The SS eventually heard about my bar. They heard about the women-that the Marwencol women were the most beautiful in Belgium.


They were driving around aimlessly... ...but eventually they found my town.

There was no one around. We were hiding in the bar, two miles away. Only one person was left...

Ruthie... She’d stayed behind to watch over the church.

Where’s the bar? I want a drink!! The SS came in and shouted at Ruthie, They interrogated her, but still she wouldn’t talk.

So they shot her.

Outside, the Professor had come back to check on Ruthie. When the SS walked out of the church, he started picking ’em off.

One... BY One.

He got three of them until the SS scurried back into the church. One of the SS saw him and took a shot.

The Professor was down. When it was all over, medics came to clear away the bodies.

Then one of the crew members spotted a survivor... ...the Professor was alive!