We would like to thank all those who came to our farmers’ market booth, tasted our creations, and told us their stories. We thank our students, who taught us so much. Customers and students, you inspired this work.
There comes the point when you think you can’t possibly ask your friends to hear one more word about sauerkraut or fermentation. Many of them, though, continued to read and reread our words and are still our friends. It’s because of them that this book came into existence. Some of our most dedicated readers are themselves busy farmers; we thank all of you for your patience and time.
Heartfelt thanks go to Gianaclis Caldwell, who not only read but also supported us and cheered us on from the beginning to the end — especially during the hardest part, the middle, when progress almost stalled. To Barbara Hughey and Dennis Clancy, who were part of the project from the first pages. To Vicki Hames, who sharpened her red pencil time and time again as she went painstakingly through each page. And to Susanne Petermann, Carol Hoon, Maud Powell, and Melissa Matthewson, who took turns reading our words.
We want Mary and Vince Alionis to know how much we’ve appreciated their generosity and support in all phases of our fermenting journey. From selling our product to pushing our creativity, they always had another vegetable for us to try: first, while we produced, and then when Mary started fermenting her family’s farmstead krauts. Thanks, guys.
Thank you to Nadine Levie, who was not only one of biggest cheerleaders but also helped us learn and understand the medicinal quality of herbs in the ferments. Thanks, Mom.
Lydia Wren Shockey, thank you for all the special artwork you’ve done for us.
For the crocktails, we thank Ursula and Ted Raymond, who taught us the basics and the terminology for mixing drinks, and, more important, for being co-inventors of the probiotic cocktails. And thank you to Neil Clooney and Dee Vallentyne, owners of Smithfield’s Restaurant and Bar in Ashland, Oregon, for providing support and the bar space to mix up the drinks.
We’re lucky to have gotten to know the following fermentistas from around the country. These pioneers of nouveau vegetable fermentation are passionate about sustainable food systems and in their approaches to the art and the cause. We feel deep gratitude for the support of Kathryn Lukas and Sash Sunday, not only with the book, but also as fellow kraut purveyors and friends. We’re thrilled that Alex Hozven, Addie Rose Holland, Jennifer Sauter-Sargent, Tiffani Beckman McNeil, and Michaela Hayes took part in this project; Fermented Vegetables is richer for your insight and recipes. We also want to recognize Helen Bartels for sharing her mother’s recipe. Thank you all so much.
And then we found Storey Publishing and all the great folks who have brought this book to a tangible reality. We are deeply grateful to everyone on Team Storey whom we worked with directly or indirectly. Margaret Sutherland and Alethea Morrison’s expertise and vision combined with our own to create a strong, beautiful book — we thank you both. And a special thank-you to our editor Molly Jackel, with whom we enjoyed working. Molly spent countless hours molding and forming our words and then asking for a few more here and there — until Fermented Vegetables was truly a complete guide. Thank you, Molly.
A glimpse into the world of food photography was just plain fun. Thank you to everyone at both of the photo shoots. And thank you, Erin Kunkel; your exquisite photography brought out the culinary artistry that this food has to offer.