Dear family,

Thank you for all the updates.

I have much to say about Africa this week. The work is hard, but we’ve seen a lot of good the past few days, so I can’t complain. I’ll get to all that very important spiritual stuff soon enough but not until I give Simon a massively huge high five. You should probably go ahead and build a permanent trophy case for the golden soccer ball. With Lane on your team, the rest of us don’t stand a chance. I’m curious though. Did you and Jamie have an actual fight over this? Like, was there blood? I’m sorry I missed it if there was. I’m happy for you, however it happened. Lane’s cool. I’m glad she’ll be a part of the family.

So I know you’re not technically engaged yet, so no pressure. But if you do start to talk wedding dates, I’m thinking fall of NEXT year would be great. Just throwing that out there. In case you’re interested in having the handsomest of the Hamilton brothers in any of your photos.

I’ll write more soon. I love you all. Keep the letters coming.

Peace out from Africa.

Elder Hamilton