Sample Soul Readings
n the next few pages I have included sample readings from my case files that reveal how the layering of the various elements can affect the personality choices the Soul makes once it comes into the human world. These highly condensed excerpts come from fuller readings, and the names have been changed. Each case originates from a different order of Angels, and each person differs as to the number of elements in its matrix and its Soul age. The longer a Soul spends in the higher dimensions, the better equipped it is to manifest its dreams in this world. And the longer a Soul spends in the fifth dimension, the more personality integration it will have achieved before descending to the earthly plane. Through these complex layerings various life themes are revealed.
Case #1: Aurora Smith, a Ninth-Order Angel
In this life Aurora is a thirty-three-year-old woman who is a nurse at a local hospital who has been suffering from overweight and fatigue. Kind-hearted and giving, she is trying to figure out a solution to her exhaustion as she continues serving others.
Age of Soul:
6.5 billion years old, a midlevel advanced Soul
Order of Angels:
Ninth-order Angel with the powers of creativity, giving, and service to other
How many elements:
She has only one element in her matrix, water, where she has spent 3.5 billion years, and as a result she is highly empathic; she is naturally clairsentient and clairaudient, but these abilities are in a largely dormant state.
This high concentration of water, without any other stabilizing element like earth, is responsible for her physical and emotional exhaustion. Without even trying to she continually takes on the problems of others as her energy field attempts to transmute or cleanse others’ problems and illnesses through the use of her own empathic field.
Length of time in the fifth dimension:
6 million years, not long enough to attain much increased integration or mastery but long enough to open to a high level of creativity, especially working with nature, plants, and aromas while inhabiting a body with a female polarity.
Incarnated on only two planets in the fifth dimension
Any recognizable systems:
This lovely, kind-hearted Soul entered through the Arcturian stargate reserved for high-vibrating, healing Angels of pure hearts.
Lived on how many planets in the fourth dimension:
Only eight planets in three separate solar systems
Recognizable systems:
Arcturus in the fourth, and Sirius B system in its expression in the fourth, not the third. Like its third-dimensional counterpart, Sirius B is primarily a water-based world.
Lived on how many planets in the third dimension:
Four planets in three separate solar systems
Recognizable systems:
Sirius B, a water/land-based world where she spent long centuries as an aquatic mermaid, increasing her empathic abilities, clairaudient and clairsentient gifts, and her connection to water and wind. This gives her a high sensitivity for sensing and transmuting other people’s disharmonious energies. On another planet she took the form of a flying manta ray with strong devic properties. These large, loving beings can move through water or air and have a spongy
material on their underside where they take in energies from the sun to recharge. These beings are all about transmuting disharmony. They create a soft, musical sound that attunes the vibrations of those around them. Finally, she took birth on two planets in the Pleiades, where she was fully human. This was in preparation for coming to Earth. She was there for forty thousand to fifty thousand years. Earth is the only third-dimensional planet she has lived on.
Earth history:
She arrived on Earth 26,000 years ago, initially taking birth in Lemuria, which was a more gentle culture attuned to light, sound, crystals, and harmony. This gave her a gentle entry into our world. She served as a healer and priestess in that culture, becoming an ambassador to Atlantis during her last few centuries there. She feared the growing scientific advances of Atlantis and eventually began incarnating into the civilization of Atlantis to try to bring more harmony back to it.
Lifetimes in Atlantis:
Eight important lives in Atlantis, most of which were spent as a healer, priestess, or oracle who could receive clairaudient messages from the spirit world. She intuitively felt that Atlantis was headed in the wrong direction, but she felt powerless to change it. She died during the devastation of the Flood. This is an old emotional wound that should be cleared; it has set up a subconscious belief that all of her efforts are futile and will ultimately end in disaster.
Ancient lives of importance
Returned to Earth as a monk in the region of India or Tibet, taking a time-out before reentering the conflict of the busy human world. Working in that culture with other high-vibrating people, she helped to preserve some of the records of ancient Lemuria and Atlantis in the caves of Tibet. After several lifetimes she found the courage to return to the mainstream world.
Seven lifetimes in Egypt, primarily priestess lives, or simple lives as a housewife with children and family. Three lives were dedicated to healing in the temples of Hathor in Denderah. One life was as
a teacher of children, trying to pass on the importance of harmony in one’s life and the knowledge of sacred records.
