Thank you to Anica Rissi, an editor of extraordinary vision and sensitivity, and to the entire team at Simon Pulse, for everything they have done and continue to do for my writing career.
To Stephen Barbara, one of the world’s great agents. I would work on any project with you.
To my writing partner, Rebecca Serle. I just want to say that you’re beautiful; you’re looking incredible; girl, you’re making everybody’s day.
To Kendra Levin and Emily Heddleson for their constant friendship and keen editorial guidance. You are amazing.
To Katie Hanson, who has been unwavering in her enthusiasm for my writing, and in her willingness to let me take over the entire living room with my notes.
To Jeremy Glaser, without whom my protagonist would have no arbitrary time constraint, and no last name.
To my history experts: Andrew and Caddie Martin, the Freedom Trail Foundation, and the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, particularly Patti Vaticano and Kelly McEvoy. Any historical facts that I got right are thanks to these sources; any historical inaccuracies are my own inventions.
I’d like to acknowledge the influence of the writings of Benedict Anderson, Erich Auerbach, and Walter Benjamin on Chelsea’s musings on history and the simultaneity of time.
And, as always, thank you to my parents and friends for their love and support.