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abundance, spirit of, 38
“adjacent possible” concept, 125–26
adult development, 205–7
affirmation bubbles, 121
Agile project management, 117
Agrawal, Miki, 123–24
Agrawal, Radha, 124
Airbnb, 109
Albertsons, 94
Alpert, Richard (Ram Dass), 220
Alzheimer’s disease, 189
Amara, Roy, 150
Amara’s law, 150–51
customer-centric ethic at, 20, 34, 96
mentorship program of, 172
and organizational design, 118
skill training offered at, 159
success of, 144
and Whole Foods, 42, 72, 81, 92–99
and Wilke, 65
Amma, 44
Amrion, x
animals, interacting with, 198
animal welfare
businesses as agents of change in arena of, 17
and Friedrich’s Good Food Institute, 122
and Mackey’s leadership at Whole Foods, 71–74
arrogance, 120
Asprey, Dave, 191
AT&T, 146
effect of technology on, 200
and mental energy, 186
power of, 40
Aurobindo, Sri, 214
authority, 66
B Corps (Benefit Corporation), 11–12, 133, 182–83
Beatles, 22–23
beginner’s mind, 208–9
Be Here Now (Ram Dass), 220
benchmarks, 170
Benioff, Marc, 193
Bennis, Warren, 34
Bergson, Henri, 203
Berkshire Hathaway, 93–94
Beyond Meat, 17
Bickford Senior Living centers, 49–50
bidets, 124
Big Five personality traits, 178
Big Sur coast, 213
B Lab, 133
Black Friday, 14
Blakely, Sara, 155
Bluepoint Leadership Development, 172
Blue Zones, 192
Bohr, Niels, 23
Boston Celtics, 110
Branson, Richard, 7–8
Braungart, Michael, 9
Bridgewater Associates, 120–21
Brin, Sergey, 155
Brown, Barrett, 213
“Brownsville Girl” (Dylan), 106
Buechel, Jason, 167
Buffett, Warren
on buying companies at a fair price, 98
on importance of integrity in hiring decisions, 162
on trust in dealmaking, 85
and Whole Foods, 93–94
burnout, 182
business categories, rapid changes in, 143
Campbell, Bill, 171
Campbell, Joseph, 103
Camp Campbell, 173
capitalism, 102. See also Conscious Capitalism movement
caring, practicing, 43–44
Carse, James, 135
challenge/support polarity, 23, 164–65
Chambers, John, 113–14
character, 162
charisma, hiring for, 161
Chase Bank, 98
Chautauqua movement, 206
Chick-fil-A, 223
Chipotle, 132
Chouinard, Yvon, 5
chronic pain, 193
Cisco Systems, 113–14
Civil Rights Movement, 91–92
developing a culture of, 171–72
Codrescu, Andrei, 191
balancing autonomy with, 119
and competition, 108
and creativity, 108–9
and cultivating a conspiratorial element, 108–9
and emotional intelligence, 162
and organizational design, 116–17, 119
command-and-control organizational design, 116
and cultivating a conspiratorial element, 109
and organizational design, 116
role of, in win-win-win mindset, 86
community building, 176–77
Community Giving Days, 98
community model of business, 31–32
compassion, 44–46
competition and competitors
and business metaphors, 27–30, 31
and market transitions, 113
in natural foods industry, 108
concentration, 186
conflict-oriented metaphors for business, 26–31
Confucius, 206
conscious (term), xvi
Conscious Capitalism (Mackey and Sisodia), xiv, xv, 15
Conscious Capitalism movement
and higher purpose of an organization, 12
and ideal/real polarity, 19
importance of love in, 51
and negative perceptions of business, 12
and Shaich, 131
and shareholder activism, 133
value creation and innovation in, 103
conspiratorial element in corporations, cultivation of, 108–9
Container Store, 33
continuous improvement, 31
convergence of technologies, 143–45
Cook, Tim, 43–44
cooperation and competition, 22–23, 108
counterculture movement, 214
courage, 63–65
Covey, Stephen
on role of trust in organizations, 66
and servant leadership, 33
on spiritual intelligence, 225
Covid-19 pandemic, 138
“Cowboy Capitalism,” 108
encouraged by competition, 23
and importance of rest, 182
and mental energy, 186
and organizational design, 117
in seeking mutually-beneficial solutions, 89–90
cultural intelligence, 223–24
culture of organizations
created by founders, 167
and cultural benchmarking, 170
and role of cultural fit in hiring, 163
