The Hot Dog Haven
4200 côte-Vertu Blvd.
Ville St. Laurent, Quebec

November 6, 2007

Lorne Crest Academy
4243 Decelles ave.
Ville St. Laurent, Quebec
Att.: John Mallard, Principal

Dear Mr. Mallard:

I am writing this letter to you out of desperation. My husband and I recently opened The Hot Dog Haven, a small restaurant behind Lorne crest academy. at first, we thought being located so close to a school would help our business. But now, we’re not so sure. Yes, your students have been buying lunch at our restaurant. But that, dear Mr. Mallard, is not all they’ve been doing!

They have also been teasing our waiters and waitresses, throwing food, emptying the salt and pepper shakers into their water glasses. we have even overheard them discussing strange science experiments, and frankly, we’re worried they might blow the place up!

At The Hot Dog Haven, we pride ourselves on serving the best hot dogs in all Montreal. we believe eating at our restaurant is a privilege. Please make it clear to your students that if their behavior does not improve, we shall be forced to shut our doors to them.

Sincerely yours,

Marie Therrien,
The Hot Dog Haven

Monique Polak claims that she never got in trouble as a child, but any reader of 121 Express will know that she secretly wanted to. Monique divides her time writing and teaching. She lives in Montreal, Quebec, with her husband and daughter.