
Chapter 82


Breeze paid for the pizza while Dior poured them both a cup of Strawberry Crush and grabbed some plates from the kitchen.

“Put the movie in,” Breeze said as she sat the box of pizza on the coffee table.

Dior put the movie in and took the plate of pizza that Breeze had prepared for her. They sat on the couch and watched the movie, then they stayed up all night talking. It was just like old times and neither of them could have been happier.



Breeze got up the next morning and got to business and so did Trina and Nicki. They figured two people could follow Breeze better than one.

Breeze figured that S.D. wouldn’t give up and she’d come up with a plan after Dior had fallen asleep and she could think in peace.

“I gotta go and let Cash out, and clean up behind him,” Breeze said as she got ready to leave.

“It’s early as hell, but okay,” Dior said as she yawned.

She waited until Breeze pulled away from the curb before she went back to bed.

Breeze used her 411app to get the number of an errand running service as she drove.

“Good morning, this is Lisa’s Errands. How may I help you today?” a bubbly voice answered.

“Hi, my name is Judy Brown and I had to make an emergency trip out of town and I need someone to go and check on my dog. Do you do that?” Breeze asked in her most professional tone.

“Yes, we do Mrs. Brown. How long has your baby been alone?”

“Since yesterday.”

“I’ll get someone over there right away. What kind of dog is it?”

“A yorkiepoo.”

“Oh, how sweet?” the woman said as she wrote. “And what’s your address?”

Breeze gave the woman her address and told her where a spare key could be found. She figured that Primo had left town like he’d said he would since he hadn’t called complaining about Cash pissing and shitting all over the house.

Breeze didn’t see the Range Rover from the day before as she drove and was a little relieved, but not ready to let her guard down yet. She drove to Denny’s and took a booth.

She logged onto a realty website on her tablet and looked for a house for rent in a nice neighborhood, far away from where she lived. She found some nice looking houses. She had a quick breakfast after she’d saved the information that she needed for the houses that she was interested in.

Breeze got into her car, locked her doors and called the first real estate agency.

“Hi, I’m calling about the three-bedroom house for rent on Vine street,” she said politely.

“Oh yes, it is a very nice house,” the man on the phone told her. “I can get you in to see it in say a few hours?” he asked.

“I actually saw it at the open house,” she lied, hoping there had been an open house.

“I’m not showing an open house for that one, but I could get you in—”

“I must be thinking of another place,” she said as she rolled her eyes.

She called a few more places until someone believed that she’d been to an open house earlier in the week.

“I was unsure, but after seeing a few more houses I realized that this is the one,” Breeze said with fake enthusiasm.

“I’m so glad to hear that. We can get the lease signed today if that’s okay with you,” the agent said excitedly.

“That’s fine, but I can’t come into the office. Is there any way that someone could meet me?”

“Sure. Where would you like to meet?” the agent asked.

“I’m staying at the Hyatt downtown, so if someone could meet me there that would be great.”

“Can do. I could actually meet you there in about an hour and a half.”

“Uh, you know what? I forgot I have a meeting in forty-five minutes. Why don’t  you fax over the lease, I’ll fax it back and you can pick up the security deposit and the first three months of rent at the front desk,” Breeze said, sweetening the pot. The agent had only requested one month’s rent and a security deposit.

“I’d usually need to run a background and credit check, but I’m sure that staying in a hotel is expensive and uncomfortable, so we’ll make an exception.

“That would be perfect. Just ask for me at the desk.”

“Would you like me to leave the key as well?”

“No, I’ll have someone to pick it up.”

“Okay. I didn’t catch your name.”

Breeze looked at the name on her fake ID and gave it to the agent before she hung up and headed downtown.

“When is this bitch goin’ home?” Trina asked Nicki as they followed Breeze in separate cars.

“I have no damn idea,” Nicki replied. They were both using Bluetooth earpieces, which they always wore when they were working on something important and needed to stay in contact.

“What you think she up to?” Trina asked as Breeze pulled up to the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place.

“Maybe she don’t know where Primo live and she meetin’ him here.”

“Imma see,” Trina said as she pulled in behind Breeze.

Trina put on a pair of big Gucci shades and followed Breeze into the lobby. Trina sat down in a chair while Breeze went up to the desk. Breeze rented a room, although she wouldn’t need it, then asked if she had any faxes. The receptionist gave her a funny look, but checked anyway.

“Yes you do,” she said with a confused smile.

Breeze signed the lease and asked the receptionist to fax it back with a copy of her ID.

“Thanks. Someone will be coming by to pick this up in a little bit,” Breeze said as she gave the receptionist a thick white envelope.

“Okay, Miss Reed,” the receptionist said, referring to the name on the fake ID.

Breeze slipped the receptionist a one hundred dollar bill and thanked her before she left.

“She left somethin’ at the desk,” Trina said into her ear piece as she waited for the valet to bring her car back around.

“I really hope this bitch goin’ home after this,” Nicki said as she followed Breeze away from the hotel.