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Bostwick, Leah M. / Sun Signs, Symbolic Meaning of Seasons,

Brones, Anna / Kitchn, What Is Fika? An Introduction to the Swedish Coffee Break,

Frater, Jaime / Listverse, 10 Words That Can’t Be Translated to English,

Gallagher, Sophie / Huffington Post UK, Lagom Is the Swedish Trend Everyone Will Be Following In 2017, Here’s How to Do It,

Giovanni / Live and Dare, Types of Meditation: An Overview of 23 Meditation Techniques,

Goldhill, Olivia / Quartz, The Untranslatable Scandinavian Words for Coziness Describe a Very Particular Winter Joy, -on-earth/

Gunaratana, Bhante Henepola / Lion’s Roar, Living with Awareness: Introducing the Four Foundations of Mindfulness,

Hart, Anna / The Telegraph, Goodbye Hygge, Hello Lagom: The Secret of Swedish Contentment,

Roberts, Gretchen / Whole Living, Wabi-Sabi Your Life: 6 Strategies for Embracing Imperfection,

Vartan, Starre / Mother Nature Network, 7 Cultural Concepts We Don’t Have in the U.S.,

Venefica, Avia / Dare to Discern What’s Your Sign, Symbolic Meaning of Seasons,

Wallace, Scott / National Geographic, Exclusive: Stunning New Photos of Isolated Tribe Yield Surprises,

Walsh, Carla / Fitness Magazine, Find Your Fit: The 5 Most Popular Yoga Styles,

Woolsey, Barbara / Thrillist, How Norwegians Stay Happy During Long, Brutal Winters,
