James L. Swanson is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer and its sequel, Bloody Crimes: The Funeral of Abraham Lincoln and the Chase for Jefferson Davis. Manhunt won an Edgar Award for the best nonfiction crime book of the year. Swanson’s other books include the bestselling classic Chasing Lincoln’s Killer, an adaptation of Manhunt for young readers, and Bloody Times, the young adult version of Bloody Crimes. His pictorial book Lincoln’s Assassins: Their Trial and Execution, is an acclaimed photo history of the crime, the pursuit of the conspirators, and their fates. He was awarded a Historic Deerfield Fellowship in Early American History, and he serves on the advisory council of the Ford’s Theatre Society. He has degrees in history and in law from the University of Chicago and UCLA, and he has held a number of government and think-tank posts in Washington, D.C., including at the United States Department of Justice. Follow him on Twitter @JamesLSwanson.
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