James 1:2, 177; 1:13–15, 58; 1:18, 228; 1:20, 209; 2:14–26, 191; 2:21f., 198; 2:25, 204; 4:7, 52
1 Peter, 10; 1:1, 192, 194; 1:2, 145, 167, 226; 1:4, 236; 1:6f., 217; 1:15, 223; 1:17, 192; 1:18, 139; 1:19, 140; 1:20, 75, 149; 1:22, 234, 236; 1:23, 77; 2:2, 86; 2:5, 62, 137, 164, 245; 2:9, 94; 2:11, 192, 194; 2:22, 79; 2:24, 149, 157; 3:7, 27; 3:11, 221; 3:14f., 55–56, 3:16, 249; 3:18, 149, 245; 3:21, 148, 165, 249; 3:22, 26; 4:9, 234–35, 236; 4:11, 251; 4:12–14, 217; 4:13f., 177; 5:2, 171, 223; 5:4, 250; 5:8, 52; 5:12, 255
2 Peter 1:7, 236; 1:9, 28; 1:17, 32, 37; 1:20f., 66; 2:20–22, 92; 2:21, 169; 3:4, 74; 3:10, 232; 3:18, 251
1 John, 92; 1:1, 56; 2:1, 110; 2:2, 132; 2:19, 92; 2:28, 166; 3:2, 221; 3:5, 79; 3:8, 53; 4:2, 56; 4:10, 132; 5:16, 91
3 John 5–8, 235
Revelation, 228; 1:5, 214; 1:6, 251; 1:17f., 241; 1:18, 53; 2:12, 73, 77; 3:5, 228; 3:14, 214; 3:19, 216; 6:15, 209; 13:8, 75, 228; 14:13, 77; 15:4, 114; 15:7, 140; 16:5, 114; 16:18ff., 232; 18:22, 191; 19:6, 225; 19:16, 56; 20:10, 56; 20:14, 56; 20:15, 228; 21:1, 232; 21:2, 190, 194, 225; 21:10, 191; 21:14, 191; 21:19f., 191; 21:27, 172; 22:4, 223
Tobit 5:4–9, 235
1 Maccabees 1:63, 223; 2:29–38, 207; 2:51–64, 179; 2:53, 199
2 Maccabees, 206; 3:24, 218; 6:18–7:42, 206
Sirach 2:12, 222; 17:17, 47; 25:23, 222; 44–50, 179; 44:16, 187; 44:19–21, 191; 44:20, 197; 44:21, 99; 45:1ff., 202; 49:14, 187; 50:5–10, 150
Wisdom of Solomon 1:6, 77; 1:13f., 56; 2:23f., 56; 4:10, 187; 7:23ff., 77; 7:25f., 23; 9:1f., 23; 9:8, 18; 9:9, 23; 10, 179; 10:5, 191, 197; 10:13f., 199
2 Baruch 4:2ff., 225
1 Enoch 37ff. [Similitudes of Enoch], 218; 71:14, 187; 89:59, 47
2 Esdras 8:21, 38
Psalms of Solomon 17:23–27, 37
Testament of Joseph, 199
Jubilees 10:17, 187
Ascension of Isaiah 5:11–14, 207
4 Maccabees, 209; 15:2, 202; 15:8, 202; 16:20, 197; 17:9ff., 213; 17:10, 213
Antiquities 1.181, 106; 2.9ff., 199; 2.230ff., 202; 3.206, 145; 14.71f., 129; 20.227, 113
War 1.152f., 129
Allegorical Interpretation 3.79, 105; 3.83, 191; 3.203, 99; 3.205f., 99
The Life of Moses, 202; 1.213, 208
The Migration of Abraham, 191
On Abraham, 191
On Dreams 1.22, 47; 1.68, 182; 2.63, 208
On Drunkenness, 59ff., 105
On Joseph, 199;
On the Confusion of Tongues 166, 238
On the Preliminary Studies 175, 218
On the Special Laws 4.238, 208
Who Is the Heir? 133, 192