To everyone on Team Canterwood at Simon & Schuster including: Fiona Simpson, Bethany Buck, Liesa Abrams, Mara Anastas, Lucille Rettino, Bess Brasswell, Venessa Williams, Katherine Devendorf, Ellen Chan, Alyson Heller, Jessica Handelman, Karin Paprocki, Russell Gordon, and Dayna Evans.

Alyssa Henkin, thank you for taking the first step toward Canterwood.

Editor K (a.k.a. Kate Angelella), you fueled me through the final steps of writing and your notes made it übersparkly. P.S. I loved our reward system for this book and will only work under those conditions in the future. image

Reader girlies, huge hearts to all of you for chatting on the forums, creating graphics, and cheering me on while I write.

Ross Angelella, thanks for saying you’d leave work in the middle of the day to shake me if you found out I was writing when I obviously needed a break.

Thanks so much to all of my writer friends who offer support and encouragement.

Kate Angelella, for the five fifteen a.m. roller derby–esque walks (“Oscar!”), “I know it’s a flower, but … ,” equal opportunity mocking, and for scaring the “what?” and “huh?” out of my vocabulary. LYSSMB.