1. Do not give directions or unsolicited advice.
2. Be happy to see him.
3. Whenever possible, let him know, “That makes sense” or “You are right.”
4. Marvel at his wit.
5. Do not reject him.
6. If he disappoints you, don’t punish him.
7. Ask for support without being demanding.
8. Enjoy and admire his car.
9. Slow down when you get to the door so he can open it, and then say “thank you.”
10. Really enjoy having sex with him.
11. Practice accepting imperfection.
12. Instead of fighting, take a time-out to think things over.
13. Appreciate him.
14. Admire his strength and talent.
15. When he makes a mistake don’t say “I told you so.”
16. If he forgets his keys, don’t roll your eyes.
17. Ask his opinion.
18. When he goes into his cave, don’t make him feel guilty.
19. When he comes out of his cave, be happy to see him.
20. If he says “no” to something you’ve asked him to do, trust that he would do it if he could.
21. Laugh at his jokes.
22. Apologize when you are wrong.
23. Be tactful when expressing your dislike about a restaurant he chose.
24. When he gets lost, see the good in the situation.
25. Always remember to kiss him good-bye.