
Chapter 7


ADMIRAL LAXARN SLAMMED open his office door and stalked over to his desk. “What do you mean, Nightwyn’s escaped?” He spun on Vice Admiral Jeeka and Rear Admiral Huan. “This is our headquarters, not some backwater outpost. You’re telling me that the guards let him slip through their fingers?”

“We’re still searching, sir,” Huan said.

“Searching? How could he waltz out of our supposedly highly secure building?” He glared at his subordinates. “Show me the security feeds. I want to know who did this.”

Jeeka and Huan exchanged a glance, but neither spoke.

Laxarn looked between the two of his most highly decorated officers and his stomach sank. “Report. Now.”

Jeeka’s scales skittered. “The feeds are useless. They’re either looped or the data is missing. We have nothing.”

He braced his hands on his desk and stared at them. His heart rate picked up, but he kept his visage calm.

“He can’t be acting alone,” Jeeka said. “I have a team trying to recover the data as we speak.”

“Find out who aided him, because someone did. I want the traitor in our ranks.” He scowled at them. “Get Nightwyn back.”

They nodded.

He pressed his fingertips to his forehead. “Her Majesty cannot hear about this, either. Keep this on a need to know, only. If the Queen’s Council finds out, you know they’ll hold it over our heads.”

He stared down at his flexi and rubbed his head. There had been too many discrepancies recently.

To top it off, he’d had to deal with that surprise inspection by the queen herself, of all things. If she hadn’t turned up, they would have finished Nightwyn’s court-martial and shipped him off to a secure facility. Not held him in lock-up here. He wouldn’t have escaped.

It was an honour to see her. He just wished she’d abided by normal protocols. His hand clenched, but he forced out a breath. He could hardly blame Her Majesty for Nightwyn’s escape.

His flexi beeped an alert. He gave it an irritated look, but swiped the screen open to check it. His brows pinched together as he stood up straight and taped on the file that he’d just been sent.

A security feed vid played, Nightwyn’s face clear in the image. The location tag came from Gaklun Two spacestation. The spacestation that Nightwyn had disobeyed orders and harried off too in chase of the Geejo settlers.

He pushed it towards Huan and Jeeka and waited until they watched the scene play out.

“That’s a bio-cyber,” Jeeka finally broke the silence.

“A damned cyber freak saved him?” Huan slammed his fist into his hand. “No wonder he escaped lock-up like he was taking on a stroll. This person has to have helped him break out.”

Laxarn nodded, still intent on the vid. “Keep this out of the press. We don’t need them knowing a Jade Fleet officer has been compromised by a bio-cyber. And find out who sent this file.” He slapped his hand on his desk. “Now!”



The briefing doors on the royal ship swished open, the sound echoing in the silent room.

Queen Samorn appeared in the entrance, a commanding air emanating from her, her crown a mere glittering reminder of her power. Her presence encompassed the entire room as she swept her piercing gaze over them.

At this point, Daku thought the day couldn’t get much more bizarre. He would kiss a Frollian marsh toad if it could promise him a shower and a clean uniform right now. He should have listened to Yan all those times she’d told him to maintain his uniform and then maybe he wouldn’t be feeling so awfully uncomfortable right now. He clung to Kara’s hand for dear life.

He scrambled to his feet, as the others rose. His heart thumped loudly all the way up into his throat and his eyes widen. Shakily, he let go of Kara’s hand and saluted, barely daring to breathe. He kept his eyes locked onto the opposite wall, staring at the centre of the Sapphire Zone banner.

“I trust you have kept their presence hidden from the crew,” the Queen stated, flicking her hand towards Kara and Daku.

“Of course,” Princess Isra replied. “Tarsk escorted them directly here. And before you ask, I’ve remained hidden as well.”

The Queen indicated her approval with a reserved inclination of her head. Daku watched the interaction out of the corners of his eyes as he kept his gaze glued straight ahead. Oddly, the conversation settled his rampant panic. It seemed that no matter how powerful one was, or how old, parents would always still boss you around. He felt a spurt of sympathy for the princess, as he knew how frustrating it was to have done everything right, but still be stared at with that considering gaze. It carried the weight of every mistake you’d ever made and then reminded you of them.

He could see that reality reflected in Princess Isra’s body language as she moved from the head of the table and shifted to the stand behind the chair next to Tarsk. She remained calm, but she still had to give way to her mother’s presence.

