
☼☼ 3 ☼☼


Evan sat at his desk the next afternoon, but barely saw the figures on his computer. He couldn’t get her kiss out of his mind. The scent of chocolate in the factory reminded him of her. Being in the photograph with Jessie had been one of his strokes of genius. Why he’d waited so long to see her, he wasn’t sure.

“I need to speak with you.” Denise stood in his doorway. She tapped the file folders in her hand. “Word is you and Jessie Anderson were in the calendar photos.”

“The list was on the board outside the cafeteria. Everyone knows who was selected.” He folded his arms. “Is there something you wanted?”

“Why would they use Jessie? She’s not calendar material.” She crinkled her pert nose. “Besides, I warned you about her. You deserve better.”

“How does this concern you?” He closed the lid on his laptop. “My private life should be just that - private.”

Denise shoved his papers out of the way and sat on his desk. She crossed her legs, showcasing smooth ivory skin. “We don’t keep secrets in this department.”

Evan rolled away from her and leaned back in his seat. He wasn’t impressed with her power play. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to accomplish. Want to clue me in before I come to my own conclusions?”

Denise re-crossed her legs. Her skirt rose higher on her thigh. She sighed and glared at him. “You’re management. You’re on salary. She’s a worker who packs the candies no one wants. You’re not on her level. She’s reaching and you’re lowering your standards.”

Now she’d pissed him off. Lowering his standards. Nice. “Are you trying to convince me you’re a better choice?”

“Duh. I’ve been better since I walked into this company. I speak your language and am your equal. What’s better than someone who understands you?” She leaned forward, showcasing the deep vee of her cleavage.

“There’s understanding and there’s understanding. You don’t know how to do either.” Even in the short time he’d known Jessie, she’d figured him out much better than Denise ever would. “I’ll work on my standards. Thanks.” He helped Denise off his desk and onto her feet. “Thanks for stopping by and setting me straight. I’m glad.” Glad she was leaving. He swung the door open for her.

“You’re not going to change your mind? Not even a little bit?” She toyed with his necktie. “Why?”

“Right now, I’ve got bigger things to worry about beyond my relationship status.” Evan nodded to Simon, his boss, and Simon’s wife coming down the corridor. “Mr. Dumont. Mrs. Dumont.”

“What?” Denise let go of Evan. “Hello.” She blushed from the roots of her hair to the neckline of her blouse. “I was just talking to Mr. Moore about...the print campaign.”

“Were you?” Simon’s brows rose. “On your way.”

No finesse or kindness, just a blunt rebuff. Evan appreciated his boss even more.

“Yes, sir.” Denise dipped her head and hurried down the hallway.

When she was out of earshot, Simon groaned. “Look, I don’t care what you do or whom you sleep with. You’re an adult. I’d suggest not using company time to arrange your dates, but whatever. Just...use your head.”

“I am, sir.” Evan rocked on his heels. “Miss Gage is simply a colleague.”

Evan heard the gentle thump of footsteps on the carpet. When he glanced over his shoulder, his heart soared. Jessie.

“Am I early?” Jessie clutched her standard emerald green apron. Her hair had been pulled back from her face, but a couple of wisps slipped in front of her eyes as she walked. “I practically ran up here. Forgot how many steps are in this building.”

“Too many.” Elysa laughed. She held out her hand. “You’re right on time. Shall we?” She escorted Jessie into Evan’s office.

“Makes you wonder who runs the company,” Simon muttered. He followed his wife into the office, leaving Evan to bring up the rear. Evan closed the door and strode to his desk.

“Now.” Elysa placed a box and a folder on Evan’s blotter. “Where did I put that thumb drive?” She patted her pockets. “Simon?”

“I’ve got it.” Simon plugged the drive into Evan’s laptop and turned the computer around. A slide show played on the screen.

Evan gripped the edge of his desk. The images from the photo shoot were striking. Jessie was a goddess. Her skin glowed and the chocolate provided a delicious contrast to her pale skin. He shifted his feet to adjust his pants and hide his burgeoning erection.

“We’re quite proud of these.” Elysa patted Jessie’s arm. “We can see the two of you starring in the longer running print campaigns. Of course you’d have August in the calendar and more than a few pages in the catalogue, if not the cover.”

“Wow,” Jessie murmured. She tipped her head to the side and a small smile crossed her lips. She reached out to touch the screen, but stopped short.