daily routine, strategy for jump-starting, 142–43
Darwin, Charles, 198
Darwinian-evolution metaphor for business, 27–28, 33
Das, Joyeeta, 200–201, 177
Daybreaker, 124
decision making
considering stakeholders in, 52
and cultivating depth, 211–12
impact of higher purpose on, 19
importance of innovation in, 118
and subject-object relationship, 217
Declaration of Independence, U.S., 92
defense/offense polarity, 23
Deliberately Developmental Organizations, 224
Dell, Michael, 155
dementia, 189
depth, cultivation of, 211–12
developmental thinking, 141
Diamandis, Peter, 108
digital fasting, 199–201
disease, role of sleep in, 189
Disney, Walt, 5
disruptors and disruptions
creating/supporting a culture of, 112
and forecasting strategies, 146
and maintaining optimism, 148
paying attention to, 112, 113–14
societal impact of, 123
diversity, 223
Dixon, Mark, 174–75
Dorsey, Jack, 193
dot-com boom/bust, x–xi
Driversselect, 157
Druckenmiller, Stanley, 181–82
Drucker, Peter, 34
Dweck, Carol, 10
Dylan, Bob, 106
Easterbrook, Gregg, 149
Einstein, Albert, 138
emotional energy, 186
emotional intelligence, 162, 219–23
Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More than IQ (Goleman), 220
empowerment of employees, 35
energy management, 183–87. See also revitalization
Enneagram, 178
Eno, Brian, 105
environmental impacts, 54–56
Epstein, David, 210
evolution metaphor for business, 27–28, 33
executive coaching, 209
exercise, critical importance of, 192–93
Expedia, 87–88
experimentation, 117
expertise, 210
exponential thinking, 137–43
Exponential Transformation (Ismail), 139–40
Facebook, 114
Factfulness (Rosling), 104
Farber, Steve, 26
feedback skills, developing, 170–71
feminine hygiene products, 123–24
Fifth Discipline, The (Senge), 99, 224
Finite and Infinite Games (Carse), 135
finite/infinite mindsets, 135
Flanagan, Glenda, 167
Florida Ice & Farm Company (FIFCO), 53–57, 69–70
focus, 186
Ford, 59–60
Ford, Bill, 193
forecasting strategies, 145–47
forgiveness, 46–47
Founding Fathers, American, 105
Frames of Mind (Gardner), 218
Franklin, Benjamin, 203–5
From Counterculture to Cyberculture (Turner), 105
Gaiam, xi
Gallo, A. C., 167
game metaphors for business, 28–30
Game of Thrones (television series), 30
Game Plans (Keidel), 28
game theory, 86
Gardner, Howard, 218–19
Gardner, Tom, 170
Gartner’s Hype Cycle, 150–51
Geek Squad, 159
generalists, advantages of, 209–10
generosity, 38–39
genius, collective form of, 105
George, Bill, 59
Gettysburg Address, Lincoln’s, 3–4
Gibson, William, 141
Gift Council, 112
Gilbert, Jay Coen, 133, 182–83
goal setting for employees, 169, 170
goals of businesses, 14–15
Golden Rule, 84
Golden State Warriors, 110
Goleman, Daniel, 220
Good Food Institute, 122
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 11
and Bay Area ecosystem, 111
“Don’t be evil” mission statement of, 68
intrinsic value behind work of, 13
and organizational design, 118
research on internal teams, 168–69
and self-driving cars, 141–42
sexist memo incident at, 223
superiority of product of, 114
gratitude, 39–41
Great Idea Hunt practice of Motley Fool, 115
Greenleaf, Robert, 34
Greifeld, Bob, 112
Gretzky, Wayne, 113
grounding activities, 198
groupthink, 23
growing and learning continuously, 203–27
and adult development, 205–7
and advantages of generalists, 209–10
and analytical intelligence, 218–19
and building a learning organization, 224
and cultivating depth, 211–12
and emotional intelligence, 219–23
Franklin’s commitment to, 203–5
inner work of, 212–15
lifelong learning, 203–5, 207–9
and neuroplasticity, 208
and spiritual growth, 224–27
and subject-object relationship, 216–18
Hall, Steve, 157
happiness of team members, 165
Harvard Business Review, 182, 189
Harvard Medical School, 182
help, requests for, 168
heros, finding inspiration in, 10–11
hero’s journey, 103
hierarchical structure of business organizations
balancing empowerment with, 119
and command-and-control approach, 116