Queen Samorn swept forward, her teal gown rustling and swirling around her feet, gold embroidery and small gems glittering and flashing as she moved. The gown must be worth a small fortune. Probably more than he made in three years in the Fleet, Daku thought, fractionally moving his head to watch her. He would have been terrified to stand in something worth that much, and so fragile, let alone walk around in it. And how was it not a security risk to have her decked out in precious and semi-precious gems from literally crown to toe?

Just as he thought that, two figures moved forward, entering the room in the Queen’s wake. Each wore a navy skinsuit and full-face masks covering their heads. The two moved with supple grace and their hampered vision didn’t seem to impact them at all. They glided past him, and he swear he felt a cool brush of sensation flit over him. The tension drained out of him and he found himself standing there more confidently. If a bit more confused as to how it had happened.

One of them reached out and touched their hand to Kara’s shoulder. He saw her stiffen, her eyes flicking to Tarsk, but then she shrugged that single shoulder.

The Queen reached the head of the table and settled into the chair. It was a silent signal and the rest of them resumed sitting. Daku reacted last, as he’d been waiting for an order. But no one else seemed to think it rude that he’d sat down, so he breathed easier.

The two people in the navy skinsuits took up protective positions just behind the Queen’s chair on either side of her, and Daku started, as it suddenly clicked as to who, and what, they were: the Crown’s Tavashan bodyguards. He understood now how the Queen could be so calm while wearing a glittering fortune. They were two of the most respected and feared individuals in the Onyx Zone and the rest of the Empire, at least within the Fleets. But then, they’d had quite literally hundreds of years to learn, practice and hone their martial skills and talents to a very fine, and very precise level of terrifying mastery. Couple that with the rumours of their telepathic abilities, and no one wanted to inconvenience them, let alone attack them, out of fear of a swift and deadly retribution.

Daku stared at them in awe.

He wondered if a mythical beast only found in folklore was about to wander into the room as well. Because if one did, he’d not even be fazed at this point. He was pretty sure his ability to be surprised had been completely exhausted and burnt out.

“Your Majesty, how did the meeting with the Jade Fleet senior officials go?” Tarsk asked respectfully.

Queen Samorn pursed her lips, her eyes hard as she looked at them. “It was a waste of my valuable time.”

“Mother, your mere presence provided the diversion needed to extract Daku Nightwyn. Did you want them to start questioning Nightwyn and risk him revealing secrets we’d rather stay that way?” Princess Isra said.

The Queen huffed out a low breath. “This diversion from my official tour of Ghelpen space is taking up precious time and delaying my scheduled return to Catera. I expected nothing less of the Shadow but to succeed.”

Unfortunately, we could sense nothing useful to help us uncover the traitor, a voice revibrated directly in Daku’s mind. He sucked in a breath, his hands clenching on the arms of his chair. He stared at the two Tavashan; had one of them just spoken in his mind?

Kara bent towards him and murmured reassuringly to him, “That’s the Sword, she’s standing on the Queen’s right. They can’t read your thoughts. They are simply broadcasting to all in this room.”

He just nodded to her in reply, not daring to speak, but reassured. He really didn’t want them looking into his thoughts and seeing how much he needed that shower. But then again, they probably already knew that by simply looking at him.

The threat to the Royal Family is real, though. We recommend seeking a safe location to return to, Your Majesty, the Sword continued. Nothing about her stance revealed she was communicating with them; it simply looked like she was standing ready to defend the Queen.

“I will not be returning to the Onyx Palace until I have completed this scheduled tour,” the Queen snapped. “I made that clear before. No one must suspect that we are aware there is a traitor, and cancelling right in the middle will raise too many questions. However, Scribe and Shadow, I want you to protect Isra and escort her to a safe location.”

“I do not need to go into seclusion, either,” Princess Isra bit back. “My time would be better spent finding this traitor.”

“Isra, I know you feel that way, but now is not the time to argue.”

Stability needs to be ensured, the Shield sent, his thoughts felt different to the Swords like one was a rough rock and the other a smooth stone. We do not recommend you take part in any more covert operations until we apprehend the individual or group that is threatening the Empire. And as you are more directly linked to the Shadow, and the connection thus more likely to be tangibly proven, you are at greater risk right now than your mother.

“I fail to see how my going into seclusion wouldn’t raise just as much suspicion.” The princess turned her head away from them, her hands clenched tightly together.

