Chronological Bibliography of the Author's Works

1908 Economics (with Frank D. Watson). New York: Macmillan.

1910 Social Religion: A Discussion of the Place of Social Welfare in a Religious Program (pamphlet). Philadelphia: Friends Conference.

1911 Social Adjustment. New York: Macmillan.

The Solution of the Child Labor Problem. New York: Moffat, Yard.

1912 Elements of Economics: With Special Reference to American Conditions (with Henry Reed Burch). New York: Macmillan.

The Super Race: An American Problem. New York: B. W. Huebsch.

Woman and Social Progress: A Discussion of the Biologic, Domestic, Industrial and Social Possibilities of American Women (with Nellie Seeds). New York: Macmillan.

1913 Financing the Wage-Earner's Family: A Survey of the Facts Bearing on Income and Expenditures in the Families of American Wage-Earners. New York: B. W. Huebsch.

Social Sanity. New York: Moffat, Yard.

1914 Reducing the Cost of Living. Philadelphia: G. W. Jacobs. Wages in the United States 1908-1910: A Study of State and Federal Wage Statistics. New York: Macmillan.

1915 Anthracite: An Instance of Natural Resource Monopoly. Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co.

Income: An Examination of the Returns for Services Rendered and from Property Owned in the United States. New York: Macmillan.

The New Education: A Review of Progressive Educational Movements of the Day. Chicago: Row, Peterson, & Co.; (also a pamphlet).

Women in American Industry (pamphlet). Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society.

1916 Community Civics (with Jessie Field). New York: Macmillan.

The Germs of War: A Study in Preparedness (pamphlet). St. Louis, Mo.: National Rip-Saw Publishing Co.

Poverty and Riches: A Study of the Industrial Regime. Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co.

Should Socialism Prevail? Debate between Scott Nearing, Morris Hillquit, John I. Bedford and Frederick M. Davenport (pamphlet). New York: Rand School.

Social Religion: An Interpretation of Christianity in Terms of Modern Life. New York: Macmillan.

1917 The Great Madness: A Victory for the American Plutocracy (pamphlet). New York: Rand School.

The Menace of Militarism (pamphlet). New York: Rand School.

Open Letters to Profiteers: An Arraignment of Big Business in Relation to the World War (pamphlet). New York: Peoples Council of America.

Will Democracy Cure the Social Ills of the World? Debate between Scott Nearing and Clarence Darrow (pamphlet). Chicago: Higgins.

Work and Pay (pamphlet). New York: Rand School.

1918 Address to the Jury (pamphlet). New York: Rand School.

The Coal Question (pamphlet). New York: Rand School.

1919 The Debs Decision (pamphlet). New York: Rand School.

Violence or Solidarity: Will Guns Settle It? (pamphlet). New York: People's Printer.

1920 Europe and the Next World War (pamphlet). New York: Rand School.

Europe in Revolution (pamphlet). New York: Rand School.

Labor and the League of Nations (pamphlet). New York: Rand School.

A Nation Divided: Plutocracy versus Democracy (pamphlet). Chicago: Socialist Party of America.

The New Slavery: The World Made Safe for Plutocracy (pamphlet). Chicago: Socialist Party of America.

The One Big Union of Business (pamphlet). New York: Rand School.

Would the Practice of Christ's Teaching Make for Social Progress? Debate between Scott Nearing and Percy Ward (pamphlet). Girard, Kan.: Peoples Pocket Series.

1921 The American Empire. New York: Rand School.

Rationalism versus Socialism. Debate between Scott Nearing and Percy Ward (pamphlet). Chicago: Kimball Hall.

1922 Can the Church Be Radical? Debate between Scott Nearing and John Haynes Holmes (pamphlet). New York: Hanford Press.

The Next Step: A Plan for Economic World Federation (New York: Social Science Publications.

Irrepressible America (pamphlet). New York: League for Industrial Democracy.

1923 Oil and the Germs of War (pamphlet). Ridgewood, N.J.: the Author.

1924 Bolshevism and the West. Debate between Scott Nearing and Bertrand Russell (pamphlet). New York: League for Public Discussion.

1925 Dollar Diplomacy: A Study in American Imperialism (with Joseph Freeman). New York: B. W. Huebsch. Reprinted in 1966 by Monthly Review Press, New York.

Educational Frontiers: Simon Nelson Patten and Other Teachers. New York: Seltzer.

Has Propaganda Any Value in Education? Debate between Scott Nearing and Alexis Ferm (pamphlet). New York: Rand School.

1926 The British General Strike. New York: Vanguard Press.

British Labor Bids for Power (pamphlet). New York: Social Science Publications.

Education in Soviet Russia. New York: International Publishers.

Glimpses of the Soviet Republic (pamphlet). New York: Social Science Publishers.

The Law of Social Revolution: A Cooperative Study by the Labor Research Study Group. New York: Social Science Publishers.

Russia Turns East: The Triumph of Soviet Diplomacy in Asia (pamphlet). New York: Social Science Publishers.

Stopping a War: The Fight of the French Workers Against the Moroccan Campaign of 1925 (pamphlet). New York: Social Science Publishers.

World Labor Unity (pamphlet). New York: Social Science Publishers.

1927 The Economic Organization of the Soviet Union (with Jack Hardy). New York: Vanguard Press.

The Future of Capitalism and Socialism in America. Symposium by Scott Nearing, Sam A. Lewisohn, M. C. Rorty, Morris Hillquit (pamphlet). New York: League for Industrial Democracy.

Where is Civilization Going? New York: Vanguard Press.

Whither China? An Economic Interpretation of Recent Events in the Far East. New York: International Publishers.