efforts to minimize, 118
and quasi-military “chain of command,” 26
and servant leadership, 34
slow pace of, 116
at Whole Foods, 118
higher purpose, pursuit of, 4, 7, 187, 226–27. See also purpose
Hill, Napoleon, 205
Hippocrates, 177
hiring internal vs. external candidates, 157
hobbies, 197–98
Hock, Dee, 182
Holacracy, 118
Home Depot, 34
honesty, 58–60
honor, 60–61
hope, 148–49, 87–88
Houston Rockets, 110
HP, 111
Hsieh, Tony, 118
Huffington, Arianna, 201
Human Genome Project, 140
humanity and business, xvii
human potential movement, 206
competitive advantage of, 119–21
self-reflection required for, 147
Hurt, Brett, 177
Hype Cycle, 150–51
Iceland’s boom-and-bust, 128–30, 135
idealism, balancing pragmatism with, 15–20
immune function, role of sleep in, 189
impactful work, value of, 168
Impossible Foods, 17
individual/group polarity, 23
inequality, 102
Infinite Game, The (Sinek), 135
infinite mindsets, 135
ING Financial Group, 18
inherited orthodoxies, 215
innovation, 101–26
and “adjacent possible” concept, 125–26
creating/supporting a culture of, 104
and cultivating a conspiratorial element, 108–9
and disruptors, 112, 113–14, 123
ecosystems that support, 105–6, 110–11
found in borders/boundaries of business ecosystems, 110–12
humility’s competitive advantage in, 119–21
incentives that support, 106–7
and infinite mindsets, 135
and organizational design, 116–19
and point of view of organizations, 109–10
recognizing, 113–15
reflecting on tradition of, 104
in unexpected industries, 123–25
and value creation, 102–3, 121–23
insomnia, 193
institutionalization, 111
Integral Life Practice (Wilber, Patten, Leonard, and Morelli), 75
and agents of change, 69–70
and authenticity, 61–63
and courage, 63–65
expanding concepts of, 67–68
and hiring considerations, 162
and honesty, 58–60
and honor, 60–61
meaning of, 57–58
and Mendiola’s work at FIFCO, 53–57
and personal growth, 215
reconciling personal and organizational, 70–74
and self-righteousness, 74
and spiritual growth, 227
and trustworthiness, 66–68
analytical intelligence, 218–19
cultural intelligence, 223–24
emotional intelligence, 162, 219–23
multiple intelligence theory, 218–19
social intelligence, 222–23
spiritual intelligence, 225
intention, power of, 94–95, 215
internal combustion engine, 144
internet, 144
intrinsic good, 13–14
Ismail, Salim, 139–40
JANA Partners, 79–81, 93, 97, 131
jazz music, 110
Jefferson, Thomas, 58
Jerry Maguire (film), 160
job reviews, 169–70
Johnson, Barry, 23
Journal of Consumer Research, 200
Journey to the East (Hesse), 34
Jump Associates, 142
Kaipa, Prasad, 212
Katz, David, 192
Kegan, Robert, 206, 213, 216–17, 224
Keidel, Robert, 28
Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS), 178
Kelly, Kevin, 141
Kennedy, John F., 21
Keyser, Jonathan, 35–37
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 91–92
Koestler, Arthur, 117
Kroc, Ray, 103
Kurzweil, Ray, 140
L.A. Lakers, 110
Lamott, Anne, 181
Law of Doomsaying, 149
“law of the lid,” xv
Lawrence, D. H., 39
leadership development, 157, 171
leadership vacuums, xii
leading by example, 166–67
lean manufacturing, 117
learning. See growing and learning continuously
learning organizations, 224
Lennon, John, 22–23
liberty/equality polarity, 23
lifelong learning, 203–5. See also growing and learning continuously
Lincoln, Abraham
and connecting people to purpose, 4–5, 8, 19–20
Gettysburg Address, 3–4
Loehr, Jim, 184
London’s rock-and-roll scene, 105
longevity, 192
Long-Term Stock Exchange, 133
long-term thinking, 127–51
awakening, 130–34
balancing short/long term interests, 136
and changing business categories, 143
and changing course, 147
and conducting pre-mortems, 134
and convergence of technologies, 143–45
and exponential thinking, 137–43
and finite/infinite mindsets, 135
and forecasting strategies, 145–47
and hope/hype cycle in technology, 149–51
making room for, 132
and optimism, 148–49
as subversive choice, 131
and succession planning, 136
