Out of This World is published by Stone Arch Books,
A Capstone Imprint
1710 Roe Crest Drive
North Mankato, Minnesota 56003

Text © 2017 Raymond Bean
Illustrations © 2017 Stone Arch Books

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Bean, Raymond, author.
Title: The Curse of Mars / by Raymond Bean.
Description: North Mankato, Minnesota : Stone Arch Books, an imprint of Capstone Press, [2016]. |
Series: Out of this world, out of this world |
Summary: Ten-year-old Starr is thrilled to be one of the first humans to visit Mars, along with the rest of her family and two children from the space tourism program--but when the planetary exploration vehicle that Starr and the other children are in malfunctions it is up to her to figure out a way to contact the adults so they can be rescued.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016013785| ISBN 9781496536150 (library binding) | ISBN 9781496536198 (paperback) | ISBN 9781496536273 (ebook pdf) | ISBN 9781496536235 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Space stations--Juvenile fiction. | Space tourism--Juvenile fiction. | Roving vehicles (Astronautics)--Juvenile fiction. | Middle-born children--Juvenile fiction. | Brothers and sisters--Juvenile fiction. | Mars (Planet)--Exploration--Juvenile fiction. | CYAC: Space stations--Fiction. | Space tourism--Fiction. | Roving vehicles (Astronautics)--Fiction. | Brothers and sisters--Fiction. | Mars (Planet)--Exploration--Fiction.
Classification: LCC PZ7.B3667 Cu 2016 | DDC 813.6 [Fic] --dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016013785

Illustrated by: Matthew Vimislik
Designer: Veronica Scott