Nine lifetimes, two as a priestess of Hestia, goddess of hearth and home, and one as a priestess of Aphrodite, goddess of love. One life was as a virginal Sibylline oracle dedicated to learning, teaching, and oracle work. As a woman she was married with children in three lifetimes. She had two male lives working in the creative arts, involved in writing, plays, dance, acting, and music.
Italy and France:
A female Essene, she and her daughter were early followers of Jesus and then became part of the Christian Gnostic community after his death. In the first century she was one of the Christians rounded up by Roman officials and torn apart by wild animals in the Roman Coliseum, becoming an early Christian martyr. She went on to become a male and then a female healer in three lives in Italy and France, and then a nun in five separate lives (in Portugal, Spain, France, and Italy). While in Italy, this Soul achieved a high level of union with the spirit of Mother Mary, where she became virtually a saint. This strong, radiant, overlighting energy has stayed with her ever since and is a protective force that helps her in her healing work with others today. In the early 1200s in Southern France she became a Christian Cathar, trying to reform Catholicism and bring it back to its roots. She died before the Cathars were destroyed at Montsegur by the mercenaries hired by the Catholic Church. However, her gift of prophecy had already foretold that the Roman Church would persecute and destroy the Cathar community.
Major soul themes
Female in 61 percent of all lifetimes
A healer
in 52 percent of all lives
Lifetimes involved with teaching:
20 percent
Lifetimes involved with the arts:
20 percent
Peasant lives:
30 percent
Spiritually dedicated lives:
58 percent
Creative lives
with an emphasis on writing, teaching, and the transmission of knowledge: 20 percen
Soul Blocks:
Five key lifetimes of trauma associated with being killed for doing her spiritual mission, plus the trauma of her death at the time of the sinking of Atlantis. Several negative core beliefs have formed as a result of these past traumas. All these need to be cleared for her to successfully do her mission today.
This soft, lovely soul is all about bringing harmony into the world and helping others return to a place of heart and balance. Naturally shy, she is not a frontrunner kind of healer, but works well with others in almost any circumstance, using her innate empathy and heart energy to help rebalance people and environments. She is highly attuned to Spirit through her beautiful heart and needs to actively align with the Divine Mother again. She also needs to begin to cleanse her field on a regular basis with showers, baths, Epsom salts, and lavender oil because her exhaustion comes from taking on the negative energies of others. Earth-grounding practices are also highly recommended for her, and she needs to spend regular time in a garden or in nature to recharge her batteries. Psychic protection processes are also recommended if she is going to continue working in a hospital, although we suggest that she consider working with children or the elderly on a one-on-one basis instead. This will bring her more joy and be less of a drain on her energy. It will also allow her to begin to reactivate her clairaudient gifts so that she can deliver the messages of Spirit to those around her from the Otherside if she so chooses.
Case #2: David Longfellow, a Power
In this life David is a twenty-seven-year-old construction worker looking to find a woman and get married.
Age of Soul:
5.75 billion years old—a young advanced Soul that is still focused on self and family
Order of Angels:
A sixth-order Angel—a Power, a strong builder-class Angel
How many elements:
Two elements in his matrix, water (1.5
billion years) and earth (2.5 billion years), totaling 4 billion years of his 5.75 billion years in the sixth and seventh dimensions; a builder Angel focused on making, building, and protecting with his hands in a practical way
Length of time in the fifth dimension:
Only spent time in the Milky Way galaxy (6 million years)
Lived on how many planets in the fifth dimension:
Two planets
Lived on how many planets in the fourth dimension:
Eight to ten planets in three separate solar systems
Lived on how many planets in the third dimension:
Four planets in two separate solar systems, Earth being his fifth third-dimensional planet
Recognizable systems:
This Soul has a strong history in the Hercules system, where he was involved in agriculture, planting according to a very intricate lunar calendar on a planet that had five moons. He is naturally very attuned to the land and to the astrological energies of the cosmos as they relate to the growth cycles of the plant kingdom, stone structures, temples, and astronomical alignments. He has a great power in his hands—the power to grow things, to heal others, and to protect the land itself. He is an Earth-keeper and builder and will be able to easily detect geophysical changes in the land, including earthquakes and pole realignments. He has a gentle way with animals. He could be an animal whisperer or communicator because he is a strong clairsentient and a natural healer. He lived 130,000 years in this system, a very long time, so he cultivated qualities most of which are dormant today. He went on to incarnate in the Pleiades, which brought him closer to Earth’s incarnational orbit. He took birth on two planets in this system over a course of forty thousand years. He eventually took up arms to protect his planet during the Orion Wars. He is a highly capable warrior or soldier, but truly longs for harmony, nature, plants, forests, a family to love, and abiding peace.