and Tómasdóttir’s leadership in Iceland, 127–30
and win-win-win thinking, 82
love, 25–52
and appreciation, 41–43
and care, 43–44
and community model of business, 31–32
and compassion, 44–46
and conflict-oriented metaphors for business, 26–31, 33
Eby’s demonstration of, 48–50
and forgiveness, 46–47
and generosity, 38–39
and gratitude, 39–41
and new mental maps/metaphors for business, 31–33
and servant leadership, 33–37, 39
as source of strength, 47–48
and spiritual growth, 227
Lovesac, 8–10
loyalty, 221
Ma, Jack, 155
MacDonald, Alan, 173
Mackey, Bill, 172–73
Manbeck, Keith, 167
Marcus Aurelius, 206
Market Mover (Greifeld), 112
market-oriented enterprises, 15–16
market transitions, 113
Marriott, 33
Master Coach, The (Thompson), 171
mastermind groups, 205
Maxwell, John, xv
McCartney, Paul, 22–23
McCloskey, Deirdre, 101, 102, 148
McCobin, Alexander, 82
McDonough, William, 9
McIntosh, Steve, xvi
McKinsey and Co., 146
meaningful work, value of, 168
meditation, 193–96
memory, 186
mental energy, 186
for leadership development, 209
programs for, 172–73
Merzenich, Michael, 208
metaphors for business, 26–33
millennial generation, 124
of leaders of teams, 166
of organization’s purpose, 20
and practicing compassion, 45–46
Mindset (Dweck), 10
mistakes, making, 168
modeling leadership, 106–7
Moment on Earth, A (Easterbrook), 149
Moore’s law, 138
Morrison, Denise, 173
motivation, role of purpose in, 15
movement, critical importance of, 192–93
Mulally, Alan, 59–60
multiple intelligence theory, 218–19
Murphy, Michael, 213–14, 215, 220
mutual-benefit mindset, 88–90
mutual improvement club of Franklin, 204, 205
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 178
Napoleon III, Emperor, 148
NASA, 21
Nasdaq, 112
National Public Radio (NPR), 18
nature, recharging in, 199
Nature Fix, The (Williams), 199
NBA basketball, evolution of playing styles in, 110
negative perceptions of business
Conscious Capitalism’s refutation of, 12
of greed of businesspeople, 22
and higher purpose of organizations, 22
and short-term approach of businesses, 135
and win-lose paradigm, 84
negativity, releasing, 186, 187–88
Nelson, Shawn David, 8–10
Nestlé, 173
neuroplasticity, 208
ninety-minute work cycles, 185, 186
Nisargadatta, Maharaj, 196
nonprofit organizations
and balance of pragmatism with idealism, 18
and market-oriented approach, 17
Nordstrom, 35
nourishment, 190–92
Noyce, Robert, 115
Oblisk, Sonya Gafsi, 167
One Minute Manager (Blanchard), 43
open-mindedness, 208–9
optimism, 148–49
ordinary work, generating higher purpose from, 21
organizational design, 116–19
overreactions, 75
Page, Larry, 155
Papanek, Victor, 9
Paris, France, 105
Parlee, Bert, 23
Patagonia, 5
Patnaik, Dev, 142
Patterson, Tom, 201
Patton (film), 27
PepsiCo, 127
Perez, Carlota, 113
performance reviews, 169–70
personal computers, 144–45
personal growth. See growing and learning continuously
personality types, 177–79
personnel decisions, 157–60. See also teams and work environment
PETA, 122
Phipps, Carter, xvi
Phoenix Suns, 110
average time spent on, 200
and digital fasting, 199–201
exponential market growth in, 146
platforms for, 145
physical energy, 186
physical exercise, importance of, 192–93
platforms, 143–45
Plato, 177
Play Bigger (Ramadan, Peterson, Lochhead, and Maney), 109
point of view of organizations, 109–10
polarity theory, 22–24
political polarization, 90–91
Pollan, Michael, 192
positive energy, 187
positive/positive polarity, 23
postmodern values, 223–24
and Mendiola’s FIFCO, 69–70
and negative perceptions of business, 84
pragmatism, balancing idealism with, 15–20
pre-mortems, conducting, 134
Price, Dick, 214
productivity patterns, ninety-minute increments in, 185
professional development, supporting, 169
purpose powered by, 11–15
and value creation, 102–3
purpose, 3–24
and balancing pragmatism with idealism, 15–20
and businesses as agents of change, 17
communicating/demonstrating, 20
connecting people to, 4–5