Queen Samorn’s gaze lingered on her daughter before she turned her focus back to the others in the room.

“The Shield is correct, and I must ask you to protect my daughter. Like I asked you to protect the Empire fifteen years ago. For she is the Empire, she is the reason for it.” Queen Samorn gazed firmly at Tarsk and Kara, clasping her hands together. “I know she does not want to leave my side, but she is my baby, my child, and I will not see her hurt. And I am...afraid that she will be targeted, worse than I. I have had a quiet reign, and many have seen me as little more than a fairy-tale figurehead, lending glory and history to our people, but having little control over them. But Isra”

She stared at her daughter in concern, before continuing, “I’m not so sure they will believe the same of her. Many in the Seven Temples will remember her constant absences. Maybe that will come across as arrogance, as conceit, ignoring the traditions of the monarchy and the heir,” she paused again, her shoulders falling.

During this all, Princess Isra had not even reacted. Instead, she simply played with her gloves. Picking at them, fiddling with the edges, pulling them off slightly, before tugging them back on, the task drawing all her attention.

“Maybe I’ve been too hard on you,” the Queen sighed. “All children need to leave home, to make their own mistakes, to grow.” She looked at Kara. “I may have to let her go, but not without protection. No. You and Tarsk will go with her.”

Daku still sat there stunned. He couldn’t believe that he was in the actual presence of the Queen. Let alone that it was in a small gathering discussing the security of the Empire. He gulped and stared in awe at Kara as she sat here with seeming ease. He hadn’t even been able to find his tongue yet.

Kara indicated Daku, and he nearly fell out of his chair, thinking he would need to talk. But she spoke.

“Forgive me for bringing him here, for causing this to happen. It is my fault. If I leave—”

“No. Do not blame yourself,” Queen Samorn said firmly. “Never do that. Yes, we took a risk in keeping you alive, but you have more than paid us back for that. You have shown your value and loyalty time and again.” She shook her head. “If not you, it would have been something else. The Draldens have been pushing for influence in my Empire for years. They did not like that I refused them entry to my Council, refused to have them be my ‘advisers’.” She spat the last word like it was the vilest of curses. “Like I would ever welcome them here. Ever let them near my daughter or myself.”

She turned to Daku and sized him up. He felt small and awed. He tugged at the bottom of his shirt, before catching himself.

“Since you are here, it means your loyalty to me is unwavering,” the Queen said to him, and he could only manage a jerky nod in reply.

Kara shifted beside him, an imperceptible movement.

The Queen smiled and sighed. “Though I think you are more invested in seeing that no harm comes to my Shadow.”

He blinked and looked at Kara. He still couldn’t get used to her being referred to by a code name. And certainly not by the Queen herself.

“Your Majesty,” he said, finally discovering his tongue that had been stuck firmly to the roof of his mouth, where it would quite happily have remained. But Queen Samorn had addressed him personally, and he had to respond. “I am loyal to you,” he croaked out.

She waved this off, her mouth quirked in indulgent amusement. “Be that as it may. I can see you are in love with her, and I would think she returns it.”

Daku sat there frozen, not being able to meet Kara’s eyes. The feelings were too raw and new inside him, and neither had said a word to the other. Yet here was the Queen announcing it to them all, and he felt uncomfortable and uncertain about it.

Kara started and shook her head. “Your Majesty, I would not—”

The Queen cut her off. “In the beginning, I wanted to ensure your loyalty to me. And to make sure you never felt any emotion strong enough to try to kill yourself again, or seek revenge.”

Kara looked torn, defeated. “And I have failed you,” she whispered. “I’m not worthy to guard you.”

“Not worthy? You risked your life to save my people. You may have been a bit rash, but you’re coming alive again, finally.” The Queen took a deep breath, throwing her hands out before her. “What the Sword and Shield did, was to save you from yourself. You were but a child and you did not know how to cope. But you have changed, grown. And when it all came back to you—all those emotions and feelings—as we knew it eventually would, you survived. Everything you have done has strengthened you. Do you wish to die now?”

“No, never.” Kara looked at Daku, quickly, briefly, then looked at the ground again. “I would not fail you like that.”