Earth history:
He arrived on Earth some thirty thousand years ago,
incarnating in a rural land outside of Atlantis, where he was content for several lifetimes, living close to the land and growing food. Eventually he made his way to the continent of Atlantis at a time when technology had not yet taken over. It was still a time of kings and queens, where the entire culture was seafaring, and he entered the navy.
Important lives
He became a sailor in five lifetimes, rising to officer level in three of them. In two other lives he became a hydraulics engineer working with the structure of damns, sluices, and waterways in the Atlantis empire. Eventually, when Atlantis had advanced its technology, he became an engineer and deep-sea diver who worked on submarines. In addition, he had two lives as a botanist, was a farmer in five, and in three lives was a healer working with herbal salves, which he produced by communicating with the devic spirits of the land. In one of these lifetimes he became a shaman. Also, he was a priest twice, primarily using his healing work and calm energy to help his villages.
Seven lives, an architect in one, a stonemason who built temples in two, and a building engineer in two. On the spiritual side, he had one life as a priestess, charging water with his hands and distributing it through the temples to the populace to assist in healing.
Five lives, three as a Roman soldier, where he was killed in battle; attained the rank of sergeant or captain in two of these; one life as a sailor, with no wife, who sent back money to his mother and sister.
A stonemason in two lives, helping to build the great cathedrals of France in the 1100s, then a life as a village elder during the Middle Ages, helping to build the local church and adding stained-glass windows. He loved the stained glass and insisted on doing these himself. He also incorporated knowledge of Masonic symbols into the architecture. Another important French life was as a soldier in Napoleon’s army, where he died in the snows of Russia as a result of a foot injury while the army retreated.
Celtic lands:
A Druid in five lifetimes—two lives before Christ and three lives in our common era. (I usually give a lot more details here about the century, the person’s rank, his interests or talents, and
his location). In Britain he became a tribal leader who fought against the Roman Empire during their invasion in the first century BCE. In Scotland he was a clan leader, working with other clans to repel the invasion of the British in the 1700s or 1800s. He was a major protector of the people and the sacredness of the land in all of these lives.
Major life themes
Gender and family:
Male in 67 percent of his lifetimes. He was married in 62 percent of his lives. Children and family are very important to him. Children are in 55 percent of his lives.
A builder/farmer/craftsman in 55 percent of all lifetimes:
The strongest theme (I usually give a complete breakdown of the various skills here.)
Lifetimes involved in the military:
35 percent
Lifetimes involved in the creative arts:
5 percent (this does not include lives as an artisan or sculptor)
Positions in leadership:
17 percent of all lifetimes
8 percent
25 percent
42 percent
12 percent
Military lives:
30 percent
Soul Blocks
Over 200 mostly from those he has promised to take care of and has had to leave behind. These cords should be cleared immediately since they are draining his energy and keeping him stuck.
Erroneous beliefs:
About 70, all about limitation of life, money, jobs, love, and success
A practical manifester and builder with skill in his hands, this Soul is very gifted with plants, animals, foods, crops, and working with leather and wood. He still needs to develop his spiritual and mental natures, since his focus has been in mastering the physical world.
Because of his density from the earth element, he has a hard time awakening his mental and spiritual consciousness. He has multiple lifetimes of suppressing his softer feelings, denying his feminine side, and shouldering through, no matter what. He has twelve lifetimes of wounding patterns around these matters and needs to find a way to break through to make a connection with his higher Self. In this lifetime he has not awakened his spiritual abilities, thinking that he must first focus on practical security matters and establishing a family before reawakening his healing abilities or his ability to communicate with animals and the land. He would benefit from getting a large companion dog that can begin to awaken these gifts in him.
Case #3: Melanie Parker, a Virtue
In this lifetime Melanie is a thirty-seven-year-old violinist who is also a Reiki healer. Melanie is just beginning to open up to a new level of healing work and has become interested in color therapy and crystal layouts.
