When Teddy got back to the party Gino Patelli was making frequent phone calls. They appeared to be going straight to voicemail. He didn’t look happy.
Teddy greeted the host, then headed for the Centurion contingent, where Viveca and Bruce had joined Peter and Hattie and Ben and Tessa.
“You’re late,” Viveca said with a smile. “Is that part of your bad-boy image?”
Teddy grinned. “Hey, I’m not pretty like you. I have to work to get attention.”
Viveca laughed. She got along well with Mark, and was comfortable kidding him.
Her boyfriend stiffened at the familiarity. Teddy allowed himself to be introduced to Bruce again. “Oh, firm handshake. You’re a vet, aren’t you? Can always spot a military man. Pleased to meet you. Well, you guys got a head start on me. I’m going to get a drink.”
Teddy wandered over to the bar.
Tessa followed him. “Is everything all right?”
“Sure. What’ll you have?”
“Oh. A martini.”
“One martini and one bourbon on the rocks,” Teddy said.
The bartender mixed the drinks.
“You took your time getting back,” Tessa said.
“I was in no rush to be here.”
“What aren’t you telling me?”
Teddy just smiled.
Tessa leaned in close. “Hey, it’s me. I know when something’s going on. What is it?”
“Nothing to do with you. And nothing to do with Mark Weldon. So there’s no reason not to enjoy ourselves.”
Teddy accepted the drinks from the bartender. He handed Tessa the martini. “There you go.” He raised his glass. “To the Oscars,” he said. “Someone’s gotta win ’em. Might as well be us.”
They clinked glasses.
Tessa took a sip.
A cell phone camera clicked.