The bedroom was quiet. The kinder were upstairs, tucked in their beds for the night. Beth Ann had finished up and left along with the doctor. Sadie would be returning in a few hours to help with the new boppli and take care of the household until Rebekah could manage on her own again.
Joshua put the dish towel on the rack where it could dry. Taking a deep breath, he yawned as he gazed out the window. The moon had set, and the stars were a glittering tapestry of God’s glory. To the east, a thin, gray line announced the coming of a new day.
The day another kind had joined their family.
This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. His favorite verse echoed in his mind, this time a praise instead of an urging to get through yet another day while weighed down with grief.
Wanting to see the little one again, because it had been so long since there had been a boppli in the house, Joshua tiptoed into the downstairs bedroom to make sure mamm and boppli were doing well.
Despite his efforts to be quiet as he edged around the bed, Rebekah’s eyes blinked open. With her magnificent red hair scattered across the pillows and a joyful smile warming her lips, she was more beautiful than he’d imagined. She held out a hand to him.
Sitting on the very edge of the bed, he asked, “How are you doing?”
“Ja, I know.” He didn’t say any more. There wasn’t any need.
The night had begun as a nightmare. One that left his hands shaking whenever he thought of what could have happened when his inexperienced son had driven that powerful car along the twisting, hilly road. It had ended with healing between him and his oldest, as well as the appearance of his youngest.
At that thought, he reached down into the cradle Jeremiah had made and lifted out a swaddled bundle.
“She is sweet,” he said. “Debbie is going to be so pleased to have a sister.”
“Wanda Almina Stoltzfus,” Rebekah murmured. “Welcome to the world.”
He handed the boppli to her. “Mamm will be pleased that you want to name this little one in her honor.”
“I was named for my grossmammi, and I loved having that connection. Little Wanda will have that same connection with your mamm and mine.”
“A very special gift for her very first birthday.”
“I’m glad you think so.” She looked from the beautiful boppli to him. “Danki for being here, Joshua.”
“Where else would I be when our boppli was being born?”
“Our boppli,” she whispered.
“I cannot think of her any other way. I am blessed to have three sons and two daughters.” He chuckled. “They make me ab in kopp way too often, but I am even crazier in love with you.” He became serious. “I told you that earlier tonight how I love you. Do you love me?”
“Ja. Looking back, I think I started falling in love with you the day you came with your nervous proposal.” She laced her fingers through his much wider ones. “At first I tried to stop myself because I knew you still loved Tildie.”
“Let me say this, Joshua.” When he nodded, she continued. “I knew that you still love Tildie, and I thought there was no place in your heart for me. It took me far too long to realize that our hearts can expand to love many people. Timothy, Levi and Debbie hold a place in my heart as surely as if I had given birth to them. I see you with Sammy and Wanda, and I know you’ll be a devoted and loving daed for them.” She laughed. “Look how far my heart has expanded to welcome your mamm, your six brothers, your two sisters and the rest of your family. I’m blessed that there’s no limit to the number of people a heart will hold.”
“As long as there’s always a place for me.”
“There always will be.”
He gently kissed her lips, knowing she was spent after the night’s events. There would be plenty of opportunities in the future to kiss her more deeply, and, as Rebekah Mast Burkholder Stoltzfus’s husband, he didn’t intend to let a single one pass them by.
* * * * *
Keep reading for an excerpt from THE COWBOY’S TWINS by Deb Kastner.
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