Age of Soul:
6.75 billion years old, a late-level advanced Soul moving toward master Soul
Order of Angels:
Fifth order Angel—a Virtue working with light, sound, and color, and a weaver
How many elements:
Three elements in her matrix: 2.5 billion years in water; 1.5 billion years in earth; and 1 billion years in air, making a total of 5 billion years in the higher dimensions of her 6.5 billion years
A beautiful, high-vibrating planetary Angel with strong clairaudient and clairsentient gifts and a talent in the arts, she is not only a natural healer, musician, and artist, but has great access to the inner planes of ideas since she is clairvoyant as well. This Soul has strong themes directing her to work with light, sound, music, dance, movement, and color, all to create peace and harmony.
Length of time in the fifth dimension:
Only in the Milky Way galaxy, 7 million year
Lived on how many planets in the fifth dimension:
Five planets
Recognizable systems:
She entered through the Arcturian stargate and then spent time in the Orion system, working with the Galactic Councils to broker peace and committed to harmony in all dealings.
Lived on twelve planets in the fourth dimension:
Five separate solar systems
Lived on five planets in the third dimension:
Four separate solar systems
Recognizable star systems:
The Pleiades. She had many lives on four separate planets in three solar systems in the Pleiades over the course of sixty thousand years. She has also taken life as a mermaid and as a terrestrial human being on Sirius B, attuning to higher sensitivities of sonar, sound, and energy perception through the water world. Earth is her sixth third-dimensional planet.
Earth history:
This Soul arrived on Earth some 120,000 years ago at the time of Lemuria. She was here for 20,000 years, working as a priestess most of that time, attuning the crystalline land matrix with sound in the establishment of a peaceful civilization. As a high priestess she was actively in touch with ambassadors from the Sirius B system and local aspects of the Galactic Council who were interfacing with Lemuria using stargates. After 20,000 years she left Earth to spend time on other planets. She returned about 24,000 thousand years ago at the time of Atlantis, arriving as part of a diplomatic delegation. She stayed for 3,000 years, then left. She returned some 18,000 years ago and then remained on Earth to help that civilization prosper, becoming a part of a star empire.
Important pre-Flood lifetimes
Six important lifetimes in Lemuria, primarily as a priest, priestess, seer, and high priestess working with devic energies and leadership for the greater good; highly developed connection with crystals, grids, and sound harmonies
Nine important lifetimes in Atlantis; a healer twice, a
priestess twice, and a council elder three times. She also became a female scientist working with crystals and sound during the technological centuries. She also experienced a life as a male doctor working with lasers, light therapy, crystals, and psychological counseling of patients undergoing surgery, primarily for skin with lesions, scales, or issues of appearance. These are the “Temples of Beauty” that Edgar Cayce spoke about.
Important ancient lifetimes
Strong history in Egypt, with nine lifetimes, five as a priestess and two as a priest; dedicated to Hathor for healing, sound, and the use of music and crystals in three of them; also strong alignments with Isis, goddess of wisdom, and Nuit, goddess of the heavens
Sumeria or Chaldea:
One life as a male priest astronomer dedicated to the moon god Nannar
Two lives as a male priest/astronomer who was a counselor to the Indian rajas, or kings
One life as a male priest/astronomer serving the emperor of China
One life time as a Persian magi/astronomer caught up in the political intrigues of the day and the struggles of the good and bad people around him who were vying for power; feels like three hundred years after Zoroaster brought his teachings forth
Two lives as a Druid healer, one male and one female; he studied astronomy in the male life
A priest of Poseidon in ancient Greece, living on an island and working with the sea, dolphins, healing, and sound
France, Italy, Germany:
A Druid in France in two lives, and also a Druid in Italy and Germany. In all of these lives she was hunted and killed by the Church for her healing abilities and her influence as a wisdom elder in the community. She was put to death by the Church in 563 CE, 920 CE, and sometime in the mid-eleventh century. She became a Christian Cathar in the 1200s. In that life she was once again murdered by the Church for political reasons. After this she took a break, joining several monasteries in various lives as a monk, a priest,
and a nun to ensure her own safety. She worked with medicinal plants in these monasteries and continued to heal the sick, staying safe from the rising persecution by the Inquisition. In the late 1400s she began to incarnate again, this time in the royal class, seeking to become a leader. She had to navigate the political intrigues of the French and Italian courts. She had five lifetimes there over the course of three centuries, trying to make a difference through the influence of her noble birth. She faced many challenges dealing with the power-hungry politics of intermediate Souls who sought power at any price. She was poisoned in one of these lives, yet managed to support humanitarian policies of fairness despite major opposition.
