Chapter 5 – Amazon DocumentD B
Amazon DocumentDB Introduction
Amazon DocumentDB (DocumentDB) -- like RDS, Aurora and Neptune -- is yet another managed, platform-based data service offered by AWS, and thereby streamlines many mundane database admin tasks generally performed by DBAs. Also like Aurora and Neptune, DocumentDB is equipped with solid-state virtual storage facilities which are optimized for database workloads and deliberately engineered to significantly improve database performance, reliability, and availability. DocumentDB also promotes high availability by enabling automatic failover to read replicas and data replication across availability zones.
Like Neptune, DocumentDB provides a fundamentally different alternative to SQL-based relational database approaches such as RDS, Aurora and Redshift (Redshift will be addressed next in Chapter 6).  Instead, DocumentDB is an example of a document database (aka “document-oriented database” or “document store”) and boasts compatibility with MongoDB which is also categorized as a NoSQL database service.
NoSQL, in this case, essentially means that DocumentDB provides a non-relational approach to managing semi-structured data based on key-value pairs and document storage. In particular, DocumentDB stores semi-structured data as documents in its document database. Documents are self-describing basically because they are composed of key-value pairs defined in a JSON -like format (i.e., BSON , a binary representation of JSON).40 DocumentDB’s compatibility with MongoDB suggests that applications developed using widely available MongoDB APIs, drivers, utilities and tools -- supported by many contemporary and popular programming languages -- will run compatibly in DocumentDB.
A document database -- in contrast to a relational database -- is very appealing to certain applications programmers who are comfortable with using the format of a document for accessing and changing data in a program. Application data can then be saved to a database in the same intuitive document format. For example, applications developers who advocate an agile software development approach (i.e., routinely anticipating frequent database design changes, in contrast to a more structured waterfall methodology) might prefer the flexibility offered by a document database.41,42 This perspective differs from well-known SQL-based relational approaches, such as those database engines supported by RDS, for manipulating data stored in tables, rows and columns.
A brief introduction to DocumentDB API vocabulary in contrast to SQL is summarized as follows:43
An example of a simple document is provided as follows:
"SSN": "123-45-6789",
“EmployeeID”: “PER-0001”,
"Name": "Random A. Person",
"DOB": "1990-01-01",
“Jobtitle”: “sales person”,
"Street": "1000 Any Street",
"City": "Any Town",
"State-Province": "NY",
"Country": "USA"
A subset of MongoDB CRUD operations (i.e., for creating, reading, updating, and deleting documents) is summarized as follows:
Documentation for many additional MongoDB operations including usage examples and variations of the above sampled operations is readily and freely available online.4 4
DocumentDB Clusters
DocumentDB clusters are very similar to Aurora and Neptune clusters. However, a few noteworthy differences again justify differentiating DocumentDB clusters (from Aurora and Neptune clusters) by establishing a new entity, the DOCUMENTDB CLUSTER entity. Figure 5.1 introduces entities and relationships focusing on DocumentDB cluster fundamental concepts.
Figure 5.1 DocumentDB Entities and Relationships, Basic Concept s
Figure 5.1 highlights the DOCUMENTDB CLUSTER entity and reaffirms the explanation of the CLUSTER entity and its sub-type hierarchy -- but this time emphasizing support for DocumentDB clusters. DocumentDB -- similar to Aurora and Neptune -- also enables the provisioning of a cluster of DB instances, consisting of a primary DB instance and as many as 15 read replica DB instances. The DOCUMENTDB CLUSTER entity -- at the same level as the AURORA CLUSTER, NEPTUNE CLUSTER and REDSHIFT CLUSTER entities -- is a sub-type of the DB CLUSTER entity. Each DOCUMENTDB cluster is a kind of DB cluster and, therefore, directly inherits attributes and relationships from the DB CLUSTER entity. Indirectly, it also inherits attributes and relationships from the CLUSTER entity.
More specifically, as a sub-type of the DB CLUSTER entity, a DocumentDB cluster (i.e. the document data maintained by all of its cluster DB instances) is optionally encrypted using a KMS customer master key, and benefits from one or more IAM roles enabling DocumentDB to access other AWS services on behalf of the DocumentDB cluster. From Figure 5.1 and as mentioned in the previous chapter, recall that a DocumentDB cluster -- as a kind of DB cluster -- can be backed up by one or more DB cluster snapshots.