determining the best expression of, 7
discerning the higher purpose of an organization, 12–13
as gradual/lifelong practice, 10
and heros, 10–11
and intrinsic good, 13–14
maintaining mindfulness of, 20
and negotiating the challenge/support polarity, 165
and Nelson’s Lovesac, 8–10
of ordinary work, 21
and personal growth, 215
and polarity theory, 22–24
profits powered by, 11–15
revelation of, 5–8
and spiritual energy, 187
as a spiritual path, 226–27
and stakeholder participation, 21–22
and value creation, 13, 14, 15, 18, 32
Purpose Institute, 6
questioning, work cultures that support, 168
Radjou, Navi, 212
Ram Dass, 220
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World (Epstein), 210
Rauch, Doug, 108
reading, 207
realism, market, 18–20
reciprocal altruism, 84
REI, 13–14
respect, mutual, 85
reviews, 169–70
revitalization, 181–201
role of digital fasting in, 199–201
role of energy management in, 183–87
role of grounding activities in, 198
role of hobbies in, 197–98
role of meditation in, 193–96
role of nature in, 199
role of nourishment in, 190–92
role of rest in, 182–83, 184, 185
role of sleep in, 188–90
role of vacations in, 196–97
Reykjavik University, 128
ridesharing apps, 145
Ries, Eric, 133
risk taking, work cultures that support, 168
Ritz-Carlton, 34
Robertson, Brian, 118
Rock, Arthur, 114–15
Romantic poets of nineteenth century England, 105
Rosling, Hans, 104
Rosner, Cheryl, 87–88
Safer Way grocery store, 16
safety, psychological, 168–69
Saint Exupéry, Antoine de, 21
Salesforce, 109
Sanchez, Gisela, 53–54
Sanders, Henry Russell, 29
San Francisco, California, 110–11, 114
“scenius” term, 105
Schmidt, Eric, 111
Schwartz, Tony, 183–87
Schweitzer, Albert, 226
screen time, 200. See also phones
Seattle Seahawks, 193
secrecy, 61
self-driving cars, 141–42, 150
self improvement. See growing and learning continuously
and emotional intelligence, 220, 221–22
and good judgement, 147
and humility, 147
importance of, in leaders, 62–63, 167
self-righteousness, 74
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 87
leadership as journey of, xv–xvi
as path to happiness, 226
7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 85
shareholder activists, 98, 131, 133
Shark Tank (television series), 28
shark-tank business metaphor, 28
short-term thinking
and Iceland’s boom-and-bust, 128–30
and investors’ expectations, 130–31
and JANA Partners’ campaign against Whole Foods, 81
shoshin (beginner’s mind), 208–9
Sierra Club, 5
Silicon Valley, 105
Simmons, Russell, 193
simplicity/complexity polarity, 23
Sinek, Simon, 135
Sisodia, Raj, xiv
Sixteen Personality Factors (16PF), 179
sleep, value of, 188–90
Smedes, Lewis B., 46
social impacts, 54–56
social intelligence, 222–23
social justice, 223
Southwest Airlines, 33, 35, 165
Speigleberg, Frederic, 213–14
Spence, Roy, 6
spiritual energy, 187
spiritual growth, 224–27
sports metaphors for business, 28–30
Stagen Leadership Academy, 171, 216
and B Corps, 133
and community model of business, 32
integration of, 51–52
participation of, 21–22
and purpose of corporations, xiv
two groups of, 51–52
and value creation, 122–23
and win-win-win thinking, 83
Stern, Robin, 221
Street, John, 108–9
strength, love as source of, 47–48
stress, 182
structure/flexibility polarity, 23
subject-object relationship, 216–17
succession planning, 136
Sud, Jim, 167
Superforecasting (Tetlock), 147
sustainability, 223
systems thinking, 99–100
Team of Rivals (Goodwin), 11
teams and work environment, 155–79
chemistry of, 156
and coaching culture, 171–72
and community building, 176–77
and compensation, 160–61
cultivating environment of safety and trust in, 168–69
and happiness of team members, 165
and hiring considerations, 161–63
and hiring internal vs. external candidates, 157–59
and leadership training opportunities, 157
and leading by example, 166–67
and mentorship programs, 172–73
mindfulness of leaders of, 166
negotiating the challenge/support polarity in, 164–65