Major life themes
in 40 percent of all lifetimes, the strongest theme
5 percent
15 percent
15 percent
The arts:
25 percent of all lifetimes, with an emphasis on color, sound, light, and music
Positions in leadership:
22 percent of all lifetimes
25 percent
Spiritually dedicated lives:
37 percent
5 percent
22 percent
5 percent
1 percent
Soul blocks
230 vows, 12 still positive, but the rest should be cleared
21 bindings or cords that are sucking her energy, 11 of which need clearing
Erroneous beliefs:
32 erroneous beliefs formed in times of trauma; must be cleared
Major traumas:
5 lifetimes of wounding that still remain and should be dissolved, including 5 lifetimes killed for religious reason
Melanie is a noble healer/leader who aims to transform consciousness. She can work one-on-one with people or with large groups, at the local, national, or planetary level. She is a natural healer interested in the underlying harmony of the universe. Truth-seeking and pure of spirit and intention. She has some emotional and karmic clearing to do because of the many lifetimes in which she was killed, in order to fully embody her destiny in this life and in future lifetimes.
Case #4: Pam Parsons, Principality
In this life Pam is a business analyst who consults for a living. She wants to write books and establish a national speaking platform focused on the importance of societal values, generational differences, and how various cultural groups can work together to change the world. Frustrated in love, she has been married five times and is ready to give up on love relationships.
Age of Soul:
6.75 billion years old, a late-level advanced Soul
Order of Angels:
Seventh-order Angel—a Principality, or Archai, pioneers in ideas, discoveries, and innovations
How many elements:
Three—water (2 billion years), air (1 billion years), and earth (1.5 billion years), totaling 4.5 billion years of her 6.75 billion years. This person thinks globally because she came to work on a planetary level in the angelic kingdom, thus her desire is to help the planet and reach millions for healing and global change.
This Soul has been male in 61 percent of her lifetimes. In this lifetime she is female and challenged to find a romantic partner as strong as she is. She has tried to fit into the traditional female model of marriage and children, but this is not her destiny. In this life she is attempting to bring her successful lives as a male over into her expression as a woman, thus merging her male and female aspects that have separated for centuries. She has important, significant work to do on this planet, and marriage and children are completely secondary
Length of time in the fifth dimension:
7 million years
Only incarnated in the Milky Way galaxy
How many planets in the fifth dimension:
She has lived on only three, but the most important is in the Orion system, where she became connected with the galactic councils. This is where she first became interested in governance, statesmanship, and the administrative policies or philosophies that help to encourage the growth of millions of people living on various planets.
She has lived on thirteen planets in the fourth dimension,
in seven different solar systems, including the peaceful society of Arcturus and a system called Centauri.
She has lived on five planets in the third dimension;
Earth is her sixth. Sirius B is the only one I recognize, giving her increased empathy, sensitivity, and clairsentient abilities.
Arrived on Earth:
Visited Atlantis in a peace delegation about 25,000 years ago, then returned to settle here about 14,000 years ago.
Important lifetimes in Atlantis:
Six important lives in Atlantis, five of which were male: one as a hydraulics engineer working on the sluices and water power plants of ancient Atlantis; two as an elder or council member helping to establish and administer policies for one of the provinces of Atlantis; one as a sea captain with considerable leadership and respect, linked to the governance of the Atlantean rulers; one as a professor at a university, where he was the head of his department, focused on what today we would call sociology, with an emphasis on governance and statesmanship.
Major life themes
61 percent male
Married in only 20 percent of her lifetimes, and children in only 12 percent, being more focused on work
20 percent
Arts, engineering, and building crafts:
20 percent, including two lives
as a stonemason and builder. In one life (as a man) she built a church and did all the stained glass.
Nine lives, including eight as a statesman/elder in Atlantis, a councilman in Greece around 220 BCE, and a senator in ancient Rome in the first century after Christ
Three lives, as a writer/historian in ancient Rome around 106 BCE, and as a writer and believer in the rights of democracy in France in the 1700s prior to and following the French Revolution
In Germany, writing about freedom and fairness, from around the late 1300s to the early half of the 1400s; a deep thinker in that life who was also a research scholar considering the works of both the Church and also other hidden treatises on the nature of humankind, the Soul, and Spirit
in 20 percent of her lives, including three as a duke, one as a baron, and one as an earl, in all cases trying to oversee her people fairly in governance
Knight fighting for principles:
in nine lifetimes, including one in England, two in France, two in Germany, one in Austria, one in Portugal, one in Poland, and one in Scotland.
