’d just …”

“Stop.” Sadie linked their arms. “Doesn’t a grilled cheese and a milk shake sound good?”

“You’re thinking Sally’s.” Emma allowed her friend to pull her along. “We probably can’t even get a table.”

“I bet we can.” Sadie ignored the potential problem. “Come on.

While they walked, Sadie filled her in on the gossip she’d heard in the Foxy Lady. Emma half-listened, the other half attending to an elderly gentleman she’d seen around more than once the last couple of weeks.

“We’re being followed,” Emma whispered.

“Really?” Sadie glanced behind them, “That’s just Rupert. He probably came into town with his wife, Lois, and her sister Glynnis. Didn’t you see them at the spa?”

Emma’s answer was lost when they walked by an electronics store and the scene of Edward arriving in the limo in Pretty Woman suddenly appeared on a monitor. Like dominoes, before that scene completed, the next monitor showed Danny and Sandy from Grease flying into the sunset. And a third had Lee Stetson proposing to Amanda King.

“Sadie, wait.” Emma studied the now blank screens. “Did you see that?”

“See what?” Sadie redirected them back toward Sally’s. “The new computer you’re planning to buy me for the clinic?”

“Don’t be cheeky,” grumbled Emma.

“You’re just hangry,” Sadie tugged open the diner’s door, “let’s eat.”

They slid into a booth, close to where Rene and Roland were sitting, their heads close together reading a book.

“And they laughed and giggled, and then he proposed,” Rene read.

It was the book Killian had given her on Valentine’s Day.

And the music you’ve been hearing?

Were from movies they’d watched. The pieces were floating around in her head. If she could just ….

“Hi, Emma.” Roland peered over the back of the booth. “Are you and Killian going to laugh and giggle and then get married?”

“Married?” Emma glanced from Sadie to Rene for clarification. “Killian and I aren’t engaged to be married.”

“Oh?” A slight pucker developed between his big brown eyes, “I thought …” he began only to have Rene’s hand clamp over his mouth.

“Roland,” Rene stood, bringing him with her, “let’s allow Sadie and Emma to eat in peace.”

“But mama,” Roland dimpled, “I was gonna ask,” he tried again, before Rene’s hand once more covered his mouth.

“Sorry,” Rene apologized. “He’s excited because Maggie is coming to work Ruari, right?”

Emma watched their brown eyes clash a silent message being exchanged between mother and son.

“Right!” he exclaimed, with a big grin causing his dimples to pop. “See you tonight.”

“Tonight?” Emma repeated, noting identical ‘deer-in-headlights’ looks on Rene and Sadie’s faces.

“He means later,” Rene exclaimed quickly. “We’ll see you later.” With a wave, they rushed out the door.

Sadie started talking so quickly Emma felt as if her head was spinning. And those pieces floating around in her brain started coalescing.

“There’s something going on,” Emma finally realized. “Isn’t there?”

“Going on?” Sadie squeaked. “What could be going on?”

“You tell me.” Emma leaned on the table. “For the last couple weeks, I’ve been …” The pieces clicked together. “Killian’s involved, isn’t he?”

“My lips are sealed,” Sadie winced. “And please, don’t ask any more questions.”

“But …”

“Trust me, Emma,” Sadie replied softly. “Trust him.”

It took several minutes before her hands stopped shaking enough for her to release the leather seat she’d grabbed onto.

“I can do that. But,” Emma looked around to make sure they were still alone. “If this is ‘supposed,’ to happen tonight, he’s not mentioned going out.”

“Oh, poop!” Sadie exclaimed, grabbing her phone.

Emma giggled, suddenly feeling much lighter than she had in weeks.


Sheriff’s Department, June 1 2:00 p.m.

Sadie’s text.

Sadie: Are you sure you ‘asked’ Emma to go out tonight?

He had, hadn’t he? They’d talked about an assortment of topics, but …. Had he cocked up again?

Killian: I’ll be by at 7:00 to pick you up.
Emma: Pick me up? For what? I was planning on a quiet night and reading a few journal articles I’ve set aside.