and personality types, 177–79
and providing clear goals/feedback, 169–71
and public recognition of leaders, 155–56
and self-awareness of leaders, 167
and terminating employees, 176
underperformers on, 169–70, 173–76, 176n
addiction to, 201
and Amara’s law, 150–51
convergence of, 143–45
and digital fasting, 199–201
exponential growth in, 139, 148–49
Hype Cycle in, 150–51
and Moore’s law, 138
opportunities provided by, 148–49
See also phones
TED, 18
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 144
terminating employees, 176
Tesla, 18
Tetlock, Philip, 147
Think Week of Bill Gates, 197–98
Thinx, 124
Thompson, Gregg, 171–72
3Com, 122
360 reviews, 169–70
tit-for-tat strategies, 86
Tómasdóttir, Halla, 127–30
town halls, 67
training, investing in, 159
transcendentalists, 206
and authenticity, 61
role of, in win-win-win mindset, 86
standard for, 59
and trustworthiness, 67
in wages, 161
transportation industry, 145
travel industry, 87–88
Trillion Dollar Coach (Schmidt, Rosenberg, and Eagle), 171
triple bottom line framework, 11–12, 53–54
Truman, Harry, 207
dynamics of, 85–86
and emotional intelligence, 221
and integrity, 66–68
Turner, Fred, 105
Tushy, 124
Twain, Mark, 147
Tyson, Mike, 146
underperformers, managing, 169–70, 173–76, 176n
Unilever, 18
Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability—Designing for Abundance, The (McDonough and Braungart), 9
urban environments, 110
vacations, 196–97
vacuums in leadership, xii
value creation
and benefiting people, 14
discerning intrinsic good at heart of, 13–14
and long-term thinking, 129–30
and profits, 102–3
and purpose of organizations, 13, 14, 15, 32
purpose statements reflecting, 18
value systems, 223–24
Varieties of Meditative Experience, The (Goleman), 220
videotaping, coaching with, 216–18
Vipassana, 195
vulnerability, work cultures that support, 168
Walker, Matthew, 189
Walsh, Roger, 79
war metaphor for business, 26–27, 33
Weiner, Jeff, 193
Welch, Jack, 113
Where Good Ideas Come From (Johnson), 125, 197
whistleblowers, 68
Whitman, Meg, 155
Whole Foods
and animal rights activists, 70–74
annual sales of, xiv
closure of poorly performing stores, 88–89
competition encouraged in, 107
competitors of, 108
and cultural fit in hiring decisions, 163
Dixon’s career path in, 174–75
and expressions of appreciation, 25, 41–43
hiring practices at, 159
incentivizing healthy behaviors at, 190
innovation of, 103
intrinsic good behind value proposition of, 13
JANA Partners’ campaign against, 79–81, 93, 97, 131
leadership development in, 171
long-term focus of, 131
and Mackey’s passion for food, 5
Mackey’s role as CEO at, ix–xiv
and Mackey’s strengths/weaknesses, 167
market-oriented approach of, 15–16
and organizational design, 117–18
origins of, 15–16
and perception of potential market, 114
point of view of, 109
purpose statement of, 18
Whole Planet Foundation, 98
Why We Sleep (Walker), 189
Wilber, Ken, 216
Wilke, Jeff, 63–65
Williams, Florence, 199
win-lose paradigm
and JANA Partners, 93
and metaphors for business, 29
and negative perceptions of business, 135
as prevalent mindset, 32, 84, 91
and self-sacrifice, 85
and zero-sum mentality, 89–90
win-win paradigm, 82–83
win-win-win, 79–100
and Civil Rights Movement, 91–92
communication’s role in, 86
as ethical strategy, 83–84
and game metaphors, 29
and launch, 87–88
as job of leadership to create, 32
and mutual-benefit mindset, 88–90
and power of intention, 94–95
stakeholders as beneficiaries of, 83
and systems thinking, 99–100
and trust, 85–86
and Whole Foods’ merger with Amazon, 79–81, 92–99
Wojcicki, Anne, 155
workaholics, 189–90
work environment. See teams and work environment
Wozniak, Steve, 115
Xerox PARC, 121
X Prize Foundation, 108
youth, idolization of, 212
and balance of pragmatism with idealism, 19
customer-centric ethic at, 34
and organizational design, 118
purpose statement of, 18
zero-sum mentality, 89–90
Zuckerberg, Mark, 155