
Mark and his alter ego, Hogie, with their cameras.


Hogie sets up a scene in his miniature World War II town.


Captain “Hogie” Hogancamp

Nationality: American

Ranks: US Army Captain, US Tank Commander (as the story changes, so does Hogie’s rank)

Counterpart: Mark Hogancamp

Backstory: In April 1943, Captain “Hogie” Hogancamp was flying a routine mission over China when his P-40 Warhawk was shot down, inexplicably landing in a field in Belgium. After escaping his aircraft, Hogie stumbled upon the small Belgian village of Marwencol. The female residents of the town gave him a bar, which he named Hogancamp’s Ruined Stocking Catfight Club. Hogie is the perpetual target of five relentless SS soldiers. He is also beloved by two women—Anna Romanov and Deja, the Belgian Witch of Marwencol. Though he has been magically connected to Deja for more than two thousand years, his heart belongs to Anna.


(Princess) Anna Romanov

Nationality: Russian

Rank: Traffic Sergeant, Red Army

Counterpart: None

Backstory: Anna Romanov is actually Princess Anna, the daughter of Russia’s king and queen, who sent her away in anticipation of a coup. After fleeing her mother Russia, Anna enlisted in the Russian army, where she was made a traffic sergeant. When war broke out, she was sent to Europe and later found her way to Marwencol, Belgium. Anna fell in love with Captain Hogancamp at first sight and won his heart by rescuing him from the SS. Hogie and Anna got married, but their relationship is constantly tested by Deja Thoris, the Belgian Witch of Marwencol.


Anna and Hogie inside the Ruined Stocking Catfight Club.


Deja Thoris arrives in her time-displacement machine to save Hogie.


Dej’Alaqua Montique “Deja” Thoris

Nationality: Belgian

Title: The Belgian Witch of Marwencol

Counterpart: None

Backstory: Dej’Alaqua Montique “Deja” Thoris was born thousands of years ago in another dimension to a sorcerer father and witch mother. She has two sisters—Agatha (also a witch) and Dahlia. Deja first met Hogie around 2,700 years ago. Believing him to be her soul mate, she chased him through time, ultimately landing in Marwencol. Deja uses a time-displacement machine and casts spells with the help of magical gloves. Her gloves give her innumerable powers, including the power to banish people from Marwencol to the land of the Knight of Marwencol. Unfortunately, her powers don’t work in the real 1:1 scale world, where Deja relies on the protection of the Giant of Marwencol—who is Mark himself.


Mark’s German maternal grandparents, “Omi” and “Papi,” during World War II.



“My grandfathers repairing the Spitfire for the injured Scott Merry.”


“Wendy, Colleen, and I look out over my bar.”


Wendy & Colleen


Nationality: American

Title: Civilian owner of Wendy Lee’s Kitchen

Counterpart: Wendy, former waitress and hostess at the Anchorage Restaurant

Backstory: Wendy was one of the many female residents of Marwencol who hid during the SS siege of Marwencol. She owned and operated the former Wendy Lee’s Kitchen. Together with Colleen and Mark, Wendy’s name forms a part of the town’s name, Marwencol.


Nationality: American

Title: Civilian owner of Pocket Full of Posies

Counterpart: Mark’s former neighbor

Backstory: Colleen was the owner of Marwencol’s former gift shop, Pocket Full of Posies. Shortly after Captain Hogancamp discovered Marwencol, he and Colleen dated and were engaged. When their brief engagement ended, Colleen was sent to a parallel universe by Deja Thoris, the Belgian Witch of Marwencol, and Pocket Full of Posies was transformed into a brothel.


Hogie receives new figures for his miniature World War II town in the mail.


Scott Merry rescues Danielle from her shipping box.


Mike is an American military police officer based on Mark’s brother Mike. He works alongside Gregg on Hogie’s bodyguard team.


The Professor is based on a friend of Mark’s from the Ultimate Soldier website. Originally a German sniper, he became the postmaster general of Marwencol, known as Mailman, after the death of Ruthie.


Gregg is an American military police officer based on Mark’s brother Gregg. He is one of Hogie’s two bodyguards, fending off the SS soldiers who hunt his brother.


Grandpa Hogancamp is a Polish mechanic based on Mark’s Polish grandfather. He works at Hogancamp’s Red Ball Express with Papi.


Hayden, the Ghost of Marwencol, is the lone reminder of those who died at the hands of the Nazis in Marwencol. She is visible only to Deja Thoris and the Giant of Marwencol.


Ruthie is a Belgian civilian based on Mark’s friend and former coworker Ruthie. She is the paramour of a German sniper named the Professor.


Chris is based on Chris Shellen, the coauthor of this book. She lives and works with her husband Jeff in Malmberg Film Studios, where she regularly throws parties for the residents of Marwencol.


Jeff is an Associated Press director based on Jeff Malmberg, the director of Marwencol. A former German propaganda director, Jeff switched sides to work for the AP.


Tonjes is an American civilian based on a friend of Mark’s from the Ultimate Soldier website. He is a carpenter and sculptor who owns Tonjes’s Furniture in Marwencol.


Ten Bears is the daughter of Chief Great Bear, created to honor Mark’s paternal Native American roots. A powerful warrior, Ten Bears is named after the brave Comanche chief Ten Bears, who was also a character in The Outlaw Josey Wales.


The German Schutzstaffel (the SS)

Nationality: German

Counterparts: Mark’s attackers

Backstory: The German Schutzstaffel (the SS) began as Hitler’s personal guard and became known as the deadliest and more zealous of Germany’s World War II military forces. Before Captain Hogancamp’s crash landing, the SS swept through Marwencol, executing men, women, and children. Hogie and the women of Marwencol rebuilt the town, but the SS soon returned. Unlike the Wehrmacht (regular German soldiers), the SS are not placated by booze and catfights; they want blood, specifically that of Captain Hogancamp, whom they hunt relentlessly. The SS in Marwencol possess special powers that enable them to come back to life—”respawn”—when killed. To eliminate an SS soldier from Marwencol forever, they must be banished to another dimension by Deja Thoris, and beheaded by the mythical Knight of Marwencol.

The Knight of Marwencol

Nationality: Unknown

Rank: Knight

Counterpart: None

Backstory: The Knight of Marwencol lives in a parallel universe—a mythical land of green hills and blue skies. His identity is a secret to everyone except Deja Thoris. When someone misbehaves in Marwencol, Deja has the power to magically transport them to the land of the Knight of Marwencol, where justice is swiftly dealt by the knight’s sword. Once someone is beheaded by the knight, they can never return to Marwencol. It is the only way to permanently kill a member of the SS.


B. A curious SS soldier interrupts the women of Marwencol as they bathe together in the river.


D. A German named Viktor drags his raft up the west bank of the River Mulva.

Green Leader (G. L.)

Nationality: American

Rank: Three-Star General

Counterpart: Green Leader, head of the Ultimate Soldier website

Backstory: Green Leader (G. L.) is Marwencol’s highest-ranking American soldier, leading Hogie and his fellow troops in battle.