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Dior helped Nya to get into her swimming suit while Breeze made sure that she looked like a beauty queen. She didn’t know who she might run into at the beach so she had to be on point.
Dior put Nya’s long, sandy brown hair into two ponytails, one up top and one in the back, and put a few twists and barrettes that matched her swimming suit on each ponytail. There was a knock on the door and Dior called upstairs for Breeze to come down.
“Hey C,” Dior said after she’d opened the door.
“Hey Dior,” he said with a smile.
“We’ll meet you in the car,” Dior called up the stairs since Breeze hadn’t come down yet. “Get your bucket,” she told Nya, who was running out of the door.
The little girl grabbed the shovel and pail that Dior had found in her basement and headed out of the door.
C told Nya to sit in the middle of the backseat and made sure that she put her seatbelt on. He got tired of standing in the sun waiting for Breeze, so he joined Nya in the backseat after a few minutes.
Breeze came out of the house a few minutes later looking like sex in a silver bikini and tight, white shorts. She flashed a half smile before climbing into the car.
Brian and Dior sat on the sand talking and watching Nya build sand castles while Breeze and C splashed around in the water. She could deny it all she wanted, but C was growing on Breeze.
“What are you thinking about for college?” Dior asked Brian.
She knew that he was going to college. He was a straight “A” student and had dreams of getting out of the hood just like she did.
“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I wanna stay close for my mama, but I haven’t decided yet. I got three scholarship offers, but they all over the place. Cali, Atlanta and here in Illinois.”
“Damn. That’s a lot of scholarships,” Dior said, secretly hoping that he would stay close to home.
“Yeah. Gettin’ good grades finally paid off. What about you?” he asked.
She was only a junior, but she still needed to be thinking about and applying to colleges. You have to start early if you’re serious about your education.
“I don’t know. I would love to be somewhere like Miami, where it doesn’t get too cold, but I kinda wanna go somewhere in Atlanta. Then again, it would be nice to be close to home in case I get homesick. Plus, it would be less traveling during the holidays,” she said, hoping to sway him into staying in Illinois for college.
“And you won’t have to pay out of state tuition,” he added.
“Right.” She nodded.
“Can I go in the water?” Nya asked as she shielded her eyes from the sun.
“Yeah,” Dior replied.
Brian watched as Dior stripped out of her blue jean shorts, revealing her small, yet round butt in the pink bikini. He wanted to squeeze her ass so bad. He followed her and Nya into the water.
“I’m hungry,” Nya whined after about twenty minutes of splashing around.
“Go and tell Breeze,” Dior said as she noticed her friend sitting on a towel eating a bag of potato chips. “I should have packed her a lunch,” she said as she watched Nya walk over to her older sister.
“Why you always takin’ care of her?” Brian asked.
“I love Nya, and I know Breeze get tired of bein’ responsible for her,” she explained.
“That’s good you look out fa’ them.”
“They like family.” She shrugged. “How is your brother?” she asked.
“He cool. He finna graduate in a few months.”
“Already? It seem like he just graduated from high school.”
“I know. He did the damn thang.”
He nodded as he looked down at her pretty face, wanting to kiss her lips.
“What?” Dior asked, feeling a little self-conscious and wondering if she had snot coming out of her nose or something. With her luck, she probably had a huge booger hanging out of her nose.
Brian didn’t say anything; he just leaned in and kissed her. The kiss was brief, but it felt like it had lasted forever. They were both quiet as they stared at one another. They’d both dreamt of this moment for years.
“The sun goin’ down. Let’s dry off,” Dior finally said as she pulled her eyes away from his. Being so close to him had her feeling like she was having hot flashes.