
So much goes into writing a book, from the creative process right down through production, and I am so fortunate to have had such wonderful support along this journey. First and always, I am grateful for my most favorite people in the whole wide world, my family. My little girls, my biggest fans even though they aren’t yet allowed to read my work, who take every opportunity to shamelessly market my books to anyone who will listen (no matter how inappropriate the circumstance) and (mostly) allow Mommy to work when she needs to; my husband, Alex, who is mercifully a far better cook than I am and patiently pretends to listen while I drone on and on about ever-changing plot points and character arcs, always ready with a bear hug when I need one; my parents, Celia and Frank, who have always believed in me and encouraged me.

This book was written during the pandemic, which I would not have made it through without the support of some very special friends who kept me sane with the aid of strong margaritas, lively discourse, and hearty laughter: Ashleigh and Manish, bubble family forever! If the past couple of years have taught me anything, it’s just how important friends are, and I am so grateful for beach outings with Lance and Vanessa, hikes with Lawren, golf course shenanigans with Dina, and the open arms of my husband’s family, who took such good care of us, allowing me to actually finish this book. Charise, you have a heart of gold and I am so thankful you are my mother-in-law!

I am always and forever grateful to my superb agent, Sarah Bedingfield, who is my rock, my net, my champion, and above all else my friend. To Stephanie Rostan, for taking such good care of me, and the entire team at Levine, Greenberg, Rostan, my literary family. To my fabulous film agent Hilary Zaitz Michael and the team at William Morris Endeavor, thank you for your tireless work on the Hollywood side of things.

I feel so fortunate to have connected with my incredible editor, Liz Stein, who pushed me to make this book the best it could be and made the process enjoyable along the way! I am also grateful for the support of the outstanding team at William Morrow: Francie Crawford in marketing, Holly Rice in publicity, assistant editor Ariana Sinclair, production editor Michelle Meredith, copyeditor Greg Villepique, and cover designer Mumtaz Mustafa.

Last, but certainly not least, I am grateful for you, reader. Thank you for reading.