1929 Black America. New York: Vanguard Press. Reprinted in 1969 by Schocken Source Books in Negro History, New York.

1930 An ABC of Communism (pamphlet). Ridgewood, N.J.: the Author.

Capitalism Offers More to the World than Socialism or Communism. Debate between Scott Nearing and E. A. Seligman and Fenner Brockway (pamphlet). New York: Rand School.

Fascism (pamphlet). Ridgewood, N.J.: the Author.

A Humanist Approach to Economics (pamphlet). Salt Lake City, Utah: The Humanist (date approximate).

The Twilight of Empire: An Economic Interpretation of Imperialist Cycles. New York: Vanguard Press.

1931 Another World War (pamphlet). Ridgewood, N.J.: the Author.

From Capitalism to Communism (pamphlet). Washington, D.C.: World Events Committee.

War: Organized Destruction and Mass Murder by Civilized Nations. New York: Vanguard Press. Reprinted in 1971 by Garland Publishing, Inc., New York.

A Warless World (pamphlet). New York: Vanguard Press.

1932 The Decisive Year, 1931 (pamphlet). New York: Urquhart Press.

Free Born: An Unpublishable Novel. New York: Urquhart Press.

Must We Starve? New York: Vanguard Press; (pamphlet, New York: Urquhart Press).

Which Offers More for the Future, Communism, Socialism or Capitalism? Debate between Scott Nearing, Norman Thomas, D. D. Lescohier (pamphlet). Chicago: Popular Interest Publishing Co.

Why Hard Times? A Study of the Economic and Social Forces that are Sweeping Away Capitalist Imperialism (pamphlet). New York: Urquhart Press.

1934 Europe-West and East (pamphlet). Ridgewood, N.J.: the Author.

1936 The European Civil War: The First Twenty Years 1911-36 (pamphlet). Baltimore, Md.: Christian Social Justice Fund.

Public Opinion and the Town Meeting Idea. Symposium by Scott Nearing, Dorothy Thompson and Lawrence Dennis (pamphlet). New York: American Book Co.

1937 World Perspective: A Survey, Analysis and Synthesis (pamphlet). Ridgewood, N.J.: the Author.

1940 The Rise and Decline of Christian Civilization (pamphlet). Ridgewood, N.J.: the Author.

The Second World War: An Evaluation (pamphlet). Ridgewood, N.J.: the Author.

1943 Should the United States and Great Britain Police the World? Debate between Scott Nearing and Harry Watson (pamphlet). New York: Spinoza Institute.

1945 Democracy Is Not Enough. New York: Island Workshop Press.

1946 The Soviet Union as a World Power. New York: Island Press.

The Tragedy of Empire. New York: Island Press.

United World: The Road to International Peace. New York: Island Workshop Press.

The New Age-Will It Be Dark or Golden? (pamphlet). Washington, D.C.: World Events Committee (date approximate).

The New World Order and Some of Its Immediate Problems. Washington, D.C.: World Events Committee (date approximate).

Victory Without Peace (pamphlet). Washington, D.C.: World Events Committee.

War or Peace. New York: Island Press.

1947 The Revolution of Our Time. New York: Island Workshop Press.

1948 What the U.S. Could Do for the World (pamphlet). Washington, D.C.: World Events Committee.

1949 Sound the Alarm (pamphlet). New York: Monthly Review Press.

Soviet Education (pamphlet). Harborside, Maine: Social Science Institute.

Why I Believe in Socialism (pamphlet). Washington, D.C.: World Events Committee.

1950 The Maple Sugar Book (with Helen K. Nearing). New York: John Day. Reprinted in 1971 by Schocken Books, New York.

1952 Economics for the Power Age. New York: John Day.

1954 Living the Good Life (with Helen K. Nearing). Harborside, Maine: Social Science Institute. Reprinted in 1970 by Schocken Books, New York.

Man's Search for the Good Life. Harborside, Maine: Social Science Institute.

1955 U.S.A. Today (with Helen K. Nearing). Harborside, Maine: Social Science Institute.

1956 To Promote the General Welfare: An Essay on the Powers and Duties of Government and the Rights, Obligations and Responsibilities of Citizens (pamphlet). Harborside, Maine: Social Science Institute.

1958 The Brave New World (with Helen K. Nearing). Harborside, Maine: Social Science Institute.

Socialists Around the World. New York: Monthly Review Press.

1959 Our Right to Travel (with Helen K. Nearing; pamphlet). Harborside, Maine: Social Science Institute.

1961 Economic Crisis in the United States (pamphlet). Harborside, Maine: Social Science Institute.

Freedom: Promise and Menace, A Critique on the Cult of Freedom. Harborside, Maine: Social Science Institute.

1962 Socialism in Practice: The Transformation of East Europe. New York: New Century.

1963 Cuba and Latin America: An Eyewitness Report on the Continental Congress for Solidarity with Cuba (pamphlet). Harborside, Maine: Social Science Institute.

1965 The Conscience of a Radical. Harborside, Maine: Social Science Institute.

1966 Dollar Diplomacy: A Study in American Imperialism (with Joseph Freeman). Reprint. New York: Monthly Review Press (orig. pub. 1925).

1969 Black America. Reprint. New York: Schocken Books (orig. pub. 1929).

1970 Living the Good Life (with Helen K. Nearing). Reprint. New York: Schocken Books (orig. pub. 1954).

1971 War: Organized Destruction and Mass Murder by Civilized Nations. Reprint. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc. (orig. pub. 1931).

The Maple Sugar Book (with Helen K. Nearing). Reprint. New York: Schocken Books (orig. pub. 1950).

1972 The Making of a Radical: A Political Autobiography. New York: Harper & Row.

1975 Civilization and Beyond: Learning from History. Harborside, Maine: Social Science Institute.