Chapter 2: God’s Formula for Fatigue
1. Matthew 11:28
2. Matthew 11:29
Chapter 3: Two Tombstones
1. This story is found in John 4:1–42.
2. John 4:28–29
3. John 4:35 TLB
Chapter 4: Living Proof
1. Romans 8:31–32 (emphasis mine)
Chapter 5: Flaming Torches and Living Promises
1. Genesis 3:1
2. Jeremiah 34:18
3. Genesis 15:18
Chapter 6: Angelic Messages
1. This story is adapted from the book A Man for Others by Patricia Treece.
Chapter 7: Remember
1. John 20:19
2. Matthew 28:17
3. Luke 24:52
4. Luke 24:53
5. Acts 2:36
6. 2 Timothy 2:8
Chapter 8: Fatal Errors
1. Romans 6:23
Chapter 9: Cristo Redentor
1. John 8:1–11
2. Psalm 139:13
Chapter 11: Come Home
1. This story is popularly attributed to Harry Emerson Fosdick.
2. Luke 15:11–27
Chapter 13: The Eleventh Hour Gift
1. Matthew 27:44
2. Luke 23:39 TLB
3. Luke 23:40 TLB
4. Luke 23:41
5. Luke 23:42
6. Luke 23:43 TLB
Chapter 14: God vs. Death
1. 1 Corinthians 15:51, Jerusalem Bible
2. Hebrews 2:14–16 (parentheses mine)
Chapter 15: Fantasy or Reality?
1. Luke 7:15
2. Luke 7:16
Chapter 16: The Sparkle from Eternity
1. Based on Mark 5:22–43; Matthew 9:18–26; and Luke 8:41–56
Chapter 17: “Lazarus, Come Out!”
1. John 11:1–44
Chapter 18: The Celebration
1. John 20:1–18
2. “Miriam” is the Aramaic form of “Mary.”
3. 1 Corinthians 2:9
Chapter 19: The Final Glance
1. John 19:30
2. Luke 23:46
3. Mark 15:39
Chapter 2
1. William Hendriksen, The Gospel of Matthew (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1973), 504–5.