“Bloody hell!” Killian grimaced, thinking he’d been right. He had forgotten something.

Killian: Forgive me, Doc. I should have asked sooner, but will you go out with me tonight? I’ve planned a special evening for us.
Emma: How special?
Killian: Very.
Emma: Does it involve clothing?
Killian: I thought we’d go dancing. But afterwards, clothing will be optional.
Emma: ;-) I’ll see you at 7:00.

That taken care of, Killian checked in with his network.

Foxy Lady Women: Check.

Rupert: Check.

Sanders Electronics: Check.

The fact he’d resorted to Emma’s list making hadn’t escaped his notice. But if the night turned out as he’d planned, then it would be worth it.

It wasn’t long before he’d received the message Emma was on her way home, and he could check one more thing off his list.

Sadie: Check.

With that taken care of, Killian headed to his apartment to change. But once there, the Rhopalocera played havoc with his stomach, especially after reading Rene’s text.

Rene: I’m sorry, Killian. Roland almost spoiled the surprise, but I think I covered.

With his heart racing like a herd of Equus caballus, he checked on his list one more time.

Rene: Check, but barely.

Suit: Check. It was hanging on the door.


Killian grabbed his jacket and stuck his hand in the pocket where he’d placed it earlier. “Sod it,” he grumbled when the ring wasn’t there. And then, when it wasn’t in any of the other pockets, he mentally retraced his steps.

“Bloody hell!” He’d left it in his locker.


Veterinarian Clinic 6:30 p.m.

clinic, Emma had tried to focus on work, but her thoughts kept going back to Killian’s plan.

Music from one of the movies they’d watched played through her car speakers.

But the more pieces she’d put into place, the bigger the picture.

Scenes from the movies where the bad boy was tamed lighting up on screens all across town.

He’d given everyone in Swan Harbor a task, and over the past couple of weeks, it had all played out. She wasn’t the little girl standing on the outside, but the one in the middle. The town’s motto of being a haven for lost hearts had come true for Emma Foster. Her heart had found what it wanted, in more ways than one.

It had been months since she’d touched her list, and with a few minutes left, Emma unpinned it and spread it out on the desk.

Goals equal success, her fifteen-year-old self had written.

Graduate from High School. Check.

Graduate with her Bachelor’s. Check.

Get into Veterinarian School. Check.

Graduate from Veterinarian School and pass her licensure exams. Check.

Get a job. Check.

Make Business a success. Check, as according to Sadie they were consistently operating in the black.

Hire a staff. Check, as she had Sadie and Leroy, and even Maggie, who offered to help when needed.

Make new friends. Check and since the entire town seemed to be in on her surprise, apparently earning more each day.

Partner? While the idea of a partner had its merits, it was something she’d decided to put off until later. She had, however, been happy when Doctor Thatcher offered his services part time.

Find a man. Check. She hadn’t been looking and had tried to ignore the pull she’d felt from the beginning. But as Molly liked to say, the heart wanted what the heart wanted, and her heart had won out.

Fall in love. Check. She couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment she’d known she loved him. It might have started that night in New York. And continued when he’d turned around with Trudi in his hands. But there was the evening he’d helped her clean the strawberry mess, or when he’d told her he was adopting two kittens. Some days she felt as if she’d been in love with him forever, and other days … it felt brand new.

But falling in love had been the last goal written on her list, as she’d never allowed herself to think beyond. Until today ….

If he was asking her to spend her life with him, that meant they’d be a family. Was she ready for that?

When her heart felt like a flower blossoming in spring, and she couldn’t completely take a deep breath because her throat was clogged, she knew her answer.

Under Fall in love, she wrote,

Get Engaged.



“Perfect,” she murmured, pinning the list back on the board.


Killian sauntered into her office, making her realize how much time she’d been lost in memories.

“You’re not ready, Doc,” he tugged her into his arms to greet her properly. “Is there a problem?”