12 percent of lives, including the Knights Templar in the late 1200s, and one life spent as a general in Rome. All these lives were about fighting for a country, a cause, a principle, or a way of life that supported a better set of spiritual principles that could be applied to society.
This person is here to write two important books grounded in the energies of all three elements she has experienced. These books are breakthrough ideas (air) of practical governance (earth) that teach compassion and empathy for other tribal groups (water) to bring greater harmony to the world. As an Archai, a pioneer on the leading edge of thought, her job is about bringing higher consciousness ideas into practical forms to inspire others to reshape our world into a more altruistic and positive society. The pursuit of marriage will only pull her off of her course now. If she follows her plan, these books will come out in 2018 and 2020
Soul blocks
She has 320 vows, most of which are irrelevant to this life and need clearing.
No curses
Only about thirty cords or bindings, only two of which don’t work for her today. The rest are to positive people and relationships in her current life.
Erroneous belief systems formed in times of trauma:
Only forty-nine negative beliefs, some of which are connected to the fear of shaping her message based on the repression of information from the early Church and stemming from past-life programming. Other beliefs have to do with self-worth issues around being a woman and confusion about role models in romantic relationship with men. Only three major lifetime traumas need clearing.
This Soul has chosen to come into a female form at this time in order to merge her own masculine and feminine natures. Yet this is a personal challenge for her, and she will have to return to eventually allow herself to learn how to develop her divine feminine nature and be successful in an intimate family dynamic. This is the first life where she has been able to bring her strong male themes into a female body. In doing so, she is challenged to find a romantic equal, but is also contributing to the rise of female wisdom and leadership in the twenty-first century.
Case #5: Michael Stronghold, Archangel
Michael is a forty-seven-year ex–military intelligence officer who has been opening to Spirit in the past seven years. He is now an inspirational teacher who has begun to do healing work with others.
Age of Soul:
7 billion years old, an early master Soul
Order of Angels:
Eighth-order Angel—an Archangel, connecting others for inspiration and protection
How many elements:
This Soul has all four elements: water (2 billion
years), air (1 billion years), earth (2 billion years), and fire (.5 billion years), making for 5.5 billion years of his 7 billion years, meaning that he is a very large, complex energy powerhouse.
This is a powerful, noble planetary Angel in service to truth and justice. He is a warrior for truth with many talents and access to all of the spiritual gifts. He is a natural leader with a brilliant mind who is willful, charismatic, intelligent, problem-solving, and highly committed to his purpose. He protects men, women, and children, as well as deeper spiritual principles as long as he can stay aligned with his higher Self.
Length of time in the fifth dimension:
8 million years. This Soul spent time in service as one of Michael’s Archangels for around 1.5 million years; thus he is strong, loyal, purposeful, resilient, powerful, and noble. This is a Soul of high integrity who is absolute in his approach to life, which in the past has been very black and white. He is now making the change from life as a warrior to life as a healer and leader who can inspire and transform others.
Number of galaxies the Soul has been in:
Because of his time in the fire kingdom, this Soul has traveled through three separate galaxies—Andromeda, Pegasus, and the Milky Way.
How many planets he has lived on in the fifth dimension:
Any recognizable systems:
In this galaxy this Soul has long been centered on activities closer to the center of the galaxy, in Orion’s Belt. This is the seat of the Galactic Council. He brings with him a powerful will to protect the good, and he is daunting in his resolution. Loyal to a fault, he is the consummate noble warrior who has allowed himself little or no time for personal exploration, romantic relationships, family, or the development of his own artistic talents.
He has lived on twenty-eight planets in the fourth dimension,
in fourteen separate solar systems.
He has lived on seven planets in the third dimension,
in five separate solar systems
Recognizable systems:
The Orion system, particularly the blue star Rigel, where a strong contingent of warriors live. This Soul is very old, and thus he has a powerful connection with the old galactic empire overseen by Horus, the god of truth.
In recent times:
Canis Major for 180,000 years, Nibiru for 50,000 years, the Sirius A system for 20,000 years, and the Pleiadian system for 120,000 years. Earth is his eighth physical planet.
