after Khaled al-Asaad
bonepole bonepole since you died
there’s been dying everywhere
do you see it slivered where you are
between a crown and a tongue the question still
more god or less I am all tangled
in the smoke you left the swampy herbs
the paper crows horror leans in and brings
its own light this life so often inadequately
lit your skin peels away your bones soften
your rich unbecoming a kind of apology
when you were alive your cheekbones
dropped shadows across your jaw I saw a picture
I want to dive into that darkness smell
the rosewater the sand irreplaceable
jewel how much of the map did you leave
unfinished there were so many spiders
your mouth a moonless system
of caves filling with dust
the dust thickened to tar
your mouth opened and tar spilled out