Betrayed is dedicated to the dynamic sisters of
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.,
Founded on January 13, 1913,
By twenty-two incredible, young, college-educated
women who believed that they could make a
difference in the world by pooling their talents, energy, and
resources together. They were united by a single
vision of bettering the lives of others.
One hundred years later, their vision and impact on
the world are a living reality. I’m proud to be a
member of such an illustrious international sisterhood.
Blessings and much Delta love to all my beautiful
sisters/sorors as we move into the next hundred years of
service, wrapped in the loving arms of sisterhood.
Special recognition to chapters that I’ve been
privileged to be a member of:
Epsilon Nu–San Francisco City Wide (initiated 1982)
Omicron Chi–Stanford (charter member 1983)
Schaumburg-Hoffman Estates Alumnae
(charter member 1991)
Rockford (IL) Alumnae
Valley Forge (PA) Alumnae
Pontiac (MI) Alumnae