“Think you’d be willing to front Drizzle Me in Chocolates? You’re the faces we’re looking for.” Elysa’s gaze switched between Jessie and Evan. “What do you say?”

“Yes,” Jessie answered. She clapped her hands. Excitement sparkled in her eyes. “I’d be honored to.”

“Evan? I know it’s a big shift from arranging the ad to being the advertisement.” Simon elbowed him. “Trust me, I know.”

Evan watched Jessie looking at the pictures. Spending time with the woman he wanted in his arms, playing with chocolate and falling for her even more? “Sign me up.” He nodded. “I’m in.”

“Perfect. Now for the box.” Elysa lifted the lid off the green box. “I want you two to try everything here. These are for the new lines and since you’re going to be modelling them, I want you both to know what to do with each item. I’ve got bubble bath, soaps, oils and more paint. Oh, and a little surprise-slash-thank-you for your hard work. Have a good weekend and let me know what you think on Monday.”

“She’s the boss.” Simon snorted and followed his wife out of the office. The door closed, leaving Evan and Jessie in silence.

Jessie trailed her fingers over the shiny green edge of the box. “I guess this means we’ve got work to do.” She giggled. “I have no idea what the special surprise is, but I have the feeling it’s something like a chocolate penis or breasts.”

“You never know.” Evan moved some of the items around. “I’ve found the surprises.” He held up a smaller box. “Chocolate edible undies.”

“What else?” Jessie rummaged through the contents. “Oh! There’s a chocolate penis guaranteed to melt on contact and chocolate handcuffs.”

“This will mean quite a bit of naked time.” Evan placed the panties back in the main box. “I think we were set up.”

“No.” She rolled her eyes. “You told me the photographs were your idea. This was a nudge in the right direction. A good nudge.”

“Then my only question is my place or yours?”

Jessie bit her bottom lip and grinned. “Mine.”

“Yours it is. I’ll follow you.” Happily, for as long as she wanted, he’d follow her. Maybe it was the chocolate or the push from the owners, but he couldn’t wait to cover Jess in chocolate and eat his way into her heart.


Jessie stuffed the key into the lock at her apartment and fought off a wave of laughter. She’d never expected to have the object of her fantasies standing behind her, ready and waiting to go into her place for a weekend of chocolate-laden debauchery. She couldn’t believe she’d gotten so lucky. She twisted the knob and the door opened.

“Okay,” she said, stepping out of Evan’s way. “I have a couple” Damn it. Where was her confidence? “Before we do anything, I need to know the full truth. Are you doing this for the company or because of me?”

“I’m here totally because of you, Jess.” Evan nudged the door shut with his foot and placed the box on the couch. “I made a mistake before in not pursuing what I wanted. I’m not screwing up a second time.” He cupped her jaw in both hands. “I don’t care if you’re in those panties or not. I’m here because of you.”

She stared into the blue of his eyes. “Those panties are for guys.”

“Huh?” His brows knotted. “A chocolate G-string?”

“How about I start the bath and you put on the itsy-bitsy pair of undies?” She picked up the bottle of bubble bath and the bar of chocolate-scented soap. “I can’t wait to see them on you.”

Evan grabbed her hand, stopping her. “Only if I can kiss you first.” He wrapped one arm around her waist and tugged her tight to his chest. The erection he’d been trying to hide since she’d shown up at his office, jabbed into her lower belly. He feathered his lips over hers. When she opened her mouth to protest his light treatment, he rewarded her by sucking on her tongue.

Jessie’s legs wobbled. She closed her eyes and basked in the sweetness of his kiss. He tasted like chocolate and sin. She grabbed the front of his shirt to keep from collapsing. He overwhelmed her. His five o’clock shadow abraded her cheeks and chin, but she loved the burn. He slipped one hand down to her ass and squeezed.

“Evan,” she murmured, breaking the kiss.

“Want me to stop?”

“Not a chance.” Still clutching the bubble bath and soap, she wrapped her arms around his neck and nibbled on his chin.

“Good.” Evan scooped her into his arms and carried her across the small apartment to the bathroom. “I’ve been a very dirty boy and need you to clean me up.” He placed her on her feet. “I’m all yours.” He turned on the water.

“I wish you’d have called me, but I like how this is turning out.” Jessie unbuttoned his shirt, taking her time as she touched his chest. She liked revealing his chiseled body inch by inch. The man could’ve posed for statuary. The shirt slipped down his muscle-corded arms and plopped onto the floor.

