Picture Credits

1.   Cromwell with crown, sceptre and orb (akg-images/British Library)

2a. One of the earliest known contemporary images of Cromwell, early 1640s (© National Portrait Gallery, London)

2b. John Lilburne, Leveller (Private Collection/Bridgeman Images)

3.   Battle plan of Naseby on vellum (© British Library Board. All Rights Reserved/Bridgeman Images)

4a. Delaroche, Cromwell over Charles’s body (akg-images)

4b. Hat of Judge Bradshaw (Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, UK/Bridgeman Images)

5.   ‘The World Turn’d Upside Down’ (akg-images/British Library)

6a. Cromwell’s reinvestiture as Lord Protector, 1657 (akg-images/British Library)

6b. Portrait of Cromwell as General by Robert Walker, 1649 (© National Portrait Gallery, London)

7a. Cromwell’s letter to the House of Commons after the victory at Naseby, 1645 (The Stapleton Collection/Bridgeman Images)

7b. Cromwell’s reply to a petition of the East India Company, 1657 (akg-images/World History Archive)

8a. Cromwell’s death mask (© Mark Fiennes/Bridgeman Images)

8b. Copper gilt coffin plate (Sotheby’s)