Common attributes inherited by the DOCUMENTDB CLUSTER entity from the DB CLUSTER entity include the following sample attributes also noted in previous chapters for Aurora and Neptune and repeated here for the reader’s convenience:
Indirectly inherited from the CLUSTER entity, a DocumentDB cluster can serve as a source for event notifications and is associated with many security groups, a single subnet group, parameter group, and engine version. This means that a cluster of DB instances for a DocumentDB cluster has:
Common attributes indirectly inherited by the DOCUMENTDB CLUSTER entity from the CLUSTER entity include the sample attributes noted in previous chapters, repeated here as follows:
The one-to-many relationship from DOCUMENTDB CLUSTER entity to the DB INSTANCE entity indicates that each DocumentDB cluster is composed of one or more DB instances (i.e., all DB instances running the same DocumentDB engine version). One DB instance is primary and the remaining servers are read replicas. For example, when creating a DocumentDB cluster via the DocumentDB console, a user specifies the total number of DB instances to be launched for the cluster. This includes the primary DB instance -- automatically created for reading, writing and modifying data to the cluster volume -- and the remaining DB instances created as read replicas. By default a primary instance and two additional read replica DB instances are launched.
From 5.1, the three optional one-to-many relationships from AURORA CLUSTER, NEPTUNE CLUSTER and DOCUMENTDB CLUSTER entities to the DB INSTANCE entity are meant to convey that each DB instance is exclusively either: 1) a member of an Aurora cluster, or 2) a member of a Neptune cluster, or 3) a member of a DocumentDB cluster, or 4) neither … simply a standalone RDS instance not participating in a cluster.
One or more replica DB instances -- possibly in separate availability zones for achieving high availability -- can be added to a DocumentDB cluster using the DocumentDB console, CLI, or API. After a DocumentDB cluster is created, conventional MongoDB tools and utilities (e.g., the MongoDB Shell for connecting and executing CRUD commands,45 as well as MongoDB drivers and APIs for a variety of programming languages.) running on client EC2 instances are used for developing DocumentDB applications.
As for Aurora and Neptune, the one-to-many reflexive relationship from the DB INSTANCE entity to itself also applies to DB instances for a DocumentDB cluster. This indicates that possibly many DB instances can serve as read replicas for a primary DB instance (i.e., a primary DB instance is synchronized to possibly many read replicas). From a data modeling perspective, note that for Aurora and Neptune this fact is substantiated -- in API documentation for both Aurora and Neptune -- by the presence of a Read Replica Source DBInstance Identifier as an attribute of the DB Instance data type. For a read replica DB instance, this attribute contains the ID of the primary DB instance (i.e., the replica’s source DB instance) and amounts to a foreign key. This attribute, however, is omitted from the DB Instance data type in the DocumentDB developer guide. Nevertheless, from the standpoint of creating a conceptual data model, this concept still applies to DocumentDB and is valid for describing the notion of data replication from the primary instance to its read replicas.
In addition to previously described attributes inherited from its super-type hierarchy (i.e., foreign keys and other attributes inherited from the CLUSTER and DB CLUSTER entities), noteworthy examples of attributes pertinent to the DOCUMENTDB CLUSTER entity include:
DocumentDB, Neptune and Aurora Cluster Comparison
Clearly from the previous section, DocumentDB clusters are similar to Aurora and Neptune clusters. DocumentDB clusters, however, have several noteworthy differences in contrast to Aurora and Neptune clusters which justify establishing the DOCUMENTDB CLUSTER entity as a separate sub-type of the DB CLUSTER entity. Figure 5.2 first highlights DocumentDB, Aurora and Neptune similarities.
Figure 5.2 DocumentDB, Aurora and Neptune Similarities
From Figure 5.2, the following similarities are highlighted (i.e., relationships highlighted in green):
Figure 5.3 highlights DocumentDB, Aurora and Neptune differences.
Figure 5.3 DocumentDB, Aurora and Neptune Differences
From Figure 5.3, the following differences are highlighted (i.e., relationships highlighted in red):
The astute data modeling student might infer (i.e., by noting the similarities between the DOCUMENTDB CLUSTER and NEPTUNE CLUSTER entities and their shared differences with the AURORA CLUSTER entity) that perhaps DocumentDB and Neptune clusters might be generalized to yet another higher level of abstraction for hosting their common relationships and attributes (i.e., that the DOCUMENTDB CLUSTER and NEPTUNE CLUSTER entities become sub-types of a new super-type entity beneath the DB CLUSTER super-type). Such could be done. The author, however, chose not to so. Why? Simply because abstracting these to a higher level would introduce an additional layer of complexity to the conceptual model. Exploring such (i.e., modifying Figure 5.1 to depict the suggested super-type) is deferred as an exercise for curious data modeling students. Recall from the explanation of a conceptual data model (CDM) and a more detailed logical data model (LDM) in the Introduction, that such an exercise might arguably be more appropriate and justifiable when evolving to an LDM from a CDM.