1. From the beginning of the story (and even before that), Sam pushes Landon away because she is afraid to love. What are some of the things Sam does to keep Landon at a distance? What are some of the things people do to push God away?
2. What are some of the things Landon endures in his efforts to pursue Sam? How has God pursued you?
3. Sam’s abandonment and the difficulties of her childhood caused her to make decisions that caused others pain. Do you live with regrets related to things you have done? Things that have been done to you? How have these things impacted your relationships? How can you break the cycle?
4. Sam was willing to settle for much less than Landon had to offer. What are some of the things we settle for? Why are we often willing to accept so much less than God wants to give us?
5. Sam’s biggest fear was being abandoned. How did that fear affect her relationship with Caden? What is your biggest fear, and how has it impacted the way you live?
6. Sam felt she wasn’t good enough for Landon because of the harmful things she’d done in the past. Have you ever felt that way toward God? What does Psalm 103:12 say about our past transgressions?
7. Sam’s stepfather made claims that repeatedly played like a tape in her head, influencing her choices. What cruel or misleading words were said to you as a child that still influence your choices or attitudes? How can you change these destructive thoughts? How can you use words to positively influence others around you?
8. Landon told Sam that his love was a gift, not something to be earned. Why is it sometimes hard for us to understand that God’s love is a free gift with no strings attached?