AngThR | Anglican Theological Review |
Ant. | Josephus, Antiquities |
ASV | American Standard Version |
BAGD | Bauer, Arndt, Gingrich, and Danker, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (1979) |
Barclay | The New Testament: A New Translation (1969) |
BibTheo | Biblical Theology |
CBQ | Catholic Biblical Quarterly |
cf. | compare |
chap. (chaps.) | chapter (chapters) |
CTJ | Calvin Theological Journal |
DCT | A. Richardson, ed., Dictionary of Christian Theology (1969) |
EBT | J. B. Bauer, ed., Encyclopedia of Biblical Theology (reprint of Sacramentum Verbi, 1970) |
EJ | C. Roth, ed., Encyclopedia Judaica (1971) |
EQ | Evangelical Quarterly |
ET | English Translation |
ExpT | Expository Times |
f. (ff.) | and following verse or page (verses or pages) |
GNB | Good News Bible |
HTR | Harvard Theological Review |
Interp | Interpretation |
JB | Jerusalem Bible |
JBL | Journal of Biblical Literature |
JE | I. Singer, ed., Jewish Encyclopedia (1901–06) |
JETS | Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society |
JSJ | Journal for the Study of Judaism |
JSNT | Journal for the Study of the New Testament |
JTS | Journal of Theological Studies |
King James Version | |
lit. | literally |
LXX | Septuagint (the pre-Christian Greek translation of the OT) |
Moffatt | The New Testament: A New Translation (1922) |
NASB | New American Standard Bible |
NCBCS | New Century Bible Commentary Series |
NEB | New English Bible |
NIDNTT | C. Brown, ed., The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology (1975–78) |
NIV | New International Version |
NovT | Novum Testamentum |
NT | New Testament |
NTL | New Testament Library |
NTS | New Testament Studies |
OT | Old Testament |
Phillips | The New Testament in Modern English (1959) |
RefThR | Reformed Theological Review |
RestQ | Restoration Quarterly |
SBLMS | Society of Biblical Literature Monograph Series |
SBT | Studies in Biblical Theology |
SJT | Scottish Journal of Theology |
SNTSMS | Society of New Testament Studies Monograph Series |
Strack-Billerbeck | Kommentar zum Neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrasch (1922–38) |
StudTh | Studia Theologica |
TB | Tyndale Bulletin (Cambridge, England) |
TCGNT | B. Metzger, A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament (UBS, 1971) |
TDNT | G. Kittel and G. Friedrich, eds., Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, trans. G. W. Bromiley (1964–72) |
UBS | United Bible Societies |
VoxEv | Vox Evangelica |
v. (vv.) | verse (verses) |
Josephus, Jewish War | |
WPCS | Westminster Pelican Commentary Series |
WTJ | Westminster Theological Journal |
ZNW | Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft |
ZPEB | M. C. Tenney, ed., Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible (1975) |