
(Artwork titles appear in italics; poetry titles appear in quotes.)

Again I Find the Winter, 46

“Again I Find the Winter,” 99

Akianism, 36

Angel (drawing), 9, 96

Angel, The, 75

Angelic Love, 85

“Anthill Ashes, The,” 98

Antlers, The, 66

Bald, 64

Butterfly Passion, 80

By the Moonlight, 79

Challenge, The, 81

“Chipped View,” 24

Clematis Dream, The, 51, 101

“Clematis Dream, The,” 101

Co-Creating, 88

Connection, The, 74

“Conversation with God,” 21–22

Courage, 68

Creation, The, 73

Crystal Cathedral, 34–35

Dance of the Mind Inside the White, The, 63, 103

“Dance of the Mind Inside the White, The,” 103

dancing, 11–12

Dobbs, Lou, 30

Dreamfence, The, 47

Dreams, The, 78

Each, 48

Eagle, The, 48

Empathy, The, 43, 91

“Empathy, The,” 91

Eve, 82

Evening Swan, The, 62, 103

“Evening Swan, The,” 103

Faith, 61

Father Forgive Them, 28, 56–59, 98

Footsteps of Spring, The, 46, 95

“Footsteps of Spring, The,” 95

Forbidden Fruit, The, 82

Found, 71

Freedom Horse, The, 65, 105

“Freedom Horse, The,” 105


     as inspiration, 30

     visions of, 7–8

Growth, The, 44, 94

gymnastics, 11

heaven, 10–11, 12

Hollow Compass, The, 43, 91

“Hollow Compasses, The,” 91

Hope, 84, 107

“Hope,” 107

Horse, The, 47, 95

“Horse, The,” 95

Hourglass, The, 77

house of Light, 10–11

“I Run—I Fall—I Dive—I See,” 96

“It’s Not Too Late,” 100

Jeshua—The Missing Years, 72

Journey, The, 30, 70, 104

“Journey, The,” 104

Kids Hall of Fame, 37

Kramarik, Akiane

     as binary prodigy, 37

     birth of, 3

     as chosen, 33–34

     dreams and visions of, 7–20, 21

     early drawings, 9–13

     early paintings, 15, 20, 25

     early poetry, 16–19, 21–24

     first years, 3–7

     injuries, 4, 16

     languages, 16, 19, 30

     naming of, 3

     photos of, vii, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20, 28, 36, 38, 56, 57

     teaching of art to others, 25

     vocabulary of, 5, 8, 18

     works of other artists and, 25

Kramarik, Delfini, 4, 9, 16, 17

     photos of, 15, 38

Kramarik, Foreli

     photos of, 8, 13, 15, 38

Kramarik, Ilia, 15, 16, 17, 32, 35

     photos of, 15, 38

Kramarik, Jeanlu, 4, 14

     photos of, 14, 38

Kramarik, Markus, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12–13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 29, 32

     photos of, 6, 38

Life Without a Leash, 53, 95

“Life Without a Leash,” 95

Life, The, 43

Light-Bearers, The, 67, 104

“Light-Bearers, The,” 104

Listening, 52

Lou Dobbs Show, 30

“Many Lonely Paths,” 94

Missing Years, Jeshua—The, 32–33, 72

Museum of Religious Art, 35–37

music, 12

My Grandmother, 97

“My Grandmother,” 97

My Mother, 10

My Sight Cannot Wait for Me, 55, 56, 93

“My Sight Cannot Wait for Me,” 93

Oprah Winfrey Show, The, 29–30

paintings, expressionistic, 25, 50

Planted Eyes, The, 54, 93

“Planted Eyes, The,” 93

Power of Prayer, The, 76

Prince of Peace: The Resurrection, 25–28, 36, 56–58, 100

Pyramids, The, 83

Rainbow River, The, 44

Raking, The, 45, 98

“Raking, The,” 98

“Searching for Rainbows,” 17

self-portraits, 55, 56, 88, 93

Shroud of Turin, 28

Silence, 69, 102

“Silence,” 102

“Stage, The,” 30–31

Strength, 49

Summer Snow, The, 60, 106

“Summer Snow, The,” 106

Tulilips, 50, 105

“Tulilips,” 105

Upside Down—Inside Out, 86

Victoria (Armenian woman), 4

Waiting, The, 45

Winfrey, Oprah, 29–30

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 6–7