Dylan had a sick feeling in his stomach as he knocked on the door to Viveca’s trailer. He’d done everything he could think of to find out where Billy Barnett would be sitting the night of the Oscars—scanned incoming mail, tried to break into Barnett’s trailer, prodded Barnett’s secretary until she became noticeably suspicious and clammed up. This was his last chance, his Hail Mary.

Viveca called, “Come in.”

He went in and found her lying on the bed. She had taken her costume off, and was wearing a bra and panties and a skimpy makeup robe. She hadn’t bothered to pull it around her. She was, as usual, completely unselfconscious.

“Hi, Dylan. Don’t tell me they want me.”

“No.” He grimaced. “I have something to ask you.”

Viveca smiled and sat up. “Well, it can’t be as bad as all that. What is it?”

“About Sunday night.”

“The Oscar awards?”


“What about it?”

Dylan shook his head and kicked shit. “I feel really funny asking you this.”

Viveca patted the bed beside her. “Sit down, Dylan. You’re way too nice a guy to be so troubled. What is it?”

He sat down and took a breath. “I know there’s not a chance in hell, and I feel bad about asking, but is there any way you could get me there?”

Viveca’s mouth fell open. She blinked. “You want to go to the Oscars?”


“Oh, my goodness. No wonder you’re so nervous about asking. Do you know how hard it is to get a ticket to the Oscars? I’m a nominee, and I wasn’t sure they were going to give me a ticket.”

Dylan sighed. “Oh, boy. I’m so embarrassed.”

“I’m kidding you, Dylan.” She chucked him under the chin. “Hey, cheer up. It’s not the end of the world. I have a feeling you have a long career ahead of you, and there will be a lot of other Oscars.”

“I wanted to see you win.”

“That’s very sweet. The only way I could take you would be as my date, and I have a date. And, cute as you are, I’m not dumping my boyfriend for you.”

“Of course.” Dylan stood up. But still he didn’t leave. “Look. You know the ropes. Is there any other way I could get in? Anyone else I could ask? Anything else I could do?”

Viveca looked at him and sighed.

“Aw, gee.”