Vanished in Berlin

The follow-up to Berlin Vertigo


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Berlin. 1931. Germany is on the edge of the abyss.

Two young lovers escape the clutches of the Nazi-riddled city to spend a secret weekend together.

She is Jewish. He has old Nazi connections he is desperate to leave behind. But they only see each other.

Yet their romantic tryst comes to an abrupt end when she suddenly goes missing.

As he goes searching for her, he is bribed by the secret police and recruited into spying on his old Nazi masters. Their fates are intimately connected, if only they can work out how.

In a tale full of remarkable twists and unexpected turns, the question of whether the two sweethearts will ever see each other – or trust each other – again, will have you turning page after page.

Compelling, engrossing and intricately woven, Vanished in Berlin will take you into the seething brew of 1930s Berlin, never losing sight of the redemptive power of love and hope.


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