406-7 The Romans withdraw from Britain.
c. 500 The legendary Arthur defeats the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Mount Badon.
c. 597 The missionary Augustine, sent by Pope Gregory I, lands in Britain.
1076 Jerusalem is captured by the Turks.
1095 Pope Urban II proclaims the First Crusade; Usamah ibn-Munqidh, friend of Saladin and author of Memoirs, is born.
1096-1102 The First Crusade
1099 The crusaders capture Jerusalem.
c. 1118 Enrico Dandolo, Doge of Venice, is born.
1122 Eleanor of Aquitaine is born.
1134 Sir William de Gortanore is born.
1136 Geoffrey of Monmouth completes his History of the Kings of Britain.
1138 Saladin is born.
1147-9 The Second Crusade
c. 1150 Geoffrey de Villehardouin, Marshal of Champagne and author of Conquest of Constantinople, is born.
1154 Henry II is crowned.
1158 Richard I (Coeur-de-Lion) is born.
1170s Chrétien de Troyes, author of Erec and Enide, begins to write his Arthurian romances.
1180s Marie de France writes her lais or short story poems.
1183 Saladin unites Syria and Egypt; ibn Jubayr chronicles his pilgrimage to Mecca (1183-5); Serle de Caldicot is born.
1185 Tom de Gortanore is born.
1186 Arthur de Caldicot is born on March I.
1187 The Sultan Saladin captures Acre and Jerusalem; Gatty is born; Lady Tilda de Gortanore dies in giving birth to Grace de Gortanore.
1188 The Saladin Tithe (tax) is levied to help finance the Third Crusade; Gerald, author of The Journey Through Wales and The Description of Wales, travels with Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury; Sir William de Gortanore marries Lady Alice; Winifred de Verdon is born.
1189 Henry II dies, and Richard I (Coeur-de-Lion) is crowned.
1189-92 The Third Crusade, led by Frederick Barbarossa of Germany, Philip Augustus of France, and Richard Coeur-de-Lion of England
1191 Sian de Caldicot is born.
1192 Richard Coeur-de-Lion leaves the Holy Land and is imprisoned by Leopold of Austria until 1194.
1193 Saladin dies, aged 54.
1199 Richard Coeur-de-Lion is wounded at Chalus and dies; his brother John (b. 1167) is crowned; Pope Innocent III proclaims the Fourth Crusade, and Fulk de Neuilly preaches it.
1200 Lord Stephen de Holt chooses Arthur de Caldicot as his squire, and they take the Cross at Soissons.
1201 The Venetians agree to build the crusader fleet, and Arthur de Caldicot and Lord Stephen return from Venice in April; Thibaud de Champagne dies, and Boniface de Montferrat is chosen to lead the Fourth Crusade.
1202 Arthur de Caldicot and Winifred de Verdon are betrothed in April; the crusaders muster in Venice; on July 27, Arthur de Caldicot is knighted Sir Arthur de Gortanore; the crusaders sail for Zara early in October. Zara falls on November 24.
1203 Sir Arthur de Gortanore returns to the Middle March.
1204 Christian Constantinople is wrecked and looted by the crusaders; Eleanor of Aquitaine dies.
1205 The crusaders return home without reaching Jerusalem.