Arrived on Earth:
55,000 years ago, with a delegation of warriors. Then he left Earth. He returned 38,000 years ago and settled in Atlantis around 29,000 years ago. Initially part of the establishment of structural order helping to build Atlantis as a galactic capital, he and some of his Archangel brothers were warrior-protectors who were involved in setting up the infrastructure of this civilization, including their navy and the rulership of Atlantean colonies. He is very connected to the Earth’s grid.
Important lifetimes in Atlantis:
Twelve, including one life as a king, three as a prince, and three as a general or admiral; also became a magician-alchemist in two lives, working to master the laws of the universe. Deeply private, this person was focused on spiritual law, the discovery of magnetism, electromagnetic ley lines or the grid system, and the creation of energetic force fields that were used as protective walls between warring provinces. He has a strong interest in science and engineering, as well as spiritual service.
Major life themes
73 percent male
Married in only 12 percent of his lifetimes, with children in only 7 percent
in 68 percent of all lives, with little time for a personal life or developing artistic abilities
Noble birth:
in about 45 percent of all lives; a prince eleven times—in Britain twice, France once, Austria twice, Denmark once, Russia once, Egypt three times (including Old Kingdom once and Middle Kingdom twice); became a king five times, in Egypt, France, Spain, and
Denmark, as well as Atlantis; an earl, duke, or baron seven lifetimes; took birth as a Persian prince in two lifetimes, taking a look at the spiritual beliefs of Moslems from the other side
in only 2 percent of all lives
seven lifetimes
twice; naturally drawn to the Mysteries and a deeper understanding of the universe; five lives served as a diplomat or ambassador for Egypt, Persia, France, and Israel
Knights Templar:
in two lives, in one a knight who defended Jerusalem from the Moslems
in seven lives, fighting in three of the Crusades as a Christian, for Britain, France, and Germany
Soul blocks:
As an Archangel, this Soul has many vows that bind him today. He has some 470 vows today, only 23 of which are still working for him. The rest should be cleared immediately since they pull him in certain directions that are no longer valid for his personal evolution.
Michael has two curses that need lifting. These are energetic barriers to creating a life of love and happiness, as well as obstacles to achieving his full potential and power. These negative astral thought forms create constant roadblocks on his path to having the love he needs to heal the wounds of so much personal loss that keeps him in conflict so that he constantly feels like he must fight through everything in his life to win. Although he is strong, this is exhausting.
In addition, he has 312 cords or bindings that need to be cleared. Most of these are not of a personal nature, but rather cords created by commitments to save others who are now long dead, distracting him when he comes in contact with the reincarnations of any of these people.
Erroneous belief systems formed in times of trauma:
Fifty-seven, including some that block him from having a fulfilling and intimate personal life with a partner of the opposite sex because of his fear of losing that person and because of his commitment to duty first. These personal ties are thought of as a vulnerability that he cannot afford.
Most of his closest relationships have been with warrior companions on the battlefield. He needs to open up his feminine side and allow himself to love again in order to grow. He has six major lifetime traumas that need clearing, and seventeen lives killed in defense of a noble cause.
This highly intelligent, gifted Soul began to turn away from his lust for battle about three hundred years ago, for the first time asking himself if there wasn’t a better way. In his current life he is meant to open up to his shamanic healing powers again and to use his focus to take a different path. He will find that he has great healing powers in his hands, and as he opens his heart he will also discover that his natural charisma and alchemical powers will give him the ability to facilitate spontaneous healings in others. Many of those who come to him will be his own past-life warrior companions who need healing. He will also attract old enemies, giving him a chance to rebalance the karma created by centuries of battle. He is destined to become a charismatic leader, speaker, and healer of others, teaching them the path of diplomacy, forgiveness, and peace, but first he must find this in himself.
Case #6: Sarah Lawrence, Cherubim
In this life Sarah works with the blind, helping them to sense and feel colors and awakening their hearing and other senses to have a richer, more fulfilling life.
Age of Soul:
7.5 billion years old, a midlevel master Soul
Order of Angels:
Third-order Angel—a Cherubim, using sound and light to transform others
How many elements:
This Soul has three elements: water (3 billion years), air (.75 billion years), and earth (1.75 billion years). A planetary Angel, this Soul is focused on harmony and love at the global level. She spent 5.5 billion years in the sixth and seventh dimensions before ever arriving in the fifth dimension. Because of the long amount of time spend in the water kingdom she is naturally attuned to the creative arts, contact with the elementals, and also to the healing arts
Length of time in the fifth dimension:
7.5 million years, where she became a creative muse, inspiring the minds and hearts of others in the third and fourth dimensions
Number of galaxies:
Only the Milky Way
Planets in the fourth dimension:
twenty-two, five of which were primarily water worlds. Here she spent 50,000 years as a devic spirit inspiring others in the third dimension below. She spent 10,000 years as a fairy on both fourth- and third-dimensional planets.
