Chapter 8


Seeing as I walked into dinner half an hour late, it goes by fairly quickly but I can tell that Alice is dying to get me alone.

Straight after desert, she grabs my hand and drags me upstairs to her old bedroom.

“Tell me everything,” she says as soon as we are alone.

We jump up on her bed and I actually feel pretty excited to share my week with her. “Okay, so Kyle has been staying with me every night in my apartment since your engagement party but we only started having sex on Friday night. Since then it’s been a crazy fuck fest and holy shit Alice, I have never orgasmed so many times in my life.”

“Wait, Friday as in two days ago?” she asks with a puzzled look on her face.

“Yeah, why?” was that too soon to sleep with him or something?

“So, he slept in your bed for,” she begins counting on her fingers, “Six fucking nights and you guys didn’t do anything but sleep.”

“Yeah, is that weird?” it seems like this is a really big deal for her.

“Fuck yes that is weird Jess, every single night I spent with Kyle, we fucked, he wouldn’t have stayed otherwise.” I must be wearing my feelings on my sleeve as Alice cringes then starts to apologize, “Sorry Jess, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just surprised, Kyle must really like you.”

“You think?” I really like him too but he’s a huge player, there’s no way he would ever want to be my boyfriend or anything.

“Yeah, I do think.” I’m trying to not read too much into what Alice is saying when my phone dings with an incoming text.

Reaching into my pocket, I grab my phone to see it’s a text from Kyle, “Speak of the devil.”

Opening the text message, I am gob smacked when I see he has sent a picture of his erect penis. Wait, is that my apartment in the background? Reading the caption, it becomes clear that he can see straight into my apartment from his.

The next time you want to see my dick, you will have to look out your window, you won’t be seeing it again in person anytime soon.

I can’t help the laugh that escapes me, I’m laughing so hard that Alice rips the phone out of my hands and soon we are both rolling around on her bed, laughing our asses off.

“Omigod, why did he send you that?” Alice is wiping tears away from her eyes while I’m busy staring at Kyle’s dick on my phone.

“He was mad that I didn’t let him come to dinner tonight,” but if he came to dinner then I would have had to answer all of my family’s questions and what am I supposed to say, ‘hey guys, this is a dude I’m fucking, he was hungry, hope you don’t mind’.

“That’s pretty awesome, I do miss his sense of humor, he was always good for a laugh.” Alice is right that he does have a good sense of humor but I can’t help feeling like I really did hurt his feelings tonight.

I end up leaving not long after my talk with Alice, I want to make it up to Kyle for leaving him so rudely. I probably could have been nicer about it.

When I walk back into my apartment, I get an idea but I’m pretty nervous about it. Turning all the lights on, I strip out of my clothes then stand behind one of my curtains.

I type out a quick text to Kyle then drop my phone and stand in front of my window in the direction I think Kyle’s window will be.

It takes a few seconds and I’m close to hiding again in case someone else sees me when Kyle appears in a huge window, a few floors above me.

His mouth drops open as soon as he sees me and he clutches his dick with both hands. He seems to disappear quite quickly after that and I step back from the window and close all of my curtains.

Just as I am closing the last curtain, I hear a key in the lock.

He seems flustered and keeps trying to push the door open before it’s even unlocked.

When he steps into my apartment, he slams and locks the door but he doesn’t turn around to face me. “I’m mad at you.”

“I know and I’m sorry Kyle, but I only take men home to my family if they are my boyfriend and we aren’t even dating.” If he says that he wants to start dating, I will gladly take him home to meet everyone next Sunday.

“Okay,” he taps his head against the door softly then turns around.

His eyes roam over my naked body and he steps towards me slowly while undressing at the same time.

It’s fucking sexy and I feel like I am getting my own personal strip tease.

“I get it, no family dinners but next time don’t ever say that you don’t want me.” He’s standing in front of me completely naked now and his erection is lightly brushing against my stomach.

“No family dinners,” I say slightly disappointed, “But I think it’s pretty obvious that I want you Kyle.”

He grins then walks straight past me into the living room, he sits down on my couch and gestures to his cock, “Show me how much you want me then.”

Grinning, I walk over to him and settle on the ground between his legs. “You better not make me late for work in the morning Kyle.”

He winks at me, “No promises.”