Reading Group Guide

A Cowboy's Touch

1. Though Abigail was raised in a family of faith, she gradually fell away from God as she grew into adulthood. What are some of the distractions and other reasons so many young adults wander spiritually at this time? A close walk with God is always important, but why might young adulthood be a particularly bad time for a spiritual leave of absence?

2. Why do you think Abigail’s mom described her as restless? What connection did that have with her spiritual condition?

3. How is our faith like Abigail’s floundering vegetable garden? In what ways can Christianity sometimes resemble plastic flowers stuck into the dirt?

4. In Abigail’s profession, she’s referred to as “the Truthseeker.” How is that ironic in relation to her spiritual walk?

5. Discuss (or think about) the meaning of John 14:6: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life.’”

6. Something Abigail experienced in childhood shaped who she became professionally. How did significant events in your childhood shape who you are?

7. Deep down, Abigail was trying to right a wrong from her childhood by exposing truth through her column. The relief her articles brought was only temporary, however. Why is self-redemption a waste of time? Have you ever tried to “work off” feelings of guilt or remorse? What did you learn in the process?

8. Abigail’s father was a spiritual role model for her. Who did God put in your life to help show you His love? Are you a spiritual role model for someone else?

9. Wade dealt with guilt over his late wife’s suicide and worried about letting down people he loved. Have you ever worried you wouldn’t be enough for someone? How can trusting in God help you through this barrier?

10. Despite Wade’s fears, he became the kind of hero Abigail could lean on. Discuss (or think about) a woman’s desire for independence versus her desire to have a real hero in her life. Are the two compatible?



The Accidental Bride

1. Shay was afraid to marry again after having her heart broken twice before. How does fear play into our ability to love fully?

2. Because of Shay’s background, she tended to worry too much about others’ opinions. Galatians 1:10 says, “For am I now trying to win the favor of people, or God? Or am I striving to please people?” What does that mean to you?

3. How were Abigail’s blurry pictures a metaphor for Shay’s outlook?

4. Olivia picked up on Shay’s issue with pleasing others. Are there any issues that were handed down to you from your parents? What can you do to break the cycle?

5. Travis made the selfish decision to leave Shay at the altar when he was a young adult. What price did he and others pay as a result? Discuss the ways in which poor choices can sometimes have far-reaching consequences. How can we best recover?

6. How did Shay’s tendency to please others impact her decision-making? What events caused her to see her sin? What changes did she make as a result of this revelation?

7. When Travis lost Shay, he realized he hadn’t sought God’s will during a critical point in his life. Instead, he’d relied on Miss Lucy’s prayers. Do you ever foist your spiritual responsibilities onto someone you feel has a closer walk with God?

8. Miss Lucy supported Shay in prayer for years. Is there someone who lifts you up in prayer faithfully? Whom do you pray for?

9. Were you more frustrated at Travis or Shay for the way each of them handled every new obstacle? His not telling her about the rodeo competition? Her not asking about the jewelry package? His not returning right after the competition? Her not telling him she was pregnant? Or do you think both were accountable for what kept them apart?

10. Ranching is hard work, and money is often tight. Why do you think families continue this way of life?



The Trouble with Cowboys

1. Which character did you most relate to and why?

2. Annie and Sierra shared the same childhood experiences, yet they viewed love differently. Why do you think that is? Have you experienced anything similar with your siblings?

3. How did Dylan’s past experience with love affect his ability to love again?

4. Sometimes Annie tried to manipulate Sierra into attending church. Why do you think such tactics are usually ineffective, despite the best of intentions?

5. If you’ve read Pride and Prejudice, how is Annie similar to Elizabeth Bennet? How is she different?

6. In what ways was Braveheart symbolic in the story?

7. Annie’s childhood caused her to develop a prejudice toward cowboys. Have you ever clung to a false belief? How did you discover it was false, and what did you do to overcome it?

8. Miss Lucy confronted Annie about her prejudice toward cowboys. What does the Bible say about confronting each other? Do you think Miss Lucy handled it well? Should she have confronted Annie sooner?

9. Sierra accused Annie of judging her early in the story. Where is the line between judging and confronting in love?

10. Annie struggled to let go of Sierra and let her sister lead her own life. What do you need to let go of? What are some steps you can take to leave it in God’s hands?