


This book would never have existed without the help from the following people:

Patricia, my mother, not only my first beta reader, but my last editor as well, making sure every typo is caught.

Erin, my sister and a soon-to-be published historical fiction author. This series would never have been started without your inspiration. (

EJ, my husband, for always supporting my dream.

Scott, my son, for all your wishes for five stars.

Annabelle, my baby girl, who snuggled next to me as I wrote many of these words.

Edward, my father, for always telling me how proud you are of me.

Bethany Yeager, fantasy writer & critique partner extraordinaire, my other go-to girl for everything writing. (

Sara Flower, dark fantasy author & beta reader, who’s always there to cheer me on and point me in the right direction. (

Arlene, my most inspiring fan and friend, who has been so kind as to beta read to make sure Infinite Loss meets her expectations. I’m so glad to have met you through my books.

Sylvia, for creating my beautiful updated covers (

Anya Richards, my thorough and superb editor, who truly made this novel the best it can be. (

Yesenia Vargas, my excellent proofreader & a talented writer. (

Bethany Beard, my other amazing and super quick proofreader. (

Guido Henkel, for formatting both my ebook and print book. (

Kindle Boards Forum Members, for tons of writing, publishing and promoting advice.

And last, but certainly not least, all the fans who have supported this series with reviews, referrals, website/forum/notes & highlights comments, mailing list sign-ups, purchases and personal emails. I read every one of your comments and the smiles they put on my face will always keep me writing more for you. I can’t thank you all enough!