Planets in the third dimension:
Four; Earth is her fourth 3-D world
Arrived in Lemuria:
40,000 years ago as a devic spirit summoned by a priestess of Lemuria to help harmonize the grids. Then she returned to the Sirius B home worlds as an aquatic human. She lived on that planet for the better part of 20,000 years. Eventually she took birth as a mermaid on Earth, in the Pacific Ocean, for about 5,000 years. Eventually she became fully human around 6,300 years ago.
Major life themes:
63 percent female in her lifetimes, developing the gifts of intuition, compassion, and wisdom
Married in 29 percent of her lifetimes, with children in 18 percent of them, dying in childbirth in two of them
Religious or spiritual lifetimes:
41 percent of all her lives on Earth have been dedicated to spiritual service. This includes being a priestess in twelve separate lives (five of which were in Egypt), including two lives spent in the temples of Denderah (dedicated to Hathor) doing light and sound healing work; two lives spent in Greece (one dedicated to Aphrodite, and one to Athena); five lifetimes as a priest, three of which were spent in Greece in the temples of Apollo at Delphi and in the temples of Poseidon; and a life as a nun in Spain in the late 1500s. Strong spiritual gifts developed in all of these lifetimes, including gifts as an oracle as well as a dancer, poet, singer, and musician.
The arts:
53 percent of her lives spent in the arts. The breakdown of artistic talents includes five lives spent as a singer, fifteen as a dancer,
twelve as a musician, nine as a painter, two as a sculptor, three as a craftsperson doing mosaic tiles, five as a weaver, five doing needlepoint, three involving some acting, one in the circus working with animals and riding bareback on circus horses, seven acting as a creative muse for others, and five lifetimes as a poet.
60 percent of her lives have been spent developing her healing gifts. The breakdown includes nine lives as an herbalist; five working with crystals; nine working with the healing effects of light, sound, and music; three working with color therapy and the effects of color healing on the aura and physical body; nine learning to channel healing energy directly through the hands; and five lives as a Druid (three of these in the BC period of time, and two in the last two thousand years, one during which she lost her life).
Nobly born:
In about 25 percent of all of her lifetimes in order to help others; 12 percent born into the artisan class.
In more recent times:
This Soul has a strong history in the Nile in Egypt, as well as in Native American tribes and particularly in the island cultures of the Pacific. This is because of her love of water. She has incarnated on the Hawaiian Islands in a least eight lifetimes. In one of these she was a female matriarch and tribal leader, and in another she was revered as an incarnation of the Mother Goddess because of her ability to communicate with the spirits of the land, water, wind, and volcano. She has great wisdom and patience and a love of whales, dolphins, the ocean, and Earth. She considers all beings her children. These were lives in which she was completely in spiritual service to the Divine, inspiring and wisely guiding her people to connect with their inner selves.
Soul blocks
Only 140 vows. Originally this Soul made many vows and commitments during the course of her spiritual service to others, but as a master Soul she had dissolved many of them, and so today she is not bound in present time by many of those agreements. Twenty of these original vows still serve her, but the rest should be cleared immediately.
No curse
300 small tendrils connected to her third chakra, to those people she is still sworn to assist in past lives. It would be best to clear these since they are, collectively, a drain on her energy bodies.
Erroneous belief systems formed in times of trauma:
Only 21, a very low number. These beliefs are primarily about not feeling totally safe inhabiting a physical body since she was reluctant to move from the worlds of fairies and mermaids into the full density of our Earth. To be more effective she needs to release these fears and reservations so that she can more fully inhabit her body.
This beautiful, highly advanced master Soul has come in again and again to bring wisdom, beauty, harmony, and balance to Earth. She did not have to return to this planet but came back because of a vow she made at the time of Lemuria, a vow to assist the human race in its spiritual evolution. Her deeper life themes involve helping to heal the people of planet Earth by raising them to a higher energetic frequency, where the conflict and stress of their daily lives falls away. She has done this in lifetimes in both the healing and creative arts. She has brought joy, love, laughter, and inspiration to others through the use of her many artistic and healing gifts.