Ballingrud, Nathan “A Brief Tour of the Night,” Beyond the Veil.
Baxter, Alan “Out On a Rim,” The Gulp.
Bechko, Corinna “A Darkness a Little Too Bright,” Corridor 1.
Birnie, Seán Padraic “Like a Zip,” I Would Haunt You If I Could.
Brown, Gordon “It Looked Like Her,” Nightscript VII.
Bulkin, Nadia “One Day Across the Valley,” Corridor 1.
Campbell, Ramsey “First a Bird,” Uncertainties Volume V.
Chapman, Clay McCleod “Stowaway,” Southwest Review, Autumn.
Cisco, Michael “Milking,” Antisocieties.
Coffman, Frank “The Decipherment,” (poem) Eclipse of the Moon.
Cohen, Michael Harris “I Pay You,” On Spec #118.
Cosby. M.R. “Dark Matter,” The Trains Don’t Stop Here.
DeLucci, Theresa “Only My Skin That Crawled Away,” Weird Horror #3.
DeMeester, Kristi “A Good Boy,” Corridor 1.
Duffy, Steve “The Other Four O’Clock,” Finding Yourself in the Dark.
Enriquez, Mariana “Cart,” The Dangers of Smoking in Bed.
Enriquez, Mariana “Meat,” The Dangers of Smoking in Bed.
Evenson, Brian “The Barrow Men,” Unsaid 8/The Glassy Burning Floor of Hell.
Fahey, Tracy “I’ll Be Your Mirror,” I Spit Myself Out.
Files, Gemma “Uncertainty,” Tales From Omnipark.
Files, Gemma “Yellowback,” Beyond the Veil.
Ford, Jeffrey “Inn of the Dreaming Dog,” Big Dark Hole.
Fracassi, Philip “The Wheel,” Beneath a Pale Sky.
Granville, Timothy “The Summer King’s Day,” Nightscript VII.
Hand, Elizabeth “For Sale By Owner,” When Things Get Dark.
Hardy, Lucie McKnight “Dead Relatives,” (novella) Dead Relatives.
Iqbal, Muhammed Zafar, “The Zoo,” trans Arunava Sinha The Gollancz Bk of S Asian SFVol2.
Jones, Stephen Graham “Ten Miles of Bad Road,” Attack From the 80s.
Khaw, Cassandra Nothing But Blackened Teeth (novella). Tor.com.
Kiernan, Caitlín R. “Pygmalion As a Hammer,”Sirenia Digest 185.
Langan, John “Uncle Bart’s Map, Hymns of Abomination.
Langan, John “Washed in the Blood of the Sun,” Uncertainties Volume V.
Link, Kelly “Skinder’s Veil,” When Things Get Dark.
MacLeod, Bracken “Weightless Before She Falls,” Fright Train.
Madrigano, Clare “Little Doors,” The Dark #70, March.
Malerman, Josh “Special Meal” When Things Get Dark.
Moore, Tegan “Tyger,” Tor.com, February 24.
Oates, Joyce Carol “Río Piedra,” Conjunctions 76.Peréz, Lexi “Jamón Íberico,” Underland Arcana 2.
Rowlan, Garrett “The Dentist,” Horrorzine October.
Tbakhi, Fargo “Balfour in the Desert,” Strange Horizons, May 17.
Tem, Steve Rasnic “Sleepover,” Thanatrauma.
Warren, Kaaron “Warp and Weft,” Professor Charlatan Bardot’s Travel Anthology . . .
Whitley, Aliya “Envelope,” The Loosening Skin.
Wilkinson, Charles “Where the Oxen Turned the Plough,” Nightscript VII.