August 31, 1964
“Year of the Economy”
Elías Entralgo
President, University Extension
University of Havana
Dear Compañero,
I have received your kind invitation, which demonstrates to me — without your intending it, I am sure — the radical differences of opinion that separate us on the question of what is a leader.
I cannot undertake to give the lecture to which you invite me; if I were to do so, it would be on the basis of giving all my available time to working for the revolution. For me it is inconceivable that a monetary remuneration be offered to a leader of the government and the party for any work of any kind.
Among the many recompenses I have received, the most important is that of being considered part of the Cuban people; I could not evaluate this in pesos and centavos.
I am sorry to have to write to you in this way; I urge you to give it no other importance than that of an expression of hurt feelings caused by what I consider to be a gratuitous affront, none the less painful for being unintentional.
Patria o muerte
Commander Ernesto Che Guevara