“You think having someone to love makes you a failure to me?” She sighed, and rose from her chair, reaching out to cup Kara’s chin in her hand. “I never wanted you to live in a prison, even one of your own creation. Yes, I had concerns when you first came to us, of course I did. You were in pain; you had no will to live. I worried you would risk everything just to seek revenge. After chose not to, and I was relieved. But then we noticed you lost all personality, you became like an automaton. Following orders to the letter, not one foot out of line; not one word misspoken. And not one moment taken solely for yourself.” The Queen let her hand fall. “When Isra told me you had left Outpost 7JZ without her permission, well I rejoiced.”

Isra shifted in her chair, her eyes slightly narrowing, but she remained silent and watchful.

Queen Samorn continued to speak passionately. “It was the first independent action you had taken since you became my Shadow, the first sign of life in you again. And you were no less effective than you had been before, apart from the minor thing of not trusting us. Did you really think I would have no use for you?”

Kara sunk in on herself, but the Queen reached out again, holding both of Kara’s hands in her gloved ones. “Do you see me casting aside Tarsk? Even after recent events?”

Kara looked startled. “No, of course not.”

“Then why would I cast you aside? He’s gotten into far more scrapes than you ever have.” She shot Tarsk an annoyed look. He managed to look thoroughly innocent, in fact far too innocent to be believable.

Kara on the other hand looked thoughtful. “But I am different to Tarsk, I’m not...human. I’m not anything!”

“Skin and bones don’t make you human. So what if you have the DNA of other species combined with yours; that is not what makes you a person. Your actions do.” She gazed into Kara’s eyes with a wealth of knowledge and tired experience expressed within them. “And now I must ask you to protect Isra. Take her to a safe location until the traitors are uncovered.”

“But where?” Tarsk asked. “I mean, where can a princess possibly hide?” He shot Kara a quick look.

“Yes, Mother,” Isra finally spoke up, her tone hard and cutting, arms crossed. “Where are you going to hide me away this time?” Annoyance and strain were clear in her voice, her eyes hard.

“Why are you even here, if there’s such a risk to your life?” Daku asked, and then almost bit his tongue. He swallowed nervously; he’d just questioned Princess Isra, Her Royal Highness, the heir to the Rhaslok Empire, and thrown her judgement into question. In front of the Queen to boot. He was screwed. He should just find the nearest engine vent and stick his head inside.

Isra faintly smiled. “Well, you and Tarsk must get on very well. No wonder you like him, Kara.”

Daku looked around confused, waiting for them to lash out and reprimand his insolence for speaking without permission. For a second, his eyes held Kara’s. There were so many questions he wanted to ask her, so many things he wanted to know. But why weren’t they flaying him alive for daring to speak to the Princess, to doubt her? No wonder Admiral Laxarn had been about to strip him of his command. He had to learn to bite his tongue and think before speaking.

“Nightwyn, I do not punish those around me for speaking their mind,” Princess Isra said calmly and reassuringly. She shot a look at her mother, before continuing. “I don’t like, or need, people that constantly agree with me. Pandering to what they think I want to hear. There are far too many around me that already do so. You would not be here if you were like them. Kara and Tarsk have vouched for you, and as I trust them, you can give your opinion, with no fear of reprisals from me.” She looked at her mother, her eyes narrowed. “And I am not going to Dalor.”

The Queen tensed.

“She’s right you know, that’s the first place anyone with half a thought would go looking,” Daku said, clenching and unclenching his hands.

“We can’t take an Imperial ship either,” Kara interjected. “They’re too noticeable and traceable by any of the Fleets.”

“Surely we can trust most of the Fleet? They can’t all be traitors,” Daku argued. “I can personally vouch for many in Jade Fleet.”

Kara stared down at the floor, before looking at him again. “I would hope they aren’t. Pray to the Eternities they aren’t. But it’s far too likely someone in a key position in one of the four Fleets is betraying the Empire. And all signs are pointing to the Jade Fleet right now. We cannot risk taking that chance.”

We agree. You should not use this ship or any other of her Imperial Majesty’s ships either. We don’t know who’s behind this, and we can’t risk Her Highness’s safety any more than we have, the Sword sent, the thought firm.

“We can’t exactly go and requisition a ship though,” Tarsk said. He stroked the fur on the back of his paw rhythmically. “And stealing one’s right out.”

Daku shifted, still uncertain about speaking without being directly asked, but he went for it. Nothing had happened to him yet. “My parents have a long-haul freighter,” he said, drawing all eyes in the room. “It’s out at the freight port.”