“Me too.” Evan toed out of his shoes. His nipples beaded. He poured a generous amount of bubble bath into the water and then turned his attention back to Jessie. “You’re wearing way too many clothes.”

She glanced down at her simple emerald green work outfit. The cotton shirt didn’t flatter her figure. He grasped its hem and pulled it up over her head.

“Baby.” Evan slipped the straps of her bra down her arms. The cups loosened when he flicked the front clasp and the garment landed somewhere on the floor. He knelt in front of her and rubbed his face in her breasts. She slid her fingers into his hair as he laved his tongue over her nipple.

“I can’t wait,” Evan murmured. He turned the water off, then yanked her pants and panties down past her hips. “I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you.”

“You have?” Jessie popped the button on his pants and opened his fly. His trousers landed around his ankles. She eased his cock free of his boxers. His heat warmed her to the core.

“Mine.” Evan scooped her into his arms and pinned her between his body and the wall. He feasted on her mouth, stealing her breath.

Jessie held onto him as his cock rubbed against her pussy. Her cream lubricated his way. She gasped. “Fuck me.”

Evan froze for a moment. “I’m making love to you.” He held onto her with one arm and reached between their bodies. He slid his cock between her folds. In one thrust, he filled her completely. He buried his face against her neck and rocked his hips.

Jessie wriggled in his arms, delighting in the snug fit. Being with Evan reminded her of chocolate. Hard, but smooth. Each bite better than the last and velvet on her tongue. She closed her eyes and indulged in the strength of his body around hers and the desire in her heart. She matched him thrust for thrust. Her nerve endings tingled and her skin prickled.

“Look at me, Jess.”

Evan’s words grabbed her attention. She met his gaze. The heat in her lower belly spread through her veins. Everything felt so right. She hooked her ankles together at the small of his back. The rest of the world faded around them. Nothing mattered but Evan and the moment they shared.

“Jess.” His breath skittered over her cheeks. “I’m...fuck.” He palmed her ass and dug his fingers into her skin.

The orgasm built in her core. Just a few more thrusts and she’d tip right over the edge into ecstasy. “Yes,” she murmured. “More.”

A bead of sweat slipped down his temple. His eyes flashed and he rested his forehead on hers. “Come with me, babe.”

She wanted to nod or say yes, but couldn’t. She gave into the climax and shuddered. Everything within her tensed, then relaxed.

Evan’s seed filled her pussy. He groaned and cradled her in his arms. “Holy shit.” He staggered backwards to the tub. His cock slipped free from her.

Jessie eased away from him and settled in the hot water. She gripped the edge of the bathtub and watched him wrestle free from the rest of his clothes. He climbed in beside her.

Jessie splayed her hands on Evan’s chest. A hot bath after even hotter sex was so nice. Why hadn’t she combined the two before? The sweet aroma of the chocolate wafted around them. She crinkled her nose. The scent reminded her of the factory, but not quite. The new scent was calming and decadent - just like sex, but with chocolate.

“What are you thinking, Jess?” Evan kissed her, nipping her bottom lip.

“We’re going to be in a print ad for Drizzle. You and me. That’s... crazy.” Crazy and hard to believe, but so wonderful.

“Come here.” Evan reached for her. “I can’t imagine posing for pictures with anyone else.”

Jessie closed the gap between them and toyed with the dusting of hairs between his pecs. The confusion and fear were no longer surrounding her heart. No more holding on to the past. She embraced the joy and excitement of the future.

“Don’t tell me you still doubt my feelings.” He trailed his fingers down her cheek. “The only thing I’d have done differently would be to call you that first night.”

“I believe you.” She inched onto his lap and straddled him. His cock sprang to life and nestled between her pussy lips. Her spirits lifted, just like after having a piece of rich chocolate. “We’ve got a box full of chocolate indulgences and an entire weekend to try them all out. I’d say that’s the perfect start to our relationship.”

His eyes glittered. “Yes, it is. You’re sure you want me?”

“More sure than anything in the world.” She draped her arms around his neck. “Indulge me in chocolate, but don’t you dare break my heart.”

“I’m all yours, babe. Indulge away.”

Jessie captured his mouth in a kiss. The future wasn’t guaranteed, but she looked forward to plenty of sexy, chocolaty playtime with her man.