“No, no problem,” she turned them toward the stairs. “I was just on my way. I’ll hurry.”


of Emma’s hips as she ran up the steps ahead of him. When he’d stopped at the department to get her ring, he’d been nervous. But when he’d arrived to pick her up, and she’d been pinning her list on the board, his nervousness had faded. Nothing felt more right than having Emma as his wife.

“What do you think, Millicent?” He sat next to the feline and held out the ring. “Think your mistress will like it?”

The cat pawed at the new object before giving it a dainty sniff and butting her head against his arm. He took the strength of her purr as an affirmative response.

“It is beautiful. I can’t wait to give it to Emma.”


Emma’s soft voice coming from her room had him burying the ring in his pocket as he stood to greet her. “What is it, Doc?”

“Nothing, I just thought I heard you talking to someone.”

“Just Millicent. She wanted to know when you’d be home.”

“Oh, she did,” Emma’s snickered. “And what did you tell her?”

“That she wasn’t your mother.” Killian took her hand and spun her around. “You look lovely, Doc.”

“Thank you,” Emma smiled shyly. “You said dancing, but not where so,” she shrugged as if to say, ‘this is what you get.’

“I think you’ll like it.”

Killian kissed her again and as he led her from the room, he mentally checked off one more item on his list.

Pick up, Emma. Check.


the car, and Killian was holding her hand, Emma was calm … ready. Having your knight propose to you was every little girl’s dream. Who would have guessed that Emma Foster would grow up to see her fairytale come true?

When they turned out of her property in the opposite direction she always went, a tiny doubt crept in, “No hints as to where we’re going?”

“Trust me.” He kissed her left hand.

“I do.”

While they drove, the rhythmic motion of his thumb back and forth over her knuckles fired the current that was always between them. Tonight though, she could feel it growing faster, burning brighter than usual. Almost as if it, too, knew something different was about to happen.

“Here we are.”


Killian stepped from the car and moved quickly around to her side to open her door.


When he held out his hand, a dozen questions flew through her head.

Trust me, the look on his face said.

Emma placed her hand in his and the fine tremor beneath her fingers told her more than any words could.

The moment was big.

“Emma.” Killian led her up onto the sidewalk and took both her hands. “It was less than a year ago when I stepped onto Main Street and a flash of yellow crossed my path.”

“Elli,” Emma breathed.

“Aye, love. Elli.” He hesitated, and Emma’s heart raced a little faster. “You restarted my heart that day and made me feel, something I hadn’t done for a very long time. As time passed,” his voice grew huskier, “I fell in love.”

“And I fell in love with you, Killian Reade.”

“That’s very good to hear.”

He reached into his pocket and Emma’s legs were shaking so badly, she was surprised they were holding her up. Then Killian lowered to one knee, and when she gazed down into his beautiful face, he held up a diamond solitaire.

“Will you marry me?”

She’d been expecting the question but hearing him utter those four words caused the tears to flow. Emma nodded, her hand covering her mouth, trying not to blubber like a fool in the middle of town.

“Is that a yes?”

“Yes,” Emma sniffed. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

Killian caught her as her knees gave way, “Steady, Doc,” he breathed, and nodded toward the ring. “May I?”


Her hand shook as he slid the platinum band onto her finger.

“Perfect.” he whispered against her lips.

Emma sank into the kiss, happier than she could ever imagine being. Her heart raced, and the swarm of butterflies had returned to her stomach.

“Now what?” She held up her hand to admire the diamond. “Is it time for the clothing optional part of the evening?”

Killian chuckled and turned them toward Sally’s. “Hardly my love. There’s a few people waiting to celebrate.”

“Oh, Killian,” Emma sighed when she saw who all was standing in the window. “Not only did you invite the entire town, but you invited my mom and Elsa too.”

“Ready to go inside?”

The feeling she’d had when she’d arrived at Molly’s all those months ago, and the room had been full of strangers, zipped through her mind. “Race you,” she giggled, for once anxious to be in the middle of it all.

And with that, she thought, another check was added.

Engaged. Check.