THE Illustrations have been arranged roughly in chronological order, each artist’s work together; a method which it is thought, in spite of certain drawbacks and incongruities inevitably arising, will provide the most useful and convenient form of reference.

The author and publishers wish to express their indebtedness to the courtesy of those gentlemen without whose kind permission it would not have been possible to include the many copyright works appearing in this volume:—

The Leadenhall Press, Ltd., for “’Orrible and Revoltin’ Details,” “A Swell,” from Phil May’s Guttersnipes.

Messrs. Wm. Heinemann for pictures from Nicholson’s “Alphabet,” Countess, Lady.

Messrs. Bradbury Agnew and Co., Ltd. (Proprietors of Punch), for Charles Keene’s pictures, Punch Almanack, 1877, “Delicate Attention,” “No Accounting for Taste,” p. 306.

Messrs. John Haddon and Co., for three pictures from The Parson and the Painter, by Phil May.

Mr. Harold Hartley for the frontispiece after Arthur Boyd Houghton.

The Proprietors of the Graphic for pictures by Arthur Boyd Houghton.

Mr. Austin Dobson for his book plate by E. A. Abbey.

The Beardsley drawings are reproduced by special arrangement with Mr. John Lane.