James 1:2, 177; 1:13–15, 58; 1:18, 228; 1:20, 209; 2:14–26, 191; 2:21f., 198; 2:25, 204; 4:7, 52

1 Peter, 10; 1:1, 192, 194; 1:2, 145, 167, 226; 1:4, 236; 1:6f., 217; 1:15, 223; 1:17, 192; 1:18, 139; 1:19, 140; 1:20, 75, 149; 1:22, 234, 236; 1:23, 77; 2:2, 86; 2:5, 62, 137, 164, 245; 2:9, 94; 2:11, 192, 194; 2:22, 79; 2:24, 149, 157; 3:7, 27; 3:11, 221; 3:14f., 55–56, 3:16, 249; 3:18, 149, 245; 3:21, 148, 165, 249; 3:22, 26; 4:9, 234–35, 236; 4:11, 251; 4:12–14, 217; 4:13f., 177; 5:2, 171, 223; 5:4, 250; 5:8, 52; 5:12, 255

2 Peter 1:7, 236; 1:9, 28; 1:17, 32, 37; 1:20f., 66; 2:20–22, 92; 2:21, 169; 3:4, 74; 3:10, 232; 3:18, 251

1 John, 92; 1:1, 56; 2:1, 110; 2:2, 132; 2:19, 92; 2:28, 166; 3:2, 221; 3:5, 79; 3:8, 53; 4:2, 56; 4:10, 132; 5:16, 91

3 John 5–8, 235

Jude 25, 118, 251

Revelation, 228; 1:5, 214; 1:6, 251; 1:17f., 241; 1:18, 53; 2:12, 73, 77; 3:5, 228; 3:14, 214; 3:19, 216; 6:15, 209; 13:8, 75, 228; 14:13, 77; 15:4, 114; 15:7, 140; 16:5, 114; 16:18ff., 232; 18:22, 191; 19:6, 225; 19:16, 56; 20:10, 56; 20:14, 56; 20:15, 228; 21:1, 232; 21:2, 190, 194, 225; 21:10, 191; 21:14, 191; 21:19f., 191; 21:27, 172; 22:4, 223


Tobit 5:4–9, 235

1 Maccabees 1:63, 223; 2:29–38, 207; 2:51–64, 179; 2:53, 199

2 Maccabees, 206; 3:24, 218; 6:18–7:42, 206

Sirach 2:12, 222; 17:17, 47; 25:23, 222; 44–50, 179; 44:16, 187; 44:19–21, 191; 44:20, 197; 44:21, 99; 45:1ff., 202; 49:14, 187; 50:5–10, 150

Wisdom of Solomon 1:6, 77; 1:13f., 56; 2:23f., 56; 4:10, 187; 7:23ff., 77; 7:25f., 23; 9:1f., 23; 9:8, 18; 9:9, 23; 10, 179; 10:5, 191, 197; 10:13f., 199


2 Baruch 4:2ff., 225

1 Enoch 37ff. [Similitudes of Enoch], 218; 71:14, 187; 89:59, 47

2 Esdras 8:21, 38

Psalms of Solomon 17:23–27, 37

Testament of Joseph, 199

Jubilees 10:17, 187

Ascension of Isaiah 5:11–14, 207

4 Maccabees, 209; 15:2, 202; 15:8, 202; 16:20, 197; 17:9ff., 213; 17:10, 213


Babylonian Talmud: Yebamoth 49b, 209; Sanhedrin 103b, 209


1QH 1.28, 245

1QS 9.4f., 245

4Q Testimonia, 37

11Q Melchizedek, 104, 105


Antiquities 1.181, 106; 2.9ff., 199; 2.230ff., 202; 3.206, 145; 14.71f., 129; 20.227, 113

War 1.152f., 129


Allegorical Interpretation 3.79, 105; 3.83, 191; 3.203, 99; 3.205f., 99

The Life of Moses, 202; 1.213, 208

The Migration of Abraham, 191

On Abraham, 191

On Dreams 1.22, 47; 1.68, 182; 2.63, 208

On Drunkenness, 59ff., 105

On Joseph, 199;

On the Confusion of Tongues 166, 238

On the Preliminary Studies 175, 218

On the Special Laws 4.238, 208

Who Is the Heir? 133, 192


Barnabas 7:3, 198

1 Clement, 5; 10:7, 236; 11:1, 236; 12:1, 236

Didache 11, 236; 12, 236

Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History 6.25, 11

Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho 120, 209

Shepherd of Hermas, Similitude 1.1, 191

Tertullian, On Patience 14, 209


Epistle to Diognetus 8, 192

Suetonius, Life of Claudius 25.4, 7