This report was prepared under the direction of Jorge Moreira da Silva, Director of the OECD Development Co-operation Directorate. It was managed by Kaori Miyamoto, Senior Policy Analyst, with extensive assistance from Yingyin Wu, Junior Policy Analyst. Special thanks go to: Owen Hill, Paula Rettl, Omer Tekdogan, Viet Tran, Emilio Chiofalo, and Anna Vindics for their in-depth research and data analysis; Fernando Mitsura for the data analysis on the private flows; Richard Carey for the helpful advice and information; Annalisa Primi, Raffaele della Croce, André Laboul, Iza Lejarraga, Alin Horj, Christoph Weigl, as well as Gerald Olivier of the World Bank for facilitating opportunities to present the paper in conferences; Cécile Sangaré, Tomáš Hos, Olivier Bouret, Frans Lammersen, Takayoshi Kato, Dejan Makovšek, Jari Kauppila, Stephen Perkins, and Michael Gonter for providing various inputs; as well as Stacey Bradbury and Niamh Cahill-Billings for proof reading and design.
Furthermore, the report would not have been possible without the constructive comments and meticulous factual checking by numerous officials of the Development Assistance Committee and multilateral development banks. Finally, this research benefited greatly from the strong interest and helpful funding by the